Forums / In game politics / Starta Era 33 Discussions

Starta Era 33 Discussions
18:39:49 Nov 21st 14 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Wanted to correct myself and put the right era this time, last era I was lazy to actually find the correct era :) So now we do it right

Good luck to everyone, Starta Era 33 is already up and running
Lots of people as I understand, middle and south part of the map
Lets all have fun and enjoy the era!

18:41:19 Nov 21st 14 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa):

Howling1Princess Aisha215
Death Angels1Lady Leila203
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon139
Stuff1Mr. Fluff131
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People130
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras129
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear121
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed119
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn106
Human Union1Mr. Force Ffa103
Dark Spawn1Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa100
Kilkerran Lords2Mr. Fergus Mor77
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day70
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors7Sir Muscle1
The Federation6Mr. General Lee1
Black Water 2Mr. Malamor1

10:33:42 Nov 22nd 14 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa):

Update for those who do not have a kingdom, are there any like that?
Or are these the only ones playing Starta this era? Everyone got a kd, right?

Kingdoms in Starta
Howling1Princess Aisha195
Death Angels1Lady Leila187
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn162
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon135
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People130
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed129
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras127
Stuff1Mr. Fluff121
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear113
Dark Spawn1Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa100
Human Union1Mr. Force Ffa98
Kilkerran Lords2Mr. Fergus Mor75
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day66
Why so serious2Mr. Drug Addict58

12:51:01 Nov 22nd 14 - Lady Elisa Day:

There are some untagged, but not many I think
On the Kd list I am 13th, and in reality

Your character Lady Elisa Day is the 15th most powerful ruler in Starta

Means at least 2 other untagged stronger than me, might be more that are weaker at this point.

13:23:00 Nov 22nd 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

There are 3 un-tagged players near me.

08:08:29 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

They're near me too! There used to be 7 total players if you include me and yourself, but 2 players (elf and orc) got killed by Orcs OOP.

I'm going to be completely honest: I botched my opener and sciences harder than I have ever done because I settled before realizing that Starta was an awesome free-for-all world and wanted to test something, but I think I might be fine anyways.

Come at me.

09:11:49 Nov 25th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

Yeah whats up with the 3 NAP and then gangbang lol. Stay strong Fluff. 

10:08:04 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Thank! I'll pour a 40 for the dead Elf and dig a couple more graves for the Orcs.

13:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

These forums don't get used unless someone has something to whine about :)
You failed to mention that we were all in our little wars when you decided to try to get easy spoils, attacking my city Forced Entry when I only settled it, that I wanted to prepare for war against that Orc, but the Orc was busy with the Elf down south, so she did not bother with me, so I was able to defend myself.

On the other side there was a battle between Troll and that other Orc you mention, and it was an even battle till you took over Troll's armory, basically helping the Orc finish him off. In the meanwhile I was building up my defenses here, and preparing for you, while the Orc went around. We actually do not have any official relations, like nobody on the map I would assume, but you never know, last era there were people with 5-6 NAPs, and those were the winners in the end.

Its clear that those that won have their own corners and they are NAPed to each other, otherwise we would see some army movements, its only the south that is actually doing something regarding wars...

Looking over at the Highscores most feared and I apologize, some others have been fighting but not the big 3-4 that won the previous era, they have NAPs and wait in their corner for others to get weaker :)

15:37:33 Nov 25th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

Napping 3 people and killing people of 1 by 1 is War and effort ? 

you guys landed on one and other, a OOP wars are expected. 
Normally someone like myself is straight of the bat at a OOP war, but i landed in a sweet spot and am playing human for a change so Getting a stable income is in my best interest before moving out since no one is that close to me, And from what im aware the only people on this map that have a NAP is you 3, i speak to the other corners of the map and everyone is Still in no alliances.  last era The people who won had 1 NAP( Gras had 2)  get your facts straight before you judge one and other, When your a big player or a Player that has gained allot of strength you tend to give small players a chance, Like myself i had 1 NAP and a 1 week CF, Yet there were around 5 players around me that i did not attack and i know midge and other didnt either since they landed very late, and Them having a chance of vs a 40k Nazgul army is near impossible;  i gave them a simple heads up that if they interfear or Make a hostile attack its war. But for the rest i wouldn't feed of the smaller player. IF i did i would've simply won the era. there is huge movement north, And mid, btw. Im not complaining towards you, im just saying to make sure you know what your talking about. you seem to be making allot of big assumptions and acting upon it in a bad way. ive played 4 of the 5 FFA and so far your allaince or whatever it is, (yous are basically working together and Not touching one and other , its a nap almost a map)  is the biggest alliance i have seen of the bat. And in such a close area. 

