Forums / In game politics / Starta Era 49

Starta Era 49
19:34:22 Aug 22nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Starta Era 49.... I think.

19:44:34 Aug 22nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

who wants to fck with me?
I am a dwarf and i have a little pecker that wants to go minning ;)

08:31:28 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Starta... is it just me or is this map tiny.. o.0

14:40:56 Aug 24th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

it realy is hahaaa

19:12:41 Aug 24th 10 - Grand Paladin Jonny Arthurs Man Slave:

yeah.... this is going to be a goofy era. Sorry I missed so much already... freaking charger cable of my lap top is broken :(

16:47:13 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Kingdoms in Starta
Better Than You10Mr. Dean276
Guild Of The Fallen10Junior Guildmaster Shmeh240
FUBAR5Mr. Timmiev185
Public Enemies2Mr. Bigger Willie Then You100
The Fellowship of the Ring2Mr. Middle Earth44
mythology3Mr. Arkantos40
Pooping Philosophy3Mr. Sharpting Apes32
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame7Grand Paladin Jonny Arthurs Man Slave18
The Salvation Army2Master Death Row5
Simple1Mr. Nickus of Starta0
Reservoir Dogs4Mr. Nice Guy Eddie0

10:43:03 Aug 26th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

06:40:17 - People of Bigger Willie Then You lost a battle against People of Bigtimeloser from Mr. Bigtimeloser. We lost 1 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

why can't you just let me farm :-(

09:24:39 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Starta
FUBAR 9 Mr. Timmiev 100
Better Than You 11 Mr. Dean 77
Guild Of The Fallen 10 Junior Guildmaster Shmeh 58
Pooping Philosophy 4 Mr. Sharpting Apes 23
mythology 10 Mr. Arkantos 21
Public Enemies 1 Mr. Bigger Willie Then You 18
The Fellowship of the Ring 6 Mr. Middle Earth 15
The Salvation Army 3 Master Death Row 3
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 5 Grand Paladin Jonny Arthurs Man Slave 0
Simple 2 Mr. Arkan The First Drakengard 0
Reservoir Dogs 4 Mr. Nice Guy Eddie 0



Go FUBAR ^_^

19:46:14 Aug 29th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

Go me :-)

09:54:12 Aug 30th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

go me :D

11:40:25 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

aren't there any StG'ers???

15:47:18 Sep 1st 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

dkno but FFS guys why you keeping the market so fcking low :@

18:41:04 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Justin:

Its commen sense that they lack dwarf :p

18:53:54 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Zero Tolerance:

I hate magic, i am not an StG'er but please DO keep the market price that low :)

19:04:22 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

because nobody buys it i guess

19:41:15 Sep 1st 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

well put it at a higher price anyway :P
If they want it they will have to buy it wont they :P

00:48:43 Sep 2nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

Those that are SGT'ers do their best to keep the market low. it means higher profit for them when they buy it.

don't worry it will go up soom

00:52:41 Sep 2nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

but ffs man never takes this long :(

05:49:31 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Justin:

This aint Fant or Mant dwarf lol

10:23:43 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

can't put it higher thanks too 25% rule -.-

02:27:53 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

Well Starta is doing great atm some wars That we can see.
3 people have left our Kingdom 1 i understand but the other 2 :/.

Any thing Going on With GOTF?

22:52:38 Sep 3rd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Hehehe stone prices will forever be low >:)

EDIT: Especially with the quantity Fat Willie was selling ;).

Well some stuff was but then we got bored and decided to farm out the era :).

00:47:21 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Kali:

muh muhhhhhh meanie :p

Moves II

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Thomaas The SoloKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Public Enemies
Size:Army (100,000-200,000)

Moves II lead by Mr. Thomaas The Solo have begun a siege of Dasa Mahavidyas.

12:06:36 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

I sold my stone at the highest possible ;) so no hating i increased the price by 25% the moment i placed them..

