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Starta WTF ,
10:19:16 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Zek:

  Ok what is the deal ?!  Assassins  Creed , Gauls and Godlike Ally to Fight Warfire who owns 70% of the map . Then they ( Warfire ) Disband and Join GodLike and Now own 80% of the map .  Is this considered and Honorable thing for either Kingdom to do ? 

10:20:06 Apr 3rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

is it honorable to all allience against one person than?

10:41:35 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Maybe disband also and join Godlike aswell, so you can farm the rest of the era

16:11:36 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Lecter:

it isnt honorable but at the same time it isnt dishonorable. reason being that every person from warfire had a choice on if they wanted to join godlike. so it is at the level of the players. and not like it really matters it just makes them more of a target for the children of darkness once we can get to them.

16:50:30 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Thingol:

Zek, I wasnt aware there was any such MAP as you have described. We are NAP'd, not MAP'd.

18:02:53 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Zek:

when i say MAP i am talking the land we travel .   And it is was 3 Kingdoms combined had only HALF the power of Warfire ,

07:08:15 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Zek to me that just sounds like a party adn a challenge

07:21:15 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

Whether it's honorable is irrelevant. It's Starta. If you stay there, kingdom jumping is something you will just have to get used to.

07:26:59 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

true, when i was on starta in era 30 ppl were doing a lot of kingdom jumping, which does show some dishonour.

07:43:53 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Lecter:

lol i was in a two man kd on starta and when my partner left i am now asking to change kingdoms.

07:46:45 Apr 4th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Dishonorable? THAT IS STARTA!!!

*Septim kicks Zek down into a well.

"Anyways, it's neither honorable or dishonorable, it is simply a person wishing to join a kingdom, it's his cities, his armies, and he can do what he wishes with them, if you get good enough to take eighty percent of the map, then you can fight a one man war if you want, but you aren't yet, so stop complaining, and if you don't like it go to another world..."

10:22:10 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Undercover:

dude let's tell the story!
Dishonourable ???
What happened was that 3 of our best players were hacked and left our kingdom.
Then we merged into godlike, so our kingdommembers could be our allies again.
It's pretty unbelievable but that's what I heard that happened and I was vice in warfire so... I should know ;-)

17:30:31 May 4th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

Ok what is the deal ?!  Assassins  Creed , Gauls and Godlike Ally to Fight Warfire who owns 70% of the map . Then they ( Warfire ) Disband and Join GodLike and Now own 80% of the map .  Is this considered and Honorable thing for either Kingdom to do ?

1)assasins creed wernt on our side.

2) warfire joined us.then it was US vs Assasins creed and guals.we were equally matched when this war started.

3)soveriegn everyday combat joined us from guals and we were still NEARLY equally then tried to CUT US OFF from our warfire half but you failed and lost most of your troops.then all we had to do was taking your cities slowly.

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