Forums / In game politics / Starta Age 9

Starta Age 9
23:02:13 Aug 16th 11 - Mr. Hunting Wolf:

Ladies and Gentleman, take your bets! Whose winning this round? The returning champs, Optimus Consilium, are down to 5 members while Time to Adventure has lost all but the founding 2 members.

Odins Last Stand has held onto all 7 of their members, but we also have Kingdom Hearts and Release the Genius at 6.

Or would you like to back some of the Dark Horses this era? Dacian, Sexploited, and Natural Born Killers area all fine choices.

So what will it be? We have another 22 hrs before all bets are locked in.

01:16:44 Aug 17th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Hrm? Those three kingdoms are inactive, as far as I know. :P

Sexploited was my first kingdom, afterall......

07:26:55 Aug 17th 11 - phoenix (Flame Lord Phoenix Blaze):

my money is on bomber brothers. i hear they are pretty good. 

11:45:22 Aug 18th 11 - Ms. Slim Fast Diet:

the world is mine :)

17:18:05 Aug 18th 11 - Mr. Dam Dog:

Cheese for everyone!

-daM doG

23:22:31 Aug 18th 11 - Jennaside (Mr. Incognito Jill Hater):

I'm just going to drool over our banner

23:36:41 Aug 18th 11 - Binh (Sir Binh The Treasure Hunter):

We all know my banner is the best looking one :P

ps, i use one of the image in vu imagepack for my banner because i was too lazy getting an actual banner :P

00:03:59 Aug 19th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Binh, rutroh... I feel massive spankings coming to this world.  Where can I hide? Or do you come in "peace" this era? :p

00:22:33 Aug 19th 11 - Binh (Sir Binh The Treasure Hunter):

I came here in search of precious treasures! Anyone's city that look promising enough to have a priceless treasure will have my eye on it :P

00:34:22 Aug 19th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

No treasures here, just truth justice and the american way... no wait, that's Superman :D

It's only love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men here :p

09:10:57 Aug 19th 11 - Mr. Dam Dog:

And cheese.

-daM doG

21:23:13 Aug 19th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

Actually Binh may be right, his banner does look pretty good on the map

12:21:31 Aug 21st 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

So I just landed... :)  Any kingdoms recruiting?

13:28:11 Aug 21st 11 - Mr. Dam Dog:

Well that depends on your idea of 'recruiting'. For instance, we are taking in anyone who wants to join the maddness. And giving out free cheese... and death.

-daM doG

13:42:40 Aug 21st 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Hmmmm, sounds a little tempting.

14:26:22 Aug 21st 11 - Mr. Braggi:

I just landed too :) If you happen to see me, would you be kind and just turn around, walk the other way and leave my cities alone? please? :)

18:39:54 Aug 21st 11 - Mr. Inception:

Well, when you put it that way... we'll consider it ;)

16:43:07 Aug 23rd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

I think im misunderstanding the game , The point is to invade cities and gain profits? a 'war game' I believe.

But for some reason instead of warring , it seems odins last stand are simply slitting their throats with my armies swords.

13:07:50 Aug 24th 11 - Mr. Inception:

Well, just because your cities have no mines doesnt mean that they dont look juicy. I mean, thats a pre-built blocker right under them. Of course their going to go for it ;)

22:57:21 Aug 26th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

When they already have a blocker? and already control the land my blocker blocks? lol Doesn't really make sense to me.

How wonders never cease to amaze , So odins last stand NAP'd every kingdom near them and attacked me? i actually feel special :) 

23:23:57 Aug 26th 11 - Endless (Ms. Hippolyta Hall):

u r special <3

00:02:59 Aug 27th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

<3 ENDLESSS  lol

16:45:54 Aug 27th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

we did not NAP every Kingdom near us.........we NAPed every Kingdom on the Map just to kill you :P

05:18:19 Aug 28th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

So why are we even fighting?  Binh is obviously just gonna kill us all when he feels like it...

