Forums / In game politics / Starta Era 28

Starta Era 28
06:13:57 Jan 29th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Let the FFA begin!!!!!

06:56:15 Jan 29th 14 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Anyone else super anxious for this?

07:16:49 Jan 29th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom III):

Hellz yeah I am!  I can't wait for this to start :P

18:23:58 Jan 29th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Yeah this is gonna be very interesting!

18:34:16 Jan 29th 14 - Lord Maui:

hmm i thought the idea was for everyone to drop together ? like the old days when you could only start when era actually started (more chance of players landing next to each other and scrambling to drop a city while trying to block another)

18:44:42 Jan 29th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

that plan got scrap. 30+ player landing together takes too much work. And they'll spread out anyway :D Better with this fog of war. 

19:28:33 Jan 29th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Yeah this should be fine ;)  Gonna be fun for the few days I survive.

19:31:14 Jan 29th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

im ready and waiting to get my ***** wet. you guys/girls ready ;)

22:07:09 Jan 29th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

For those with characters from other world moving to this world: Do not make a kingdom before spawning. Spawn in starta kingdomless first. Then make a kingdom. This way it won't land you in the world your kingdom was made in even though you press restart in starta.

04:03:52 Jan 30th 14 - Mr. Merreth:

how do i start a kingdom? and do i have to for this event or am i permitted to be kingdomless?

04:38:35 Jan 30th 14 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

Message Binh and he'll help you start a KD, but you do not need to if you don't want.. It's mainly to see how you stack up against the others in %p.

05:12:49 Jan 30th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

The banners are a plus as well.

05:13:35 Jan 30th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

On a side note: which race do you think will win the whole thing?

I'd bet an orc.

11:08:24 Jan 30th 14 - Arch Shade (Mr. Arch Shade):

*Thunder echoes off of the grass crags of Starta.  Within minutes rain down pours like piercing wet knives into the soil.  The shadowy clouds of despair rumble like war, lightened up by crackling crisp bolts of electricity.  Scattered among desolate lands lay isolated cities of desperate people.  Their moans reach neighboring lands as they labor to construct cities of wonder.  

A single mound of dirt moves upon a lonesome cliff.  This lump of despoiled earth rises and then lowers.  Within moments a skeletal hand arises from the earthy tomb.  It clutches tightly a rotted spear; feathers of a raven dangle lightly from the tip.  The pile of dirt erupts into a sunder.  The corpse of a long dead leader rises.  This beast's eyes gleam red as he clambers.

"Not again..."  he mutters, his skeletal remains tremble as he gains his foothold.  A cryptic monster of the north; tattered in rusted chain mail and weathered garb stands intently.  "This world shall bare the mark of death," he voices with his bleached bone skull.  Without hesitation the long dead warlord makes is way down the winding cliffs of Starta...

11:15:07 Jan 30th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Teirdel):


yo, been awhile buddy.

13:51:13 Jan 30th 14 - Arch Shade (Mr. Arch Shade):

Haha, I had to come back for this FFA!

15:04:57 Jan 30th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

So My first opponent seem to be HorusPanic. May god bless me and not him :D


15:09:18 Jan 30th 14 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

horus get binh of this world ASAP!!!!

15:18:33 Jan 30th 14 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

^^^ What he said.

16:10:38 Jan 30th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

How is Binh #1 before we even start building cities?  Is the game saying something?

16:56:10 Jan 30th 14 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God):

Please have mercy upon me.

I'm harmless just trying to learn the game.

Thank you.

16:59:30 Jan 30th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

arthur this game is saying something i think :P

18:05:44 Jan 30th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXIII):

Kingdoms in Starta
The Punishment4Mr. Punisher27619
Valkyros1Lord Valkyros XXIII100
Make Her Scream FFA1Mr. Maker99
Takitimu1Lord Tumatauenga96
Arkantos1Mr. Mario93
Companion Knights2Lord Paschal88
Jellybean FFA1Mr. Jellybeanz84
Kingdom Hearts5Mr. Chalkz of Dom Hearts74
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors8Sir Muscle67
Binh FFA1Mr. Binh55
SFD1Duke Sfd53
Jungle Love1Duke Dackarta53
Warlock FFA1Mr. Warlock53
Kingdom Hearts Starta4Sir Sorra39
Mercury1Mr. Arthur Dent II39
Brannigans Love1Duke Bran Loner39
Ducks Will Dominate1Captain America35
The End1Lord Horus XXXV35
Dark Blood1Prince Sladen35
crotching tigger hiding dragons1Ms. Bromance Afk35
Looking For Love1I am Single35
The Khornate Berserker1Mr. Khorne The Blood God35
The Federation6Mr. General Lee34

19:15:48 Jan 30th 14 - Dakarta (Duke Dackarta):

This is turning out to be a big clusterf*** in the northwest-ish area..

