Forums / In game politics / Spy vs Spy Boom vs Mad

Spy vs Spy Boom vs Mad
23:26:53 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

Apperantly mad has planted a spy in the inside ranks of Boom. None of us realy suspected anything untill a Mad member had enough and started warning us about this awfull spying. So the MAD member desided to send us the warning msg wich will be linked next. (notice how mr MAD speaks exacltly like mr. spy. in caps)

Message From Mr. Simo

Animation Cente

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Mr. Simo (8/27/2009 12:38:31 PM) 

You (8/27/2009 1:35:56 PM)
Mr. Freddy (8/27/2009 1:38:52 PM)

Make a reply regarding Animation Cente
Send a new letter to Mr. Simo


So lets check the spying that mr Freddie actually have been doing.

Casting Rain of fire from Freddy upon Bang with 72% chance of success  and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 19796 men in The Bang from Mr. Simo got burned to death. You lost 1976 Spellweavers and 573 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Rain of fire from Freddy upon Bang with 72% chance of success  and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 24745 men in The Bang from Mr. Simo got burned to death. You lost 2935 Spellweavers and 824 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Rain of fire from Freddy upon Bang with 71% chance of success  and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 30931 men in The Bang from Mr. Simo got burned to death. You lost 3452 Spellweavers and 938 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Bang bang you are dead ?

23:36:56 Aug 27th 09 - Ms. Kittie Arghhh:

bang bang.. U might onl be close to death... but that is sorta good too :P

23:52:13 Aug 27th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:


00:56:56 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

guess he was a spy afterall, he opened up hes blocker.


City Info
Owner: Mr. FreddyKingdom Banner
Size: 14400 building(s).
Kingdom: Dynamite
Gates: open

01:57:49 Aug 28th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

haha opening a blocker?? thats not nearly close to enough proof for calling someone a spy and ruining his reputation, it would be more fair to think your accusation thoroughly before accusing him of spying again.

City Info
Owner: Mr. Freddy
Size: 14400 building(s).
Kingdom: Dynamite
Gates: closed

04:05:37 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Soundwave:

Nah :) Mr. Simo are right

and a couple of us are not suprise at all ;)

04:08:16 Aug 28th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:


04:57:59 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Prince Highwayman


16:35:20 Aug 25th 09
Look what happens when the bad guys see an entire team of MAD armies charging in his direction.  Not only has Freddy run away, he has decided we are a better option than Dynamite.  :-))

Mr. Freddy (8/24/2009 9:36:40 PM) GOOD BAD
my cities are in their core :@ if i leave them now than i m dead,
but if u entered, and take the north core from tashkent and down , i will be happy joining u.

Mr. Maverick


16:39:38 Aug 25th 09
waaaaaa. i dont like guys like this. i better be dead fighting with my friends.

Mr. Milk


16:41:50 Aug 25th 09
Two headed snake is what MAD dont need. He might double cross us...

05:00:02 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Mr. Milk


15:23:33 Aug 27th 09

And what the deal with Freddy

Prince Highwayman


15:38:14 Aug 27th 09
I just killed Freddy's scout.  As long as he is wearing Dynamite colours he is a legitimate target for us.  And as soon as he isn't he will be a legitimate target for Dynamite as well. hahahahaha

05:19:34 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Palpatine:

well this is interesting.

in another game i once told my arch enemy(who was lithium in this game) of a spy in his ranks coz frankly its abhorrent and i dont like to see in a small tight group that sort of thing. didnt actually do me any favours to do so but what sino did by exposing this guy to dynamite might not really be a disloyalty to mad but just a deep conviction this sort of play needs to be flushed out. i hope mad are lenient on him.

as for this blocker, knowing all this and all the posts now on forum that you oppose such gameplay, i humbly recommend you ignore this open blocker and not exploit this (as tempting as it may be) and allow boom to deal with him and you take them on with the merits of your armies on the blockers that are defending. you have done the right thing so far in not accepting in this person.

08:11:31 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Billious:

In business it's custom and practice for both sides to prosecute justice with maximum force... regardless of which side the spy is working for.

09:01:16 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Palpatine:

i think since he was the number 2 for most powerful rulers on zeta and he had big cities outside the core very close to the approaching MAD armies, we can possible see what his motive was in this.

