Forums / In game politics / Starta 16

Starta 16
01:59:00 Aug 18th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

While we wait patiently for the bloodshed to begin...

Cup of tea, anyone?

16:07:29 Sep 10th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

Um... 1st? lol. Gees the foums are quiet this era.

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Starta
GHOSTS10Mr. Timion133
Two Steps From Hell9Mr. Anonymous of Starta100
Kingdom Hearts10Sir Sorra94
Odins last stand4Mr. Dokken Odins Unchained Knight39

01:48:45 Sep 11th 12 - Mr. Timion:

There is another Starta Age 16 forum.  It is also quiet....

09:32:25 Sep 11th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

Yes but this one was made first so we're using it. Well I am. No-one else is by the look of it. lol.

05:50:58 Sep 18th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

I stay faithful to my topic! ;P

12:35:46 Sep 18th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

So apparently Ghosts are gonna cast Arma soon I hear. I think it's bit early isn't it? :P

14:32:55 Sep 18th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):

They're just scared of my farmer armies.

23:36:48 Sep 18th 12 - Silverthimh (Mr. Erfer The IV):


02:58:30 Sep 19th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

They farm and farm, and then when the world turns against them, they want to end the era. :( Very poor sportsmanship, I say.

10:00:06 Sep 19th 12 - Mr. Timion:

Kingdom Hearts, Odins and Two-Steps from Hell  (ie:  all remaining kingdoms) say they have all quietly NAPed each other two? weeks ago in order to defeat us Ghosts.  Our defeat is likely.  

We will take solace, however, that such august players decided to permanently NAP each other in fear that a pasted together kingdom of relatively new and random players might achieve victory.  

Speaking of being new, I was surprised that Armageddon could be completely canceled so easily.  When I cast it, the message says that the spell can't be stopped unless you conquer or destroy the casting city. 

My understanding  (from the three eras I have survived until Armageddon) was that the vote was only whether to end the era immediately instead of waiting 240 ticks.   I did expect the vote to go down so as to allow you all to do your 240 tick "anti-farmer" rampage, but I did not expect the partial vote to actually cancel the spell. 

 I cast it less than twelve hours ago and one third of the players haven't even logged in to vote.   Here is the news feed:

Current date: 2012-09-18 23:46:51 (VU Day 19532)

    There are currently 88 players online.

    Character news

    20:19:06 - Armageddon was canceled! There were 10 rulers who wanted the age to end, 11 rulers who didn't, and 11 rulers who did not vote.


    10:07:49 Sep 19th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):

    Says the guy who farmed half the era doing nothing but endless farming for 2 consecutive eras.

    10:23:34 Sep 19th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    All in all there are 32 people to vote, 10 voted for it (Probly all of Ghosts), 11 voted against it, and 11 didn't vote. Even if those 11 voted for Arma, it'd be 21 to 11. 11 is over 50% of 21. If over 50% of people don't want Arma then it is canceled.

    14:59:19 Sep 19th 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

    11:58:30 Sep 19th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    They farm and farm, and then when the world turns against them, they want to end the era. :( Very poor sportsmanship, I say.
    19:07:49 Sep 19th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):
    Says the guy who farmed half the era doing nothing but endless farming for 2 consecutive eras.

    Although Tim already pointed out the 22 vs 10 nap alliance I'd like to point out a few other things.
    1. Being the dark diplomacy of KH, which all kingdoms know about already I presume.

    2. The fact that after a 5 day oop war it took you guys 25 days to conjure up armies and attack
    3. We haven't been farming, we just havn't been able to go on the attack without letting one of our flanks have a weak spot allowing the enemy a passage to our core.
    4. "Mr. Axwell has won 34 battles, captured 26 cities and killed a total of 499336 men and women." I have the most kills in the world, ohh no guise i a farm3r..
    5. Timion is our kingdom mage, hence no armies from him derp.

    16:07:21 Sep 19th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    5 day OOP war? Lol, I do believe it was a bit longer than that. Don't be dramatic.

    05:20:08 Sep 20th 12 - Mr. Timion:

    Ghosts launched our attack to land on Two-Steps on August 30th. I think that is about 10 days out of protection <it might be 12..I'm not sure if pre-game travel time is counted>. After that, we have been fighting Two Steps and Odins continuously.

    Incubus probably did us the most damage in that time period. He destroyed three sequential HOH armies, and I burn't half a million mages trying to root him out of Legion Diggers. In addition, his '"threat in being" also tied down two full armies at all times.

    In the center corridor, we have been fighting Two-Steps continously. I have been impressed with the teamwork his kingdom has shown there...they were facing larger armies, but close coordination, good timing and some clever force marches allowed them to minimize the damage of the initial attack and then to advance, albeit slowly. Belkin just tried a gambit move to draw them off their advance, but I don't see his Hoh army any more ....

    Thank Karta Killer for the math explanation..the numbers make sense if you don't count people who didn't vote.

    I am still surprised that the vote cancels Armageddon the other eras I've played the vote was to speed Armageddon, not to cancel it. And the voting hung around for a lot longer than 8 hours. Is the quick vote resolution and the complete canceling of Armageddon something that others have experienced?

