Forums / In game politics / Starta Wars (Era 35)

Starta Wars (Era 35)
13:42:03 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Kingdoms in Starta
OP Onerfied Pzornification 5 Mr. Jesus Left Eyebrow 100
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 3 Mr. Jibbly 92
Ninjas Ninjas 5 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 88
TOD Table of Doom 3 Mr. Reasons 76
SS Soul Society 8 Mr. Aizen 38
Angels Angels 2 Mr. Sleepy 14
KK Killer Klownz 1 Mr. Bartimaeus 4
royal royal 2 Mr. Sakreo 4
Wolf Wolf Pack 2 Sir Kratos Wolf 4
KRB Kuriboh 1 Mr. Bladedge 0

13:43:57 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Who is fighting Who in Starta, ??
Here is the list of kingdoms, and their sizes in respect to OP, the most powerful kingdom (atm).
If you wish to join a particular Kingdom send a Request.
Most of all Have Fun!

14:41:49 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

Non with SS.

14:54:43 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Jibbly:


00:32:13 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Kingdoms in Starta
OP Onerfied Pzornification 11 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 100
TOD Table of Doom 5 Mr. Reasons 94
POLS Polish Empire 10 Mr. Crazy Polak 71
Ninjas Ninjas 6 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 44
BBOO Big Boo 12 Sir Drebin 34
SS Soul Society 9 Mr. Aizen 21
Angels Angels 3 Mr. Sleepy 17
TT Table Tennis 2 Mr. Ping 14
FATE Destiny 2 Ms. Artemis 10
Giggle Gigglefluff 2 Mr. Fakename 9
Wolf Wolf Pack 3 Sir Kratos Wolf 8
ANZAC Southern Cross 3 Mr. Vicarious 6
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 3 Mr. Jibbly 3

01:06:07 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Bladedge:

Pols basically killed Angels. They have only two cities I can see. There going after SS now.

01:33:25 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Go icanhazcheezburgr!rofl :P

02:15:50 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Jack Sparrow:

Op is fighting TOD, thats all I know.
Looks like a pretty good fight too.

01:47:37 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Kingdoms in Starta
OP Onerfied Pzornification 11 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 484
TOD Table of Doom 5 Mr. Reasons 385
POLS Polish Empire 16 Mr. Crazy Polak 353
Ninjas Ninjas 7 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 300
BBOO Big Boo 13 Sir Drebin 219
TT Table Tennis 2 Mr. Ping 100
SS Soul Society 10 Mr. Aizen 91
ANZAC Southern Cross 4 Mr. Vicarious 55
FATE Destiny 2 Ms. Artemis 53
Giggle Gigglefluff 2 Mr. Fakename 41
Angels Angels 2 Mr. Sleepy 41
Wolf Wolf Pack 3 Sir Kratos Wolf 39
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 3 Mr. Jibbly 15

TT rises the ranks, has fought POLS, Wolf and FATE (and won ;))

02:54:59 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Bladedge:

We (POLS) have fought TT?

04:43:59 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

SS Soul Society 10 Mr. Aizen 91
ANZAC Southern Cross 4 Mr. Vicarious 55

go these 2 kingdoms!

09:45:55 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Mr. Bladedge


9/16/2008 1:54:59 AM
We (POLS) have fought TT?


ok vistargo did and hes now dead :P

10:08:34 Sep 16th 08 - Duke Slade:

Go Aizen WOOT WOOT you mofos know how to hold your own

11:33:45 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Reasons:

It's basicly simple in this world.

OP asks everybody to attack TOD, and they do it.

OP Onerfied Pzornification 11 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 484

POLS Polish Empire 16 Mr. Crazy Polak 353
Ninjas Ninjas 7 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 300
BBOO Big Boo 13 Sir Drebin 219
TT Table Tennis 2 Mr. Ping 100
SS Soul Society 10 Mr. Aizen 91
ANZAC Southern Cross 4 Mr. Vicarious 55
FATE Destiny 2 Ms. Artemis 53
Giggle Gigglefluff 2 Mr. Fakename 41
Angels Angels 2 Mr. Sleepy 41
Wolf Wolf Pack 3 Sir Kratos Wolf 39
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 3 Mr. Jibbly 15


TODTable of Doom5Mr. Reasons385

Fun garanteed :-)

13:30:17 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Magetherydon:

Yeh should be good, good luck for the battle, Reasons.