Thats all i have to say, not gonna go indepth, its fine. just dont have a go at fluff hes doing the best he can.

15:46:00 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Alright I was just gonna make a joke, post a screenshot for the other players on Starta, and leave it at that but you decided to respond with a defensive wall of text riddled with inaccuracies so I'm gonna have to call you out on your bullshit and murder your post like I'm murdering your armies:

04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

These forums don't get used unless someone has something to whine about :)

I didn't even whine or give anyone shit for 3v1 attacking me and ignoring one another. My only complaint is I couldn't 100% all 3 of you and the only thing I have to whine about is failing a 94% dice roll (this would usually actually be a good thing in army vs army but wasnt here as it dissallowed me to 100% the other army)
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

You failed to mention that we were all in our little wars 

1. An Orc attacked an Elf OOP, pretty clear whos going to win when the Orc settled earlier- it's not like this is a fight the Orc didn't chose to take. I commend Woodey the defender elf for a decent defense and Elisa the attacker Orc for sealing the deal managing to win the war, it was an advantaged fight but still cool and basically what a FFA world is all about.

2. Abonimation the Orc attacked a Scimitar Orc whom also started late and lost his undefended aggressive forward armory to me immediately. I assumed this guy was a new player so I razed the armory and let him be, this guy was free mines. Scimitar then attacked him and won, again, fair game and FFA world.

So that's 2 Orcs fighting easy wars OOP. To Elisa's credit the war she fought was vs a defended player and the spoils were moderate relative to the high cost of the war.

You were not in a war. You settled between 3 orcs on a FFA world and never got attacked.

04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

when you decided to try to get easy spoils

I quite literally ignored a new player's free mines after killing his aggressively placed armory

04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

when you decided to try to get easy spoils, attacking my city Forced Entry when I only settled it

Just like the dead orc you settled a city with a name that made it really obvious it was an aggressive armory. 'Forced Entry'. Free for all world. I'm not looking for easy spoils if I attack 2 armories OOP. And then spare someone. I had to double back because I was fighting 3 Orcs OOP, had to have an army to defend from Hell Bear's incoming battalion, had to bounce Abomination's flanking army, and had to prep your armory/defend from you. I fought 5 players and chose to not kill the one who started late and seemed new.

so I was able to defend myself. 

You were never attacked. Hell, one of the Orcs had to walk over your cities to attack me.
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

On the other side there was a battle between Troll and that other Orc you mention, and it was an even battle till you took over Troll's armory, basically helping the Orc finish him off

At this point I want to be a cyber bully and say mean things to you over the internet, but I'll just leave it at this: Nothing you are saying is accurate. I'm rather sure Scimitar wasn't even a Troll. I took his armory then left him (I realized he would probably die to one of the 2 orcs or yourself but I didnt want to be the one to kill some under-prepared late starting player)
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

We actually do not have any official relations, like nobody on the map I would assume, but you never know

I'm not the guy who claimed you did, I'm the guy just posting a screenshot on the forums and giving you shit for attacking me one 3 sides and ignoring one another. If I wanted to call you out I could have: I assumed you and Elisa didn't have any relations but it's rather obvious that regardless of whether or not you want to admit it or have any 'official' relationships your mines are being purposefully ignored by one of the Orcs and your cities walked over by another.
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

last era there were people with 5-6 NAPs, and those were the winners in the end. 

I didn't play last era so this doesnt concern me, it's a FFA world so I assume everyone is FFAing/holding themselves and one another accountable. I spawned onto the world to test something then found out it was a free for all world and thus worth playing.
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

Its clear that those that won have their own corners and they are NAPed to each other, otherwise we would see some army movements, its only the south that is actually doing something regarding wars...