    05:39:23 Sep 20th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    It's happened before. Like I said, if over 50% of people don't want Arma then it is canceled. It doesn't happen much but it does happen. Usually most people either vote for Arma and the era ends right away, or it is inconclusive and the era keeps going for X amount of days before Arma as per the usual countdown.

    06:14:15 Sep 20th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    The voting system was a bit unusual, I've never seen it before. When I last played, Arma was cast and that was that.

    08:00:07 Sep 20th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

    11:20:08 Sep 20th 12 - Mr. Timion:

    In addition, his '"threat in being" also tied down two full armies at all times.

    Nice to see someone familiar with a naval term.

    03:38:05 Sep 22nd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    Arma again? Are you serious?

    05:55:33 Sep 22nd 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    Maybe he's thinking us TSFH members will vote for Arma now that we're winning. Maybe he's right... Although personally I think there's still more fighting to do. We can't let the Ghosts keep roaming our mortal plane. Gotta salt and burn their bodies. lol

    20:13:32 Sep 22nd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    With 16 votes for yes, it would seem that another kingdom does want to end it. I do not see why, however, since GHOSTS is the only kingdom taking a beating. There's still much plunder and slaves to be taken.

    20:14:42 Sep 22nd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    Kingdoms in Starta
    Two Steps From Hell9Mr. Anonymous of Starta107
    Kingdom Hearts10Sir Sorra100
    GHOSTS10Mr. Timion93
    Odins last stand3Mr. Dokken Odins Unchained Knight33

    20:39:23 Sep 22nd 12 - Silverthimh (Mr. Erfer The III):

    The 'Teams' of this is horribly unfair to be honest. I just want the era over and start a fresh one, also, can anyone explain how the map deal works? Because didn't we change map this era?

    00:55:25 Sep 23rd 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    The map is random each era.

    06:04:19 Sep 23rd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    How are the 'teams' unfair? If my 'teams', you mean kingdom, it is entirely what you make of it. Odin has only three members, and have some of the largest armies in the field. It takes more than numbers to make a kingdom effective.

    07:50:43 Sep 23rd 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):

    Let's stop discussing stuff with them, Cad, they're just bad losers :P

    10:05:57 Sep 23rd 12 - Pure (Sir Pure):

    05:13:32 Sep 23rd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    With 16 votes for yes, it would seem that another kingdom does want to end it. I do not see why, however, since GHOSTS is the only kingdom taking a beating. There's still much plunder and slaves to be taken.

    Wait wait wait, Ghosts are the only kingdom taking a beating? Have you yet to notice I waltzed into your core with only 17k rockthrowers and now have over 200k with no sight of stopping soon? Especially after bouncing a 245k army with 91% after I was inactive for 3 days?

    P.s thanks for the 900k slaves and 20mill+ in resources.

    14:15:37 Sep 23rd 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    All of us took a beating at one point. 

    Incubus' main army is gone. Knigh's army is gone. 
    You are taking their cities in the southeast with zero to little resistance. 
    And you just can't take around 13 big armies all at the same time.

    So,why don't we just end this? Agree?

    15:41:02 Sep 23rd 12 - Mr. Timion:


    "22:50:43 Sep 22nd 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):

    Let's stop discussing stuff with them, Cad, they're just bad losers :P"

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -  -- - -  - - -
    I am not exactly sure what a "good loser" would do.   I've encouraged my kingdom to fight on as best they can against all three of the Napped kingdoms.  I've also reluctantly participated in these forums to acknowledge the almost certain defeat of Ghosts so that people outside Ghosts are more likely to vote for Armageddon.

    If I were a bad loser, I would tell my kingdom members to let TSFH through any gates, to make sure KH doesn't catch them in score.

    If I were a bad loser, I think I would encourage Ghosts to quit the kingdom and attempt to join Odins.   If Odins accepted, it could give Odins a score worthy of their combat effectiveness.  

    If I were a bad loser, I would try to deconstruct my Armadeddon city and then encourage my  kingdom members to always vote against Armageddon, so that the three Napped kingdoms could enjoy a few more weeks of defacto farming. 

    KH would probably be happy with the additional weeks of farming..after all they spent 50% more time farming than even us Ghosts.

    <gahh..I feel dirty after writing this...Its almost as if I am a member of KH's leadership team>.

    16:32:57 Sep 23rd 12 - Sir Sorra:

    ^ Says the one who's only victory ever came through farming nearly 80% of the era, and the one who attempted to use the same tactic again this era. 

    New Flash: There is something called OOP in this game. Look it up its a cool concept. It seems the only way GHOSTS knows how to fight  is by farming long periods before entering combat. And the concept of "Out of protection war" does not register with them. So lets not compare our two kingdoms on that front thank you very much. 