18:49:18 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

there you go i bough the stone market up :) STG FTW! :D

19:00:24 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Bigger Willie Then You:

nice one :p thanks for the gold :)

22:42:18 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

hehe worked out better for me 56 mil spent 92 mil made :P

22:46:05 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

Kingdoms in Starta
The Fallen 8 Mr. Kiam 100
Guild Of The Fallen 10 Junior Guildmaster Shmeh 73
Better Than You 9 Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf 48
Public Enemies 2 Mr. Bigger Willie Then You 40
Pooping Philosophy 8 Mr. Sharpting Apes 38
mythology 6 Mr. Arkantos 6
One Man Farming 1 Mr. Fever 1



FUBAR is now know as The Fallen and i will be taking charge :)

02:52:24 Sep 6th 10 - Ms. Kali:

ty Bigtime loser <3

Public Enemies2Mr. Bigger Willie Then You101
Pooping Philosophy5Mr. Sharpting Apes100

Take that Thomaas! :p

02:54:29 Sep 6th 10 - Ms. Kali:

you two should be ashamed, CF-ing each other, why not call if off and war each other?

Kingdoms in Starta
The Fallen8Mr. Kiam294
Guild Of The Fallen10Junior Guildmaster Shmeh227

03:26:10 Sep 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

they did it because Kiam knows he would get owned by shmeh ;)
Oh and timmiev spams swordies so he isnt all that good ;)
Are you Tim >:)

14:24:31 Sep 6th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

lol SFD ipwn all ^_^ Shmeh included :P and we have no relations what so ever so i have no idea where you people are getting your infomation. :)

22:18:37 Sep 6th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

ahhh sht sorry it took me so long to reply i have been ill, it turns out im elergic to BS. go figures :P

02:11:35 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Justin:

I was wondering why i was sneezing everytime you PM me Dwarf ;)

03:03:54 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

owwww low blow mann now im gunna have to kick you then feed of you >:)

05:36:46 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Justin:

lol my trolls would annihilate your midget dwarf ass :P

05:40:00 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

LOL you wish :P
im a farmer biatch :P

07:17:43 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Justin:

lol not of troops your not ;)

07:41:55 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

bahhh you dont know what i got lil boy ;)
jokes im only making swordies.

07:47:25 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Justin:

haha are you talking about you or Tim the backstabber???

18:46:25 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Pez II from Mr. Timmiev:
Pez II from Mr. Timmiev
Through the eye we can see this information about The Pez III from Mr. Timmiev:
Pez III from Mr. Timmiev
Through the eye we can see this information about The Good Morning from Mr. Timmiev:
Good Morning from Mr. Timmiev
Through the eye we can see this information about The Pez from Mr. Timmiev:
Pez from Mr. Timmiev

what this guy.....noooo he doesnt spam swordies where would you gt that idea from :?

20:00:29 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

LMFAO! that it take your digs at my KD BYT! atleast my KD doesnt have a worthless army like this:

Vengeance from Mr. White Wolf

Old EiTs but thats because he is hinding from me in his city and he wont come out to play >:D not my fault my army is stronger COME PLAY WITH ME WHITE WOLF :P

20:23:52 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

he had got backstabbed by you guys and you took his income so meh he had to!!
Tim doesnt have to he is just a sht n00b who doesnt know how to play dwarf obv.

So i will take wolf over Tim anyday.
good day :)

20:26:09 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

lol so he has enough income to support a near 100k giai army but he doesnt have the income to trained good troops or build more mines???? Mmmm i think your covering up for a noob.... Some fcuked noob ^_^ SFN!! there is a new name for you

20:29:01 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

suck out kiam he had 1 city after you guys backstabbed us. or should i say Tim backstabbed us.
Hmmm to thin i like you and you support a backstabbing KD tuttut :P
And how long was he in that bloc for lol he was there for more tghen a week im sure if he had a good income he would have alot more then 100k gaia :/

20:39:45 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

Us?? lol i had nothing to do with it, i almost left FUBAR after Thomaas told me.. nub and i dont support KD stabbing KDs what happen was wrong i was told they werre prvoked i dont know im staying out of it, and if he was half a player he would of made some mines :P not that hard really.. "mmm low income what to do... Ummm i know, LETS SPAM GAIA!!"

Lmfao! :P

20:42:32 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

shup :'(
I dont care you still have Tim in your KD so you guys are ack stabbers!!
And how is taking out poff provoking you??

20:47:41 Sep 8th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Shhh... what's with all the negativity :( ima bake y'all a big cookie and everything will work itself out.

20:47:56 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Kiam:

lol Well i haver my noobs you have yours ;)

And dont ask me how they were provoked i was told they were...

21:03:19 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Some Fcked Dwarf:

see you have no fact unlike me i was there so pish posh kiam :P

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