If you had any awareness at all you would realize the dynamic and see the bigger picture on Starta because it's a really small map and doesnt have a lot of players, but you don't so I'll break it down for you in simple terms:

I'm pretty sure that there are like 15 players on the map and the closest thing to an NAP is the 'unoffical relations' you have with the people in your corner. It's not that everyone in the corners are NAPing one another or whatever you think (except, well, you!), it's that 7 out of 15~ people spawned onto the bottom right corner (myself, you, Woodey, Scimitar, Elisa, Abomination, and Prado another late starting elf).

Fire Lord Immolation Death Bear the Human is above us on the lower right side.
Isis the Orc is above him. Both picked good spots and are able to defend themselves.
Aisha the Halfling is inactive and in the middle of the map in an open area.
Dragon the Orc is near the top-top left.
Fergus Mor the Elf is East of him.
Drug Addict the Halfling is along the bottom left side.
Gras the Elf is along right-top right side of the map.
There 2-3 other players in the middle

There you go Force, I just painted an accurate picture for everyone of what Starta is like instead of whatever you think is going on.
04:29:31 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Force Ffa:

Looking over at the Highscores most feared and I apologize, some others have been fighting but not the big 3-4 that won the previous era, they have NAPs and wait in their corner for others to get weaker :)

I dont even know what you mean by this to be honest so I won't try to respond, but if it's about farming/easy plunder/etc I attacked 2 armories, ignored new player mines, and have been around the top HoH most of the era (easy to do as I am fighting 5 players OOP).

I don't have anything against you, but I have something against inaccurate presentation of facts.

16:07:17 Nov 25th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

^ yeah Agreed. I think Force is making wrong assumptions and Acting on it or even being a little naive and noob maybe ?, And just not seeing the big picture, Like an Orc and a Elf OOP In those circumstances(area,landing time,distance)  is basically a 80% the Orc will win. Anyways i think we should leave it at that, Were not complaining or crying were just responding to you Making Absolute nonsense up.

16:10:44 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

I agree, no reason to get hostile about it.

It's much more likely that the players like Isis, Gras, Fergus, Dragon, Death Bear, etc aren't 'NAPd in the corners farming', they just settled in defensible positions nearby others who did the same are just farming right now because it's usually not economical to get tied down in super early OOP wars when you don't have to. There is no reason to suspect a player like Dragon NAP'd a random player near him, its just that players like that wait to attack nearby players until it becomes a good decision to do so (if you can farm freely in the first 150 ticks then it's often best to do so).

16:20:01 Nov 25th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

Amen ^ You have a understanding of this game. It would be foolish to not take advantage of a good spot aswell. If i was in a different spot or was playing orc or halfling there would be a good chance i would be joining the frenzy south,

And grass for example being Elf What he is doing now settling in that spot is Very Scary to see, since it benefits his race and the longer he holds the stronger he will grow later in the era being elf. 

16:28:49 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Thanks! I think if anyone started in a spot like Gras or yourself they would play defensively and join the wars when it was favorable to do so. Gras definitely has a solid gameplan and a nice spot in the NE corner as an Elf and is probably one of the 3 most relevant players on the map.

Sometimes you get a good landing spot in a corner and somtimes you spawn on top of 6 other people in an open area. The fun part about this game is trying to play the hand you get, be it a bad spawn location like the 7 guys in the SE corner got or a series of unlucky dice rolls like Force got earlier.

17:05:22 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Gras:

Hi Everyone, ENjoy the era!

Of course a good spot is a really good startting position.
In fact it is a lottelry + a risky descision. When you settle in the map and have some  ticks to move before settling the first city, you can either move to a good spot with the risk of having neighbours or not , or just settle where you land.

Apart from that, as you were saying, after realizing I was alone in that area, would have been  really stupid to go find neighbours for an OOP war far from my core , where in the best case I will have two separate small cores early era...

17:19:02 Nov 25th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Woodeehh):

Props to the orc for BTing to my blocker, try d to settle west bit ran into a halfer and derinii merc corps, so restarting as a more aggressive race, I kick ass as elf, just not oop haha

17:24:42 Nov 25th 14 - Lady Elisa Day:

That is why I knew I had to attack. People say its easy for orcs to win against elves, but when the enemy is active and has magic, he can do a lot of damage, I am pretty sure you had rain of fire, and freeze + locust... You were really close to me, thats why I was able to get to you, and I used bonus turns and scout merge to get you quickly, without those I could not do it. Good job Woody for fighting well against me.