13:31:15 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Magetherydon:

Sure you dont want to just join us at OP, then own TOD???

20:28:07 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Kingdoms in Starta
OP Onerfied Pzornification 14 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 342
TOD Table of Doom 5 Mr. Reasons 275
POLS Polish Empire 17 Mr. Crazy Polak 220
BBOO Big Boo 13 Sir Drebin 192
Ninjas Ninjas 7 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 161




Table Tennis




Mr. Ping




SS Soul Society 10 Mr. Aizen 38
ANZAC Southern Cross 4 Mr. Vicarious 36
Giggle Gigglefluff 2 Mr. Fakename 31
FATE Destiny 3 Ms. Artemis 27
Wolf Wolf Pack 4 Sir Kratos Wolf 17
Angels Angels 1 Mr. Lite 12
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 3 Mr. Jibbly 9
Wolf Wolf Nation 1 General Wolfenstien 0


seems to be a clear seperation now :D

20:39:51 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

You suck Ping :P

21:16:52 Sep 16th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Yeah Ping you suck.

21:55:11 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Ping:

two on one :(

04:24:24 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Frosty The Snowman:

Go Ninjas! WOo!

04:54:19 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

I find myself on starta for some I sure hope this shapes up to be an interesting era :p

21:58:14 Sep 17th 08 - Ms. Pong:

This army HoH will so belong to TT.

22:16:33 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Ping:

too right :P

00:25:18 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Platoon Hunter
owned by Mr. Ping

Hobbit Wrath
owned by Mr. Allan Hobbit

Living Together Apart
owned by Mr. Reasons

First Reach
owned by Ms. Pong

For The Love
owned by Mr. Reasons

owned by Mr. Avionaro

Death Conquers All
owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

owned by Mr. Crazy Polak

owned by Mr. Sherman

owned by Sir Magetherydon

House Three
owned by Mr. Sanjuro

Avi Mines
owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Mr. Sherman

Armory Colony I
owned by Mr. Crazy Polak

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

owned by Mr. Sherman

For God
owned by Mr. Reasons

Leuke Blocker I
owned by Mr. Gimlee

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[OP] Onerfied Pzornification
With Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow as leader.

[TOD] Table of Doom
With Mr. Reasons as leader.

[POLS] Polish Empire
With Mr. Crazy Polak as leader.

[BBOO] Big Boo
With Sir Drebin as leader.

[Ninjas] Ninjas
With Mr. Frosty The Snowman as leader.

[TT] Table Tennis
With Mr. Ping as leader.

[ANZAC] Southern Cross
With Mr. Vicarious as leader.

[Giggle] Gigglefluff
With Mr. Fakename as leader.

[SS] Soul Society
With Mr. Aizen as leader.

[FATE] Destiny
With Ms. Artemis as leader.

Mr. Reasons
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Avionaro
Member of: Table of Doom.

Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Bladedge
Member of: Polish Empire.

Mr. Ping
Member of: Table Tennis.

Mr. Allan Hobbit
Member of: Ninjas.

Ms. Pong
Member of: Table Tennis.

Mr. Sherman
Member of: Table of Doom.

Sir Magetherydon
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Jack Sparrow
Member of: Big Boo.


we've been fighting jack sparrow :P and we knocked polak off the hoh cus we killed his other 5k

02:28:41 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Frosty The Snowman:

I could have High Score Armies, but... I'm too lazy to bring all my armies together...

00:47:43 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Armies on the highscores mean nothing.... Citys mean something, but Most powerful rulers means the most, if you have 2 or 3 in the top 5 you are doing well.

