Forums / In game politics / Starta 27

Starta 27
09:08:03 Nov 29th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk):

Kingdoms in Starta
Kingdom Hearts10Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk100
BDSM2Mr. Bob Dylan40
Fula Mbororo1Duke Israel Sesugh Igba16
Kingdom Hearts Starta3Sir Sorra13
Starcraft II5Mr. Ponsa4
Companion Knights2Lord Paschal3
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors8Sir Muscle2
The Federation6Mr. General Lee1

09:08:44 Nov 29th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk):

Kingdom hearts has made a revival and are looking for a rival kingdom. if any are interested please make your way to starta! just started less than a day old!

14:15:35 Nov 30th 13 - Mr. Fellows:

BDSM are your rival ;)

15:37:32 Dec 1st 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

I remember kingdom hearts 

20:51:41 Dec 1st 13 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

Two Kingdom of Hearts on Starta?  Which one is real?

20:57:35 Dec 1st 13 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

they are both real KHS is the sister KD

07:27:53 Dec 5th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Yeah...and it looks like KH/KHs have a smooth ride to an era victory unless something unexpected happens.....Also we need more people on Starta!

We will seal this world off from the darkness!  

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Starta
Kingdom Hearts10Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk137
Kingdom Hearts Starta8Sir Sorra100
BDSM4Mr. Bob Dylan68
Fula Mbororo1Duke Israel Sesugh Igba14
Companion Knights2Lord Paschal10
Starcraft II5Mr. Ponsa1

19:41:21 Dec 5th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Easy ride to victory likely....Easy ride to domination? Not so sure 

20:31:56 Dec 5th 13 - Sir Sorra:

An easy ride to victory usually necessitates (and in this case it does) an easy ride to domination. As it stands no Kingdom can really stand against us past a couple of RL days...

The darkness will be defeated  

01:36:19 Dec 6th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Victory and domination on VU don't always ride hand in hand. Infact its probably as common that an era ends without one dominating force then not. Although on this world i doubt that will be the case.

02:03:15 Dec 6th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Hahaha, You answered yourself Sesugh. You know that there will be domination this era. Which is what I said. Infact, you can even say their is domination right now...its just no wars have been really fought.But through all other indicators you can say their is domination..

02:18:39 Dec 6th 13 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Sorra careful not to get too far ahead of yourself. Don't want to put your own foot in your mouth bud. however statistics wise yes, KH and KHS are dominating though I am NOT happy about it. I want a rival.

02:46:25 Dec 6th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Paschal):

If you will still stay here next era I will ask some to come here and kill all of you. :D

02:49:45 Dec 6th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalks):

We aren't going anywhere. Tbh most of the kingdom isn't even giving it their all. Not saying BDSM etc aren't good playres its just that is so quiet that is bcome a lull. Id like to see it hit overdrive so by all means if you can bring people here I would shake your hand.. Then prob stab you etc to lower competition. Im a very twisted man you see...

03:35:43 Dec 6th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Well Paschal, to bad your eras going to end very soon. Seems you did not heed the message I sent you. 

04:04:08 Dec 6th 13 - Mr. Swlfty:

Why don't you all come to Mantrax for a challenge.

And Ryan can stay

04:12:41 Dec 6th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Myth Keeper):

because I have a character in RoC there. Also most of KH lineup are in BoW on manta over there etc.

10:01:13 Dec 6th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Archblade VIII):

I don't care if I will be dead sooner or later. This is a boring when some small KDs are fighting a 17 man KD. Oh, I think there are 2 dead players not playing.

16:14:39 Dec 6th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

I won't be dying any time soon lmao , KH are far to spread out to honestly say there is no chance of them not dominating , I've seen small enclaves of KH all over the map , which defeats the entire point of being a large KD.

But meh could be some reason for it , I haven't really played in 2 + years 

23:35:20 Dec 6th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Let the games begin lol 

17:34:06 Dec 7th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Kingdoms in Starta
Kingdom Hearts10Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk1255
Kingdom Hearts Starta8Sir Sorra986
BDSM4Mr. Bob Dylan584
Tantalus Crusade2Mr. Zephiroth294
Companion Knights2Lord Paschal131
Fula Mbororo

If the map allies against you it will be 

2241 VS 1109

I've seen people lose with a bigger gap then that 

17:49:27 Dec 7th 13 - Mr. Swlfty:

Percent power doesn't matter if you understand how to slaughter armies properly

22:48:16 Dec 7th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

your right swifty but as most of us cant see eachother its all we have to go on.

07:21:59 Dec 8th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Kath, you are soon going to be wiped out. Enjoy Starta while it lasts for you. Cause its not going to last very long. The darkness will be defeated! 

07:56:40 Dec 8th 13 - Mr. Eddie:

Oh wow KH good memories.