17:58:53 Nov 25th 14 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Fergus Mor):

For me I was in the middle and wiped out early. I rebuilt to the north. But I am pretty much out of this era :/

18:52:33 Nov 25th 14 - Dragon (Lord Son of Dragon):

I got lucky and got a good starting position.  

Good luck to everyone.  Lets have a fun era.

And remember it is just a game..... One that we love to play.  

You people are doing an awesome job keep it alive......

20:00:12 Nov 25th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Endgame):

If I had a extra day,.3k archers were training, and you wouldn't of broke me, but hey ho, that's vu!

21:27:00 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

I had LoS over the Woodey vs Elisa fight for the whole thing and it looked like both players played their hands pretty well. With a hard fought immediate OOP battle like that where both players actually put up a fight the winner still comes out behind relative to the rest of the map.

All 3 of the armies attacking me got bounced on high 90%s and everyone fighting these early wars payed a huge price in lost opportunity to do other things (build whilst it was economical/fight successful wars), which is an issue when there are at least 2-3 other decent players who are farming in defensible areas- you gotta be successful enough that you can keep pace with the people just defaulting into farming up early and maintaining a moderate amount of troops in a blocker like most people would do if they had the chance.

That said I think that if one of us was capable of or still could kill the others fast enough then one of the people in the SE corner still had/has a good shot at winning overall, but it's more likely that everyone is just going to falter economically very quickly.

The best way for any of the people in the SE to be strong relative to the other players on Starta is for other players in the SE corner to be dead, especially with how open this part of the map is. The issue is that I didn't die when the 3 of you hit me at the same time and I didn't 100% any of your armies so now there are 4 players left with the tattered remains of their oversized tier-1 unit OOP armies sitting on small 500k~ economies and shitty armies.

I propose that we all kill each other, for our own good! When the 3 of you pathed armies onto me but before all of you started prepping at once I thought about potentially razing due to being in such a comically bad location so if one of you was able to overpower me you wouldn't become too strong, but I'd rather see at least one of us succeed.

21:58:29 Nov 25th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Here's another way to look at this if you are one of the 4 people fighting in the SE right now:

The best way this probably could have played out for the 3 people in the SE corner who arent me would have been for me to die and then the 3 of you hopefully would have fought one another around my cities, and one of the 4 of us (me) would be immediately dead and one of the 3 of you would emerge the clear victor but that didnt happen.

The best way this could have played out for me would have been to 100-0 all of your armies and then take your cities, but that didn't happen either.

The best way this could have played out for the 8-9 people on the map who aren't the 4 people fighting in the SE corner would have been for the 4 people fighting in the SE corner to fight a costly battle with no clear victor and stagnate economically with weak armies and small cities in an open area.

I could sit in my 2 blockers with my top army that will eventually not be the top army and just pump swordsmen until you all either try to attack again for round 2, kill one another slowly (your armies were all identical in power and got bounced on similiar %s), or a more farmed/fed player rolls by and kills us all and that would probably be the 'correct' and 'safe' play and decision to make (especially considering that I fought 5 players and just pushed 3 of you off of me) but I think I might make this more interesting by trying to 100% one of your armies or getting killed so one of the 4 of us actually dies here. Whoever doesn't have an army would therefor be most prone to being the next man dead (unless there really is a 3 man MAP on the FFA world which I doubt is the case, its more likely everyone is just being opportunistic).

