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Sometimes your just lucky
05:26:02 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Master Blaster:

Eye in the sky results brought by Mr. Master Blaster 1 hours ago:
Casting Eye in the sky from Wizard Keep upon Mwhaha Hehuhu with 18% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Mwhaha Hehuhu from Mr. Gwn[Phi]:
Mwhaha Hehuhu from Mr. Gwn
I knew the city would be mowed over anyway so I decided to try whatever spells I could and low and behold.

05:47:31 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Half Baked:

 There have been some pretty low % wins before. I remember one guy beat an army with a scout at 1%, lol.

06:23:32 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Master Blaster:

Unfortunatly luck can run the other way also. I have had 90% chances blow up in my face as well.

06:24:06 Apr 27th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

And somebody ground his own army to extinction attacking with 5%..hmm who was that again?!:P

15:46:08 Apr 27th 07 - Lord Argyle:

Low percentage still have a chance of succes, otherwise it would say 0%....I know from much experience, that percentage is just the chance of succes, and then you add you faith, and boom! you win all low % battles and can cast spell from 1% with succes. Have faith!

18:32:25 Apr 27th 07 - Sir Paffician:

Am more unlucky then lucky.... my best success were like 40-50 % and thats nothing rare, but my biggest lost was 99% and that is what i call rare!!!

18:33:45 Apr 27th 07 - Lord Osiris:

low % often works for spells i find.. if i cast ghost warriors 7 times 3-4 will work. Ownage was always the same. nearly half my casts have worked.

19:06:24 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

back in the times of heaven, i took 2 100k+ cities with under 5% chance from HBD.

i also killed a load of androgeos's armies with under 20% chance (about 5 armies in a couple of rl days) a few eras ago.


19:08:19 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Adolf Yellow:

I was in heaven as god of war lol.

22:25:50 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Mr. Adolf Yellow


4/27/2007 7:08:19 PMI was in heaven as god of war lol.


22:57:51 Apr 27th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Heaven or the rip off KoH? i have found i fail a very high amount of high level spells which is annoying only 1/5 StGs seem to work while lvl 7-8 spells work more often then not. its annoying

00:38:25 Apr 28th 07 - Mr. Master Blaster:

Most of my StG spells have only worked with a 30 to 40% chance for some reason all higher % chances have always failed.

18:01:06 May 6th 07 - Mr. Soldieroffortune:

well my bro did something almost impossible ... he missed casting eye on the the sky 10 times in a row whit an 85% chance of success

18:06:53 May 6th 07 - Mr. Kongdust:

last era i failed twice in a row with 96% chance!!

02:43:28 May 7th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Try losing 2 consecutive battles at 99 and 98% :)

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