    KH has been here, on this world for a while and I think the Kingdom holds the most Era victories on Starta through multiple leaders. Our reputation on this world for fighting and keeping agreements is solid. We have seen Kingdoms phase in and out of existence here, and you can ask many of our allies or even enemies that our reputation for not picking on the little guy, keeping agreements and not farming is solid. I let your trash talking of my two vices slide only because the actual founder of GHOSTS was a good friend of mine. I let you live of the close personal relationship I had with him. But that last line was completely uncalled for and I will not allow you to think you can get away by completely bad mouthing these two wonderful players (or anyone else in KH for that matter) . 

    Next era, maybe try not using the tactic of mostly farming throughout OOP while everyone else is fighting then swooping down and trying to take out the winner while they are still weak and maybe we can have something to talk about. 

    And FYI: We can cast arma any time we want. We have more then one player capable of casting every spell. So no, no one was dependent on you to cast Arma at all. It was a conscious decision by us not to cast it until we have wiped you out, nothing to do with inability. 

    19:03:48 Sep 23rd 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    - Is it just GHOSTS and KH in here?

    - Is there a rule when to cast Arma? Will it be only when there is one KD left?

    21:42:04 Sep 23rd 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    Sir Pure, I do not see your armies anywhere near any of our cities. I see a Mr. Axwell, who's taken about 4 of our outer lying cities - not even hardly a "core" of ours. With our kingdom spread across the entire southern, and even northeastern, edges of the map, it's quite impossible for you to say that you've invaded our core as if it's the only one in existence. 

    01:45:08 Sep 24th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    Just some thoughts... :)

    - I do believe that Sir Pure is Mr. Axwell in Starta.
    - Do you even have a core?
    - 4 outer lying cities? Those are even past some of your should/must be "blockers" in that area.

    03:21:00 Sep 24th 12 - Sir Cadmus IX:

    Indeed they are. In no way do I intend to undermine the effectiveness of Mr. Axwell (Sir Pure?) in his assault, it was due to some neglect that he slipped by and took the cities that he did. Needless to say, our focus was a bit more to the northwest. :P The risk he poses as of current, however, is very minimal. Even if he were to take all of those cities there, it would not effect our war by any means in the north. There is not enough time for him to even reach any of our other settlements unless he abandoned that area entirely at this very moment.

    08:49:14 Sep 24th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Konspier):

    01:45:08 Sep 24th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    Just some thoughts... :)

    - I do believe that Sir Pure is Mr. Axwell in Starta.
    - Do you even have a core?
    - 4 outer lying cities? Those are even past some of your should/must be "blockers" in that area.

    - How could there possibly be any doubt about that? /whois Axwell :D
    - That core was not our core. it was MY core :'(
    - My blockers blocked though. My 25k slingers just weren't enough to stop him.

    10:12:15 Sep 24th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    - Sorry, I do not know how to use that command. 

    - Sorry for your core. 
    - I can see that you are not the only one near those blockers.

    10:24:45 Sep 24th 12 - Konspyre (Mr. Pineapple):

    - Learn it, it's useful
    - No problem, I'll just grab a new one from GHOSTS
    -My blockers. They just went ahead and made some cities there :P

    15:46:36 Sep 29th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    So... Arma?

    20:59:43 Sep 29th 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

    00:46:36 Sep 30th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    So... Arma?

    I'm still alive mate ;)

    21:26:49 Sep 29th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    I know, that's why someone better hurry up and cast arma before you kill off all of KH. lol.

    01:50:42 Sep 30th 12 - Endless (Ms. Getone):

    considering only Anonymous even tried to spank his army should you provoke him to come look for your cities again KK? :D

    04:08:02 Sep 30th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    I wasn't provoking him I was complementing him. lol. He's actually doing a good job.

    Also, Arma has been cast. Firstly, who voted to not to end it? Secondly, WHY CAN'T I VOTE? It just shows who voted for what, it didn't ask me to choose. Is the vote just carried over from last time or sometime? Shouldn't it ask you again?

    08:15:51 Sep 30th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

    It should ask you every time.  I was not asked either

    12:32:28 Sep 30th 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

    You only get one vote for Armageddon every era, everyone used there vote when we casted it earlier in the era

    12:41:44 Sep 30th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    @Axwell,so that's how is it. Thanks for the info. But I guess it should be changed.

    @Endless,he can come anytime. Anon did it because he said he can. But if he said that he can't,we have a lot of troops ready to come at him anytime. I can even sacrifice every advents I have. :)

    12:46:11 Sep 30th 12 - Pure (Sir Screwbacca):

    21:41:44 Sep 30th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    @Axwell,so that's how is it. Thanks for the info. But I guess it should be changed.

    I would usually agree with this, but at the moment I am glad that I have an extra 240 ticks to fight on :p

    13:11:37 Sep 30th 12 - Ms. Esdese:

    Fight well! Enjoy your last moment in Starta (not in an offensive sense). :)

    18:51:10 Sep 30th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Son of Odin):

    too much peace!!!!

    wish there was a way to hurry up arma so we can start again

    19:46:55 Sep 30th 12 - Mr. Karta Killa:

    Ask ZeTa to end it. lol.

    13:57:01 Oct 2nd 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

    Well done KH for finally repelling me, Congratulations to whom wins the era (Kingdom and player) Will be looking forward to see you all on the battlefield nxt era :)

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