Forums / In game politics / Starta 23

Starta 23
17:36:41 Jul 16th 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Flax):

Get your friends, your enemies, your dogs,cats. I don't care. Just remember you are entering into a world of Dendarii pit vipers. Be careful where you step.

19:52:09 Jul 16th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Pedant):

im joining the little guy, so if anyones playing and needs players then hit me up!

19:51:25 Jul 22nd 13 - Imperator Maximus Decimus Meridius:

The Senate and the People of Rome issue by decree of the Imperium that Rome will bring down the thunder of Jupiter upon those who defile the ancient temples and Gods of The Romans. I am husband to a murdered wife and child, those responsible will have vengeance struck upon them in this life or the next.

20:50:36 Jul 24th 13 - Mr. Landry:

Rome6Imperator Maximus Decimus Meridius100
Dendarii Mercenary Corps9Beast Lord Jangsta Suu88
Dreadnaught3Sir Valkyros XVII87
Dark Rising6Mr. Grimdeath34
Dragons Maze1Mr. Nicol Bolas19
Suluing Starta1Mr. George Takei18
Goths2Sir Forthelolz14

22:06:20 Jul 24th 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

dandarii for the win ;)

04:47:20 Jul 30th 13 - NazT (Mr. George Takei):

I'm willing to pay a premium price for tree.

06:05:14 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:


16:32:09 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

who wants to come and help me against incubus :P

22:45:39 Aug 2nd 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):


22:46:54 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Duke Slender Frame Displayer):

come then, he is scary :S

22:51:54 Aug 2nd 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

your mom is scary, but dont see me asking for help with her! 

jk, i love u sfd aka dean. aka noob. 

u guys better help him! he sucks! 

23:06:55 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

yeh isten to this apparent self proclaimed god of VU :P

23:14:26 Aug 2nd 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

it's the Deandarii round for us!! SFD FTW

23:25:01 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

who needs slaves?
grim has been so kind and gave me some.........FOR FREEEE! :P

23:38:34 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

I always needs slaves

21:21:12 Aug 7th 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

how are your wars going people?
hopes they are good :D

02:30:32 Aug 18th 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

Starta 23, Age of weaksauce armies.

02:48:31 Aug 18th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

If you're referring to my army you just froze, I'll have you know that's just 1/4 of my troops.

03:01:57 Aug 18th 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

I wasn't pointing to anyone specific. As a whole, I have seen pathetic armies all around.


03:07:51 Aug 18th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

Well, that's true for the most part lol but the toughest armies on the map have barely even touched the field yet.  I for one am waiting for a certain someone from Rome to let his troops hit the field... could get scary lol.

03:37:27 Aug 18th 13 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Are you awaiting for Leftover?

04:08:12 Aug 18th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

I'm not sure :p

05:16:57 Aug 18th 13 - Grim (Mr. Bili The Axe):

I got some troops but their not scary... just grim.

06:53:36 Aug 18th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

Howdy Grim, did not know that was you :p

13:33:04 Aug 18th 13 - Arkantos (Mr. Landry):

Bad era, made too many mistakes next era you'll have your scary war ;)

15:36:44 Aug 18th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

I hope we all start right beside eachother and put everything into the OOP wars, no going and settling new cores lol

16:19:50 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:


If it is possible, can somebody please cast Armageddon? This era is winding to a close, and I would not enjoy prolonging it. It is painfully clear who the winner is already. 

If we don't do this soon, we will find ourselves in trouble. 

16:35:43 Aug 21st 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

I'll cast it soon :)  Tonight or in the morning.

16:45:40 Aug 21st 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):


Casting Armageddon from Big Block upon Dynusia with 31% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. We lost 32544 Illusionists and 3387 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

guess I'll do it now lol.

17:42:47 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Smallfry:


Please vote yes. I know some of you don't want to give up until the fat lady sings, but most kingdoms have died or are dying. This creates a very boring end-era. Only the winners and resistance players get to enjoy it. 

Thank you

19:51:05 Aug 21st 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

it's over, my voted ended it.

Dendarii will be recruiting active new/old players for next round.

19:53:40 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:

Juggernaut shall be recruiting noobs and familiar faces. 

Hopefully more Kingdoms on the map will help! 

19:53:54 Aug 21st 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

Not bad, only three hours for a 13-0 vote :) 

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