Forums / In game politics / Starta Age 5

Starta Age 5
05:15:01 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Binh The Travelling Merchant:

So who's all playing this map this era?

05:38:00 Jan 16th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

i am here RAWR with ohm so RAWR

06:02:23 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Fordius:



15:20:45 Jan 16th 11 - Puppy Reggie:

Dunno bout starta.... need to see if any of the kingdom mates are up for a round two. If enough aren't, I may just go screw around by myself on another world. lol :P

12:04:32 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

We will be, sort of... So be gentle with us, and remember that we don't like loud noices.

16:39:26 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Binh The Travelling Merchant:

Booo, more players, come!

17:57:20 Jan 17th 11 - General Who:

Im here getting my farm on

19:33:42 Jan 17th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

Kingdoms in Starta
death is enevitable 6 Duke Some Fcked Dude 100
Agent Orange 6 Mr. Sky Pirate 93
Muppets 1 Ms. Mong 15
Two Man Army 2 Sir Binh The Conqueror 13
Kingdom of Hearts III 1 Mr. Eddie 0
Myrmidons 5 Mr. Arkantos 0
GOTF II 6 Mr. Reddragon Tipsy 0
Release the Genius 7 Mr. Slug 0
Sexploited 6 Ms. Slippery When Wet 0

More peoples need to spawn already :/

19:30:33 Jan 19th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

death is enevitable
Duke Some Fcked Dude
Agent Orange 8 Mr. Sky Pirate 48
OOP war going to be fun should be the best oop war on this shitty MAP :P

04:49:29 Jan 20th 11 - Mr. Stupid Genius:

what's shitty about the map... it's the same as every other damn world, in this game..... just a little bigger on Zeta and Mantrax, and Fant is just stupidly big. lol

04:55:24 Jan 20th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

your like the stupidest genius ever :P
its shit because there is no people :P
like 3 KD's and pretty soon there is only going to be 2 ;)
only war going on is with "death is enevitable" and "agent orange"
So yeh its shit :P

05:01:24 Jan 20th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Guess it could be that Soloing starta(aka- two man army) and Sexploited wiped the floor with everyone? lol :P

Nahh, but seriously, maybe just a busy time for people. I'd go, but it wouldn't be the same without the rest of my kingdom around. 

and yuh, I was just givin you a hard time. :D

10:28:47 Jan 20th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

And ofc the only two kd's on the map are placed in the same corner.... The winner takes it all, obviously. It's probably going to end up the biggest farm-fest ever...

16:36:30 Jan 20th 11 - Duke Ohmlyone:

have to this point, I am not doing much in the way of farmin. Has something to do with Jack I think.

16:41:26 Jan 20th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:

I am damn sexy!!

17:16:52 Jan 20th 11 - General Who:


17:20:18 Jan 20th 11 - Mr. Hanky Spanky:

Sssttt! Zond!! Do you want a cookie?

17:25:54 Jan 20th 11 - General Who:

A box, prefer sugar with the little sprinkles on top and chocolate icing. but any will do

09:05:05 Jan 22nd 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

I meant the end result, would be farming. I haven't been doing much farming myself this era. 

04:26:01 Jan 26th 11 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

look like Die is loosing to Agent Orange :)

Nice work. Now you guys can fight us :d

11:23:04 Jan 26th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

Awww.... I said we were gonna farm! We don't want to fight!

Go back to where you guys came from... :P

19:53:33 Jan 26th 11 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

ok, since fordius started landing near you guys when he first started, I guess we come from there. We are just trying to reclaim our homeland! :P

22:12:19 Jan 26th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

That was a very sneaky argument.... What about you guys heading east instead?

Path of least resistance and all that?

I mean going west is so pet shop boys.... Maybe not as bad as being Rick Astley, but very unstraight. So go east, and have fun, ok?

01:24:52 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Fordius:

What are you on about ? 

What do we got in the east ?
Why not go west ? 
Just let's have fun and war :P 
prefering to use your area mainly for the battlefield :D

10:52:06 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

I don't know what's there, that's why I suggested you guys go and find out?

War takes so much attention, farming is waaay easier. But if you really want to come over, bring your k-y. (You might want to lube up before you leave home, just in case) We usually just skip foreplay when someone arrives uninvited.

And just for the record. I think this is real mean of you guys :P

13:51:28 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:

Owh come on Orange. Troll mage. And 3 hoh armies for me omg...

15:53:54 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

And now you're seeing things.... *tsk* *tsk*

16:27:49 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Hopeless:

:D I am seeing orcs running in my garden.

17:15:33 Jan 27th 11 - Mr. Jack Carter:

Time to get some pesticide or perhaps an appointment with a 'shrink'?

All I see in my garden is snow.... :P

09:54:22 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Crazy:

this seems to be right atm

Agent Orange 8 Mr. Sky Pirate 363


death is enevitable 8 Duke Some Fcked Dude 275


ARMY OF THREE 4 Mr. Fordius The Stalker 245


and then

Project Mayhem 3 Mr. Korwynn 100


Dacian 10 Mr. The Gladiator 46


ARMY OF THREE 4 Mr. Fordius The Stalker 245

all the othersz are as follows

Muppets 1 Ms. Bearded 0
Kingdom of Hearts III 1 Mr. Eddie 0
Myrmidons 4 Mr. Arkantos 0
GOTF II 5 Mr. Reddragon Tipsy 0
Release the Genius 7 Mr. Slug 0
Sexploited 4 Ms. Slippery When Wet 0

01:56:44 Feb 14th 11 - Mr. Fordius The Stalker:

What we're fighting the entire map :P 

Scipii are you just mad cause I razed ur 90k :( 
You shouldn't have kept it with only 20k troops :P
What else did you think I would do :)

This way you can explore some more :D

05:31:32 Feb 17th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Crazy:

death is enevitable 8 Duke Some Fcked Dude 926

Project Mayhem 2 Mr. Xanatos The Crazy 100


ARMY OF THREE 4 Mr. Fordius The Stalker 855


Dacian 5 Mr. The Gladiator


(might as well be dead)

06:22:11 Feb 17th 11 - General Who:

my kd is inactive >.> wont be playing on starta next era!!

10:46:49 Feb 17th 11 - Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper:

Gogo army of three, your beloved inactive cheerleader is here to watch!

04:51:07 Mar 8th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

any KD's start'n on starta after this ARMA that is recruiting?

22:30:19 Mar 8th 11 - I am Hopeless:

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Devil II
owned by Mr. Fordius The Stalker

Kill II
owned by Sir Binh The Conqueror

owned by I am Hopeless

owned by Sir Binh The Conqueror

Bundle V
owned by Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper

Try Eleven
owned by Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper

owned by I am Hopeless

owned by Mr. Fordius The Stalker

Cast Five
owned by Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper

Cast Six
owned by Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper

Binh Live Here
owned by Sir Binh The Conqueror

Wilber Lives He
owned by Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper

New Try
owned by I am Hopeless

Hope Lives Here
owned by I am Hopeless

Newer Armourrr
owned by I am Hopeless

Hope There
owned by I am Hopeless

owned by I am Hopeless

Shadow Wolf
owned by I am Hopeless

owned by I am Hopeless

Sharpy City
owned by I am Hopeless

I am totally Hopeless ;(

14:18:22 Mar 9th 11 - Mr. Richard Dawkins:

My killer strippers shall reign.

10:29:55 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Wilb The Killer Stripper:

Whoops wrong chara there :D Just seen.

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