09:47:07 Dec 8th 13 - Mr. Evans:

BDSM are still here, and im not too sure on this one, but other than when SFD joined us, we havent lost a city to you yet... not one, and we've been fighting since the era start. Where's this domination you tell me about? :P

09:53:24 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Have taken and wrecked a main city , killed a few armies and only got one of my armies killed...when i was offline for a whole day and left it prepping , so far the entire fight has been in leilas core.

Dead soon? Psssht when we start fighting OUTSIDE your players core then repost that. Leila's doing well but tbh i can't see her winning this without help. Only way she can get me out is to merge all her armies and make a push at the blocker i have on the edge of her core, but if she does ill just go straight past her and wreck her cities. 

09:58:43 Dec 8th 13 - Mr. Evans:

Was that aimed at me? (seemed like it) cus I was aimed at KH :P

10:02:09 Dec 8th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Mythor):

I don't know why everyone is talking smack. The truth is the era is still young and can go many different ways yes. However member wise it is heavily weighed towards kh and khs way. Also duke you are not necc in the kd core. Leila joined us later on in the era so as you can imagine she is in a tough spot. However I will say don't get to thinking we are not taking it into account.

11:18:26 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

I specified i was in LEILAS can it be the KD's core if she is the only one there? And i'm not talking smack I'm replying to the comment that KH will win hands down. If you war the whole map as you should your member advantage is significantly less then it appears. 

And Evans i was talking about KH lol 

11:38:21 Dec 8th 13 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

whow, welcome back Kath :}

14:00:06 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

Is that...slade? lol 

14:31:08 Dec 8th 13 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

no slade wish's he looks like this 8=====D <..

and i still hate you Kath ^_^

14:50:29 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

I remember the name SFD but i have a strong feeling i knew you by a different name before that?

And feel free , with all the heat of your hatred I can crank down my central heating. 

14:54:17 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

WAIT some fucked dude? I don't even remember fucking you over but meh 

15:57:53 Dec 8th 13 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

you didnt fuck me over, but you fucked a few friends over on multiple occasions :P

16:22:22 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

O so you was fucked via proxy? You in KH?

17:23:43 Dec 8th 13 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

no i joined BDSM after being spanked by KH oop, thought its the best chance iu have for revange "P

20:02:26 Dec 8th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

:( was hoping to spank you lol 

03:27:45 Dec 9th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Both of you will be spanked. Kath, the only reason your still alive is for entertainment. Don't think your doing any serious damage or we consider you a serious threat. Your like the fly buzzing around who is harmless but only constitutes a nuisance. But flies only live for a shot period of time and your time is nearing an end. 

As for BDSM, your about to experience the feeling of getting hit with a hammer. Id be surprised if you even survive the first wave. 

And as for you guys who cant see due to poor LOS...Companion Knights have been more or less swept away. 

07:18:12 Dec 9th 13 - Lord Maui:

As for BDSM, your about to experience the feeling of getting hit with a hammer. Id be surprised if you even survive the first wave. 

maybe we  should put our  waders on guys ... :-)

07:35:21 Dec 9th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Ahh, BDSM, I really don't have anything against you guys, I know many of you personally. I'm just informing you of what is about to happen. See...insider information ! 

08:24:57 Dec 9th 13 - Mr. Evans:


They surrendered. Mr. Evans. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 21140 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Bob Dylan. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 7882 troops and 0 peasants.


They surrendered. Mr. Evans. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 12171 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

You mean this first wave Sorra ?  :D  :D

08:26:06 Dec 9th 13 - Mr. Sorra The Bold:

No my friend...that was the scouting party

08:28:35 Dec 9th 13 - Mr. Evans:

You didnt pick up on the fact one of those just happened in your core :D

09:48:17 Dec 9th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Israel Sesugh Igba):

I've never claimed to be doing alot of damage , in all honesty i attacked leila too soon for me to even survive a war with her. 

But itll be fun and im pretty sure i can keep her wrapped up here for a while

19:09:27 Dec 9th 13 - Mr. Evans:

17:51:41 - Our People of Evans got attacked by a dense swarm of locust, hindering our preparations to attack Trollagedon.

17:51:39 - Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk attempted to cast a spell upon us.

17:51:34 - Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk attempted to cast a spell upon us.

17:51:32 - Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk attempted to cast a spell upon us.

17:51:29 - Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk attempted to cast a spell upon us.

11:36:01 - Mr. Arthur Dent II attempted to cast a spell upon us.

11:35:57 - Mr. Arthur Dent II attempted to cast a spell upon us.

11:35:54 - Mr. Arthur Dent II attempted to cast a spell upon us.

10:14:56 - Mages have caused the morale in the People of Evans army to drop!

10:14:40 - Mages have caused the morale in the People of Evans army to drop!

Fun times :D

19:21:26 Dec 9th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):


01:48:27 Dec 10th 13 - Sir Sorra:

Whats the big deal evens? Its nothing to us. And BDSM accepting Kath...I dunno what to say! 

01:49:38 Dec 10th 13 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

I agree with you on that one sorro :P

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