This isnt the safest play to make but it's probably the only way one of us actually dies soon and one of us actually has a shot at winning. I'm not saying dont be opportunistic about attacking someone, if anyone sees 2 other people attacking someone again (probably me because I am in the middle of everyone) and think it's the right decision to try to get into the mix then by all means go for it, but at the same time if I completely kill off 2 of your 3 armies then I'm going to be pretty disappointed if I see the third guy just walk over the other 2 guys' undefended mines and suicide onto me again while 2 other people opt out of attacking one another. If it looks like there is too much teaming up on the FFA world then 'm just gonna sit in a blocker and then it's most likely nobody dies in the next 100 ticks. I can understand the desire to collude a little bit with your neighbors and not immediately attack everyone around you and I think that it's a perfectly understandable decision to try to attack the player who is being attacked by 2 other players and looks like he might fall, but I'll just be frank: I've made it a point to stick to the spirit of a FFA world and not collude with people to try to stack the odds in my favor despite a bad start location and despite other player offering to 'work with me' in various ways thus far.

tl;dr: I'm going to make sure somebody here dies even it might be me because it's what's best for all of us. If you have the power to kill me or anyone else then do so, but please don't play this in such a way that maintaining unofficial friendly relationships with the players adjacent to you means that nobody is able to kill anybody else because you arent attacking sensible locations or obviously undefended targets. If you see the chance to kill me then then take it. If you get the chance to kill your neighbor then take it. 

It's a free for all world so let's all kill one another.

10:54:23 Nov 26th 14 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa):

Well congrats to Dragon for killing me, without magic I can't do much
In the end I can say I do not really like this world lol, always get in middle of the map next to lots of people, so I am never safe to farm, and my attempt to attack Dragon failed, and his fast Nazguls I can not defend against without magic... Good job man.

By the way, whats up with the two members kingdoms now?

Kingdoms in Starta
Death Angels1Lady Leila496
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed496
Howling1Princess Aisha488
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras485
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon478
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear472
Stuff1Mr. Fluff399
Why so serious1Mr. Drug Addict382
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People354
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn313
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day264
Human Union1Mr. Force Ffa210
Kilkerran Lords2Mr. Fergus Mor121
Dark Spawn1Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa100
Serenity1Ms. Yolanda24

11:43:44 Nov 26th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Kingdoms in Starta
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed129
Death Angels1Lady Leila125
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras125
Howling1Princess Aisha125
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon124
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear122
Stuff1Mr. Fluff100
Why so serious1Mr. Drug Addict99
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People95
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn80
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day70
Human Union1Mr. Force Ffa55
Kilkerran Lords2Mr. Fergus Mor31
Dark Spawn1Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa26
Serenity1Ms. Yolanda6

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Fluff has won 9 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 55945 men and women.
  2. Mr. Abomination Reborn has won 2 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 24645 men and women.
  3. Princess Aisha has won 4 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 12014 men and women.
  4. Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa has won 6 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 15223 men and women.
  5. Mr. Force Ffa has won 1 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 17547 men and women.

At least everyone who fought in the corner is in an equally poor position at the moment. I know a lot of people who fought in that part of the map are a bit discouraged at the moment but at least the fight is still even until Gras/Dragon eventually reach us or the Isis/Hellbear kill one another and attack.

17:31:24 Nov 26th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:

Isis are peaceful people. Let me be.

01:07:38 Nov 27th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

Clearly! As the Orc who is ceasing to build buildings, selling all of your tree, and having filled up all the space in your side pocket above Death Bear I can only reason that your gold is going towards alms for the poor.

07:36:45 Nov 27th 14 - Dragon (Lord Son of Dragon):

Thank you Dark Spawn for the compliment.  You had me worried for a little while before I got my magic up and going.

17:26:45 Nov 27th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

I notice we have a 2 man kingdom rising to power. If Becomes a Game changer, Daylight will be created again to hunt down anyone who is not keeping to the FFA gameplay. ( Daylight was formed to take out Kingdom hearts in the past a kingdom of 6 Who got Killed by all the solo players uniting, This will happen again well i know 4 players willing to join the fight if it gets out of hand)

17:31:01 Nov 27th 14 - Princess Aisha:

Yes i have noticed them, and I did some fighting against them, but as I was outnumbered I had to retreat, and now they can grow even larger. Don't know whats the point in forming a kingdom of two in this type of world, count me in, Fire Lord Crazy.