00:48:30 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Not Your Fight
owned by Mr. Ping

Living Together Apart
owned by Mr. Reasons

owned by Mr. Avionaro

Death Conquers All
owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

owned by Mr. Jack Sparrow

owned by Ms. Pong

Hobbit Wrath
owned by Mr. Allan Hobbit

Its Business Time
owned by Mr. Crazy Polak

owned by Sir Drebin

The Red Leaf
owned by Ms. Pong

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Avi Mines
owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Mr. Frosty The Snowman

owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Mr. Allan Hobbit

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

House Three
owned by Mr. Sanjuro

owned by Mr. Sherman

owned by Mr. Bladedge

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[OP] Onerfied Pzornification
With Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow as leader.

[TOD] Table of Doom
With Mr. Reasons as leader.

[POLS] Polish Empire
With Mr. Crazy Polak as leader.

[BBOO] Big Boo
With Sir Drebin as leader.

[Ninjas] Ninjas
With Mr. Frosty The Snowman as leader.

[TT] Table Tennis
With Mr. Ping as leader.

[ANZAC] Southern Cross
With Mr. Vicarious as leader.

[Giggle] Gigglefluff
With Mr. Fakename as leader.

[SS] Soul Society
With Mr. Aizen as leader.

[Wolf] Wolf Pack
With Sir Kratos Wolf as leader.

Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Avionaro
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Reasons
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Allan Hobbit
Member of: Ninjas.

Mr. Ping
Member of: Table Tennis.

Mr. Bladedge
Member of: Polish Empire.

Sir Magetherydon
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Ms. Pong
Member of: Table Tennis.

Mr. Sherman
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Frosty The Snowman
Member of: Ninjas.

03:07:44 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

hoh in general means near nothing...

so what's going on in the world? who's fighting who? who's allied with who?

05:51:09 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Banshee:

Bboo is fighting TT and Op is still fighting TOD i believe.

08:44:21 Sep 19th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Ninja and Pols looks like they want a piece of TT too.

11:17:32 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow


9/18/2008 11:47:43 PM
Armies on the highscores mean nothing.... Citys mean something, but Most powerful rulers means the most, if you have 2 or 3 in the top 5 you are doing well.


atreides was right it does mean nothing, i post for fun :P

but how can we have 3 in top 5, we only have 2 players :P it just shows who farms the most or which halfling wants to win

also cities mean no more than armies, i put 4k farmers in a city and it got on hoh, does tht make it powerful ? :P

11:19:15 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Avionaro:

At the time he finally got #1 he posts the HoH.
the only thing i wonder, how long can you stay there.

It is still Op vs TOD, or TOD vs OP.

12:07:00 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Ping:

TT & Giggle vs. POLS & BBOO & Ninja & Destiny

do they need anymore i make tht

4 vs 39 :P

17:22:21 Sep 19th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Not 39 we've already killed a few, and some of their members arn't even worth worrying about.

soo urr: 4 v 1 (bring it on jack xD)

07:19:27 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

At the time he finally got #1 he posts the HoH.
the only thing i wonder, how long can you stay there.

It is still Op vs TOD, or TOD vs OP.

Of course That is what i did, makes me look more powerful, didn't last long though, TOD are 2 far away to launch sucsessfull attacks against.

10:04:49 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Ping:

2008-09-20 - Todays News

  • 09:00:37: **** gained 1 experience from adventuring.

    ive got exp... i want prizes  :P

06:59:36 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Razai:

Kingdoms in Starta
POLS Polish Empire 17 Mr. Crazy Polak 100
TOD Table of Doom 6 Mr. Reasons 89
OP Onerfied Pzornification 12 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 85
BBOO Big Boo 13 Sir Drebin 80
Ninjas Ninjas 6 Mr. Frosty The Snowman 63
TT Table Tennis 2 Mr. Ping 35
ANZAC Southern Cross 5 Mr. Vicarious 20
Wolf Wolf Pack 5 Sir Kratos Wolf 16
Giggle Gigglefluff 2 Mr. Fakename 9
FATE Destiny 3 Lady Artemis 8