11:33:52 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

Thanks for providing those posts @Ryan. Looks like Freddy is untagged now. I might be considered abit dumb for making open board posts arround matters like this. But it allways have the wanted effect of sorting out exactly what is going on very fast.

Let the war continue :-)

oh and P.S. I am not a yoghurt lol.

12:54:09 Aug 28th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

kill the traitor!!!

13:02:08 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Billious:


Mr. Billious.

The city of Fdanger is now under our command!

They had 93598 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 390 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 60524 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 1 troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.


Scratch one city.

13:05:18 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

We've taken in ALOT of players this era and among the golds and the silvers there is bound to be atleast one rotten egg.

Props to MAD for not taking advantage of the situation - just passing infront of the opened blocker - and killing the traitor first.
Would also like to take the opportunity to admit defeat. Clearly MAD was the better kd this era. Sure we can come up with lame excuses like fighting on too many fronts etc but the bitter truth is that MAD was just better. I look forward to fighting with you next era - alongside or against. Hopefully we can whip ourselves in better shape next era and compete!

(btw, a special mention of maverick who has given half our kd a constant headache every day of the last week)

13:48:15 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Mafiaa:

LOL just to tell u dynamites we didnt plant no spy;) he turned against u guys...

14:08:40 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Jalal:

we shudnt trust the mafiaaa.. mafiaa are dangerous :(

14:15:16 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

you can atleast trust him in this

15:18:13 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

@Mafiaa its a good idea to read the entire thread before commenting :-)

15:20:38 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Maverick:

did i cause that much trouble? ^^

22:56:13 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Sultan:

Mr. Maverick


07:20:38 Aug 28th 09
did i cause that much trouble? ^^

only cause i allowed it, i was nice and let you have fun, LOL. It wouldn have looked good if a first timer in VU killed your 500k armies right?

same with ignis, :)

BTW i am joking...:)

22:57:43 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

well over 150k archmages.. would cause problems with anyone..

23:22:26 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Sultan:

nah, he was no match for me, right marverick? LOL ;)

i was just being nice since he travelled this far distance. wanted him to enjoy his stay in talent, and feel at home :)

@ brainiac, i think it was (still is) over 200k, probably around 250k


02:20:12 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Mafiaa:

@dynamite, i owned u all:D

21:52:45 Aug 29th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

you cant even own your anus, how can you own dynamite?

23:17:05 Aug 29th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Purely because I have been mentioned in this thread and because some might think I was encouraging a spy I am posting my entire conversation with Freddy.  I am a bit annoyed that Alliance forum posts have been repeated in public, that would never have happened in the times gone past :(

You (8/24/2009 8:57:51 PM)
What a shame you smashed up that city - nowhere to hide now :-))
Mr. Freddy (8/24/2009 9:11:13 PM) GOOD BAD
hehehehe look for real i was in KOA alliance, and i dont like dynamit alliance, we joined them only coz they won on us and took our core, i hate to take orders from them, they want me to stay , but i wont.
and this is my first era, so m not so powerfull, still learning.
Mr. Freddy (8/24/2009 9:14:32 PM) GOOD BAD
and if u want any information to make dynamit loose i m ready (6) hahah , and btw m not scared , i can run away ;)
You (8/24/2009 9:30:02 PM)
Nice army for first era. I know what is in our city - if they could have killed you they would have.

If you will take a bit of advice from me - leave them by all means but don't betray them. Reputations matter in this game.
Mr. Freddy (8/24/2009 9:36:40 PM) GOOD BAD
my cities are in their core :@ if i leave them now than i m dead,
but if u entered, and take the north core from tashkent and down , i will be happy joining u.

After that last I decided not to prolong the conversation.  All's fair in love and war they say but I still say reputations matter most.

00:28:30 Aug 30th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

The past seems basically gone Highwayman...the honor of the past has become numb...and the new generation plays the game the way it wants to.  Thus the way of the world.

00:32:00 Aug 30th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

noone is actually suggesting that mad tried to recruit this guy as a spy. At first i admit i thought it was a frame. but turned out that the guy was just an idiot. so no worries Highway guy. The public postings of your locs dont look bad on you at all. it just clarify things.

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