19:20:18 Jan 30th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

It won't be a boring oop. That's for sure :D

19:33:24 Jan 30th 14 - Dakarta (Duke Dackarta):

Nope. The aformentioned area - has 9 different people.

21:17:37 Jan 30th 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

It keeps saying I'm building on terrain!!! Damn this is a bad OOP :'(

22:48:27 Jan 30th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

good :P

04:16:21 Jan 31st 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

bit of a cluster in the south west aswel!! shall be fun!!

17:43:15 Jan 31st 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXIII):

Kingdoms in Starta
The Punishment4Mr. Punisher1244
Hanky FFA1Mr. Hanky Does Utopia150
Dark Blood1Prince Sladen127
Looking For Love1I am Single123
Warlock FFA1Mr. Warlock112
Takitimu1Lord Tumatauenga104
Valkyros1Lord Valkyros XXIII100
Companion Knights2Lord Paschal97
Jellybean FFA1Mr. Jellybeanz89
SFD1Duke Sfd82
The Khornate Berserker1Mr. Khorne The Blood God80
Make Her Scream FFA1Mr. Maker76
Bubble and Squeak1Mr. Jhet73
Arkantos1Mr. Mario69
Jungle Love1Duke Dackarta69
Binh FFA1Mr. Binh68
Brannigans Love1Duke Bran Loner63
Shadows of Shadok1Mr. Arch Shade45
The End1Lord Horus XXXV30
Mercury1Mr. Arthur Dent II30
Kingdom Hearts Starta4Sir Sorra27
crotching tigger hiding dragons1Ms. Bromance Afk12
Fat Kids Are Hard To Kidnap1Mr. The Backdoor6
Kingdom Hearts4Mr. Chalkz of Dom Hearts3
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors8Sir Muscle3
The Federation6Mr. General Lee1
Ducks Will Dominate1Captain America1

22:02:57 Jan 31st 14 - Mr. Twilight Eyes:

Can we get some updates, for those of us who couldn't make the big bash?

22:05:14 Jan 31st 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

just a whoring fest atm. Nothing much to update :D Wait till oop begin ;)

23:32:55 Feb 1st 14 - Mr. Orcasm:


Mr. Orcasm.

The city of Goaway is now under our command!

They had 206 gold, 500126 stone, 892 tree, 15600 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 9372 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 2 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

23:43:41 Feb 1st 14 - Mr. Atrats:

Well f*ck you. :P

02:01:01 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Orcasm:


Mr. Orcasm.

The city of Sigh is now under our command!

They had 4030 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 1703 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 1139 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

06:11:26 Feb 2nd 14 - Arch Shade (Mr. Arch Shade):

*A lone man sits idly by at his computer.  A mound of white powder beckons his tired mind.  With cautious hands he brandishes his weapon; a red master card.  His finger clutch tightly as he begins to chop feverishly at the pile, while at the same time dividing and conquering his little white armies.  Satisfied, a rolled dollar bill rises and transports that adrenalin rush needed.

"It's going to be a long night on Starta," says the wide eyed and energized gamer as he pinches and wipes his nose.  "Time for war biatches..."

10:04:56 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Atrats:

15:06:11 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Twilight Eyes:

lol, let's be careful that we aren't working together children. 

It is a FFA match

16:13:55 Feb 2nd 14 - Mr. Atrats:

I know it's FFA but he didn't have to be a douche and post his victories on the Forum. :P I'm not working with anyone, I just want anyone and everyone to kill him. :P

15:11:19 Feb 3rd 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

I know only about my area. So I'll give you some news. Aussie have conquered his immediate neighbor "Horus" and is now a huge hafling. Binh's starter town already got capture by the same Aussie and another war has started. Who will win, who will lose. Only time will tell.

16:22:13 Feb 3rd 14 - Arch Shade (Mr. Arch Shade):

Aussie rocks :-)  I miss you Mr. Australian!

Anyways, an update to northwest cluster &*^%!
Arthur Dent was killed by "I am Single", who also took out one my cities.  I then went down and took the city Arthur Dent used to have from "I am Single".  "The Back Door" came out of protection late, but rushed aggressively taking over one of my cities and Duckartas.  