17:32:09 Nov 28th 14 - Lady Elisa Day:

This era looks similar to last era, halfers ruling the hoh, untill people like Gras and Fire Lord kill everyone. This era Midge is not playing but we have few new ones :)

Kingdoms in Starta
Death Angels1Lady Leila186
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed166
Howling1Princess Aisha153
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear153
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras148
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon135
Stuff1Mr. Fluff128
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People120
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day100
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn95
Why so serious1Mr. Drug Addict85
Kilkerran Lords2Mr. Fergus Mor53
Serenity1Ms. Yolanda9
Dark Spawn1Mr. Dark Spawn Ffa2

03:39:27 Dec 1st 14 - Mr. Fluff:

The SE Corner saga continues. Here is what happened in the past week or so since the 3v1 attack:

Counterattacked and killed the other Human, counterattacked an Orc and took Scimi's land back but neglected to raze it.

An Elf started late and built up about 65k land before coming OOP. I gave the guy fair warning that he would probably be attacked by one of 2 Orcs in the corner as he came OOP in case he was new/unaware (I think he might have been), and then he came OOP and died. I wanted to be merciful but he pretty much did what I expected that he would do and immediately fed land to one of the Orcs in the former 3 man alliance :(

A Dwarf started late, I should probably give him the same warning in case he is new or unaware, I won't go out of my way to kill him either as he has laughably low land and weak due to his late start but I dont expect Abomination the Orc to show the same mercy.

Round 2 of the corner-alliances offensive, this time only 2 of them left but still attacking from the same 2 opposite sides. Pictured here you can see the dead elf, late starting dwarf, myself, the 2 orc armies, and a little bit of the dead orc/human and 2 living Orc's lands.

20:46:55 Dec 1st 14 - Mr. Ghostofvupast:

All of this is too long to read but I had a question. Can you form temporary CFs with people? Is that a good strategy on Starta?

03:39:58 Dec 3rd 14 - Mr. Insanity Man:

what type of world is this?? i have not played for a long time and was not aware multiple member kingdoms were not allowed


04:11:27 Dec 3rd 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

FFA In other words , no kingdoms( With more then 1 member) 

Plus Nap system seems to be  NAP with one person is ok with more is frowned upon. Since its hard to 3v1 .And having a big alliance is close to having a kingdom.

13:40:11 Dec 3rd 14 - Mr. Insanity Man:

well seems like it should be more clear when you drop, saw nothing about it when I started!! I apologize for the misunderstanding

19:12:29 Dec 6th 14 - Mr. Abomination Reborn:

Wow what the hell happened to loads of people...
Gras dropped extremelly on the HoH? I also noticed first core of Fluff is gone but he did not drop extremelly from the HoH?
I notice a huge jump in Isis, he is doing quite well in the era
But this two man kd is still the number one favorite to win, because they cheat.

Kingdoms in Starta
al ilh1Mr. Isisare Good People421
Dendarii Mercenary Corps2Beast Lord Jangsta Blazed414
Death Angels1Lady Leila389
Fire Lord1Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear330
Howling1Princess Aisha306
Dragons Devils1Lord Son of Dragon141
Stuff1Mr. Fluff104
Monsters1Mr. Abomination Reborn100
Wild Rose1Lady Elisa Day91
killsteak1Mr. Draygon85
Realm of Gras1Mr. Gras31
Aotearoa1Lord Tumatauenga30

00:11:01 Dec 7th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:

Major drop in Gras, huge jump in Isis, put two and two together. I killed gras.

11:12:09 Dec 7th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

10:12:29 Dec 6th 14 - Mr. Abomination Reborn:

Wow what the hell happened to loads of people...
Gras dropped extremelly on the HoH? I also noticed first core of Fluff is gone but he did not drop extremelly from the HoH?
I notice a huge jump in Isis, he is doing quite well in the era
But this two man kd is still the number one favorite to win, because they cheat.

HoH is based mostly off of land count. Gras died to Isis and I razed undefendable land and consolidated everything into 1 city. I did not drop that heavily in HoH because I still have lots of troops and went from 80k~ land to 66k~

16:14:09 Dec 7th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:


Mr. Isisare Good People.

The city of Rock Holdings is now under our command!

They had 1961123 gold, 75238839 stone, 9609275 tree, 26815608 food and 2156 slaves in the city, that is now yours!