17:12:29 Aug 28th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

agreed arthur i say the whole map NAP's and we all prepare for the coming of binh :P

17:15:43 Aug 28th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

Thought you already nap'd them SFD? :P

17:19:06 Aug 28th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Solo Arthur):

SFD that wouldn't help.  Has any one person ever taken out the entire map before?  Hmmm...

17:52:19 Aug 28th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

yeah OMA has  i believe

18:10:15 Aug 28th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

tbh arthur i wouldnt be suprised if binh did (everyone except me ovb) :P
and kath shup nobody cares what you say :P

20:35:08 Aug 28th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

SFD stop pretending yuo didnt used to worship me when you was in my kingdom lool

00:34:58 Aug 29th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

worship :P
lmao you have always been a n00b :P

12:22:55 Aug 29th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

Sure SFD :P ive probably killed players far better then you , Just remove , this era all YOUR ARMIES attacking me many of mine did you kill?

12:23:20 Aug 29th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

Dont take credit for wilbers success , its not cool lol

22:55:50 Aug 29th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

lol im farming wouldnt waste time |:P

02:20:48 Aug 30th 11 - Binh (Sir Binh The Treasure Hunter):

eeeeeeek, Stormy is coming for me! I can no longer enjoy my everlasting peace! :(

05:09:37 Aug 30th 11 - Stormy (Mr. Cthulhu):

nah bihn, I am planning on heading back to a city, find a dark corner of a basement, assume the fetal position, find my happy place, you know...the things many of us do when you turn your attention our way:P

05:13:03 Aug 30th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

you spelled his name wrong! how dare you

05:31:37 Aug 30th 11 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrowe):

oh my i really AM fcukedO.O

05:39:29 Aug 30th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hysteria):

hes really going to kill you now :/

16:17:54 Sep 1st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

I find it funny i havent attacked anything since OOP , and yet my troop kills are just as high as everyone else , and ive had more battles then a lot of them 

00:43:20 Sep 2nd 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

You're just so gooooood... Cause that like never happens eeeeevvveerrr.   Ooooommmmmggggg yooooouuuu'rrrreee amazing.

01:36:29 Sep 2nd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashe II):


01:48:57 Sep 2nd 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Wilb Bride Sry Binh):

Stormcrow go home!

01:56:53 Sep 2nd 11 - Stormy (Mr. Cthulhu):

i only came to starta so i can be closer to you wilberbabe<3

@grandmaster: damn you're so fine...i think i just jizzed myself reading your postO.O

02:07:11 Sep 2nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

Im glad i was of assistance to you :D

09:33:28 Sep 7th 11 - Mr. Corgi:

Oh my - I wonder what these two folk are doin'

One 60k town previously owned by poly's taken conveniently as he was dropping his 200k... I remember these guys being in the same kingdom farming up side by side peacefully this whole time earlier too... hmmm

Through the eye we can see this information about Peachs Castle, owned by Ms. Peach:
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:1
Lumber Mills:3973

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

Gasp, he gets his 60k back and is prepping Ajax's 100k with no troops in it?! Lucky dog, he is. Guess he killed all of Ajax's MASSIVE army earlier. ;)

Overall; I am seeing a fantastic spectacle; a great view of a guide setting a good example and a great player showing us how he achieves his awesome feats of skill. :D

17:42:12 Sep 7th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

Odin seem to of not done a good job picking alliances. Early era NO kingdom on the map except themy would let me build near them because all was allied with Odins last stand , except the owl guys. 

But yet when most of odins south armies are annihalated and the south cities are facing danger those same allies simply sit there watching. 

Funny that? 

17:47:55 Sep 7th 11 - Mr. Ensign Xlviii:

hrm? As far as I know, people only nap or cf nowadays. Didn't know MAP's were used. lol.......

17:50:17 Sep 7th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Jas Asagba of Astarac):

And how would a NAP stop me from building near them? So they was either out right dishonorable liars or they are canniving dishonorable cowards.

Take your pick.

21:35:45 Sep 7th 11 - Stormy (Mr. Cthulhu):

<because all was allied with Odins last stand>

uhmm..... someone needs to let both odin and my kingdom know about this, we have been taking each other's cities in the north...oops....

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