Duckartas himself has taken over quite a few cities and is quite deadly.  Lord Valkyros seems to be hanging out in his large solo city, everyone near him leaving him alone; maybe a possible alliance there.  Khorne took out a city I believe owned by the some "Paper" guy?  Khorne has a rugged army and I think a few of us are waiting for him to join the nasty cluster.  

Mr. Mario has a lone city dead middle in the cluster.  He is being prepped by The Backdoor, depending this outcome everything will change in this area.

Hanky Panky settled his cities in an enclosed mountain chain which has given great protection, but Orcasm is in there with him.  I presume Hanky will take out Orcasm.  Also it will be interesting to see if Hanky and Khorne fight; which they will have to unless they are allied (due to location).

Liliana came out once to attack me, but went back to her city to gather more troops.  No one seems to be bothering her, she's be painful once she is ready.  Earth is near Liliana, not visibly doing anything either.

Prince Sladen is outside of the cluster with a solid core, pretty sure allied with Herojdp.  Sladen tried to slam down and armory in the cluster, but Duckartas took care of the armory quickly after protection.  Herojdp and Sladen have one of the best spots in this area.  My guess Hanky and Korne will end up fighting against them.

Tim the Enchanter is slightly below the cluster.  He is attacking "I am Single."  Thank you lol, gets him off my back.

Down below the cluster is the warlock dude.  He killed one of my scouts grrrrrrr.  But he is going to be a royal pain in the ass for anyone trying to settle down south.  He has little to no opposition it appears.

There are some others on the outskirts that I can't see a whole lot what is going on, so  I won't comment too much.

Anyways awesome era so far.  Surviving in the cluster has been brutal.  I am came out of protection when I was work; can't even use a computer and my mobile won't load vu for some reason.  I am just clinging on, but aside from distracting certain players I will be eventually killed.  But I will return :-)

18:48:44 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Warlock:

Arch: Not sure if you are in the skype convo with Starta FFA or not, but taking out the 30ker was pure luck :P Apparently I am single couldnt move or do anything from phone and only had to watch you to walk free on that town. Couldnt move army to intercept you nor protect the city.

I would have found that very frustrating, watching a battle of yours, knowing you cant controll anything of your own.

20:08:43 Feb 3rd 14 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Yeah X( I did not come prepared enough for that clusterfck.  I'm not done though ;)

20:56:14 Feb 3rd 14 - Arch Shade (Mr. Arch Shade):

I know how it feels.  I came oop while at work :P and lost 2 cities.

21:03:27 Feb 3rd 14 - Mr. Twilight Eyes:

Wait... so Warlock is farming again?

08:26:49 Feb 4th 14 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Dead):

I made my kd before I dropped and because of that I landed on Valhalla. No ffa for me... :(

09:16:04 Feb 4th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom III):

Heh, I'm being left alone because I am lucky that there are bigger threats in the area :P 

09:19:17 Feb 4th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Mario):

farmer :P

09:23:37 Feb 4th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXIII):

well you're proof that i'm no good at it ;p at least not as human, ha, ha.

10:33:24 Feb 4th 14 - Lord Paschal:

So this FFA is a big face palm to the ridiculous Sorra?
Sir Sorra


03:47:47 Jan 14th 14
This is a good idea in theory, and sounds like fun, but its been done before. What ends up happening in practice is friends end up secretly teaming up on everyone else, and those others are easily eaten up, now without the protection of at least some KD. Then, when only friends are left, a nasty web of NAP/MAP develop and the era ends up as a long farming spree. 

Also, the entire world will be haflers and no magic will be developed. It becomes a pure melee fest of a single race, which reduces strategy to that of 'pump or out pump'

Its been done in the past/before on other worlds. Not once, but multiple times. No KD eras, and what ended up happening was a long, unnecessarily protracted era where once the easy fodder is eaten up everyone becomes so timid and decides to play defensive. Not to mention it requires near 24/7 activity if you to survive.

So skill and tactics are not even on display. Just how many bonus turns you can afford coupled with how little of a RL you have.  

This is a fun Idea, but a special world would have to be created for it with special rules/circumstances in place by Zeta. Otherwise, it just ends up as a long nasty mess. Very similar to the idea of boats. 

Most of what he said was wrong except for the secret teams that is yet proven.

I really pity this guy.

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