Those times when you leave cities with warehouses  undefended. tyvm bae

17:27:01 Dec 8th 14 - Princess Aisha:

This era the best alliance seems to be Isis and Fire Lord
Good job you two, you will most certainly win the world, just wondering which one of you two :)
Nice army Isis, you must be one of the vets
But I am too lazy to actually go look around who you are :)

Doomsday from Mr. Isisare Good People

20:28:23 Dec 8th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord The Immolation Death Bear):

I think Isis , My armies might be allot stronger then his, but its a slow fcking turtle and by the time i get to places he will already left a trail of destruction! 

Separating to move quicker is scary right now, i don't like surprises!

00:53:55 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:

I much prefer my army of soon to be 500k Gaia.

15:56:52 Dec 9th 14 - Mr. Insanity Man:

great video

eparating to move quicker is scary right now, i don't like surprises!

16:06:15 Dec 11th 14 - Lady Leila:

What actually happened in the war between
Dragon vs Gras vs Isis

I got a message from Dragon while back:

Lord Son of Dragon (12/4/2014 7:27:20 AM) GOOD BAD

My armies are defeated and gras is moving in for the kill.

Please take all my cities for yourself.

I did not bother taking the cities, as I can't defeat farmed up Elf or Orc,
But I wanted to ask what actually happened
Was Gras busy vs Dragon so Isis took his core?
Or Gras was able to go 1 on 1 against Isis with both full force armies?

23:56:31 Dec 11th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:

I never saw an army from dragon even near gras. Gras took the city starta V which was undefended. I slaughtered gras' army and it was an army that at that stage of the era that didnt look like it had been in a fight and I had sight of gras nearly all era bar oop.

Also why do you guys feel the need to wreck land? Go gracefully yo.

00:01:59 Dec 12th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

I'm relatively sure that Isis attacked multiple people at once and toppled Gras and Dragon, who had been 'fighting' one another (smallish armies, saw one push on Gras before Isis got there and took away my LoS). At the time that Isis attacked Gras I believe (I could be wrong) that Gras had just defended from a push from Dragon.

There was little pressure or action going on in the SE corner at the time as well, after defending from another push from the NAP'd SE corner alliance I withdrew everything into one city as I had accepted that I could not win the world long ago, but that I wouldn't feed anyone free cities or make it too easy for them as I watched the last battles unfold.

As you might expect Isis and Fire Lord both ignored attacking the 66k building 30k mine multiple hundred thousand swordsmen city and fought Abomination and Elisa, and Isis was already very powerful at this time due to farming early game and killing multiple players midgame so it's clear who will win this.

The SE corner people are all dead save for Isis and Fire Lord so I imagine this is where Isis probably attacks me then swings his whole focus towards the rest of the map since he's cleared the top right and bottom right corners.

11:57:59 Dec 12th 14 - Mr. Pure The Good:

I attacked gras' army at starta V. He beat me to the city by 1 tick and took it before me. The city was empty as I scouted it earlier. Prepped him, he ran in smaller armies close to TC I took the city moved in the army path (As I knew I couldnt kill them all within the time left) then slaughtered his army as it was broken up (By calculations I still would of had 99%)

At the same time as launching my attack on Gras I attacked Elisa and Abomination. I took all their undefended cities and thats why I bypassesd you Barny as I know you had troops in your cities. That and I knew you would have magic which would fck my nazzie raids up. After I killed Gras off I allowed all my injuries to heal then marched on Leila who suicided her army on me and I only lost about 100 naz in the end (soz, not soz) And then she wrecked her cities, at the same I launched attacks  on draygon in the far west. Dragon came in and took back the cities I took from draygon and now im attacking Dragon.

Dragon shouldnt take me too long, especially after I ownaged 400 naz 10 hours ago and then he made the same mistake but with 700 naz.

17:39:20 Dec 12th 14 - Mr. Isisare Good People:

I'm looking forward to the 2 man kingdom vs me battle. Me with close to 20k nazgul floating around vs 2 players that to my knowledge have farmed all era. I tip myself to win.

21:49:54 Dec 12th 14 - Mr. Fluff:

I botched my opening and didn't realize this was a free for all world at first like I mentioned earlier in this thread, but I conceded that I probably wouldn't be able to win when I consolidated everything into one city. At least I didn't lose to any of the alliances throughout multiple pushes and I suspect I might be able to hold off this final push from Isis/Fire Lord one last time before you guys send more units and kill me.

Well played.

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