Forums / In game politics / Starta NextEra Announcement

Starta NextEra Announcement
23:19:02 Aug 20th 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:

Once this era of Starta ends, I will revive Juggernaut. 

We will ONLY be accepting players who are new to the game, or bad at it. We will not be accepting veterans, unless you know me personally. The names I have gone by are: Salazar, Small Fries. 

I can teach you how to play Orc. I'm willing to invest time in a magic user as well. 
DVS has a wealth of knowledge about other races. 

You can submit an application ahead of time by sending me a private message. Contact me on any account you want. If we receive no applications, I hope to enjoy fighting on Starta small-scale. 

If you are going to leave any comments on this forum, please be sure they pertain to the topic. Thank you. 

19:55:56 Aug 21st 13 - Ms. Alith:

Starta has ended. I am looking for candidates now. 

20:25:49 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

You're only accepting new or bad players, huh?

May aswell recruit 3/4 of LGC then.

20:30:11 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:

Not sure if you're good or bad anymore. I'd probably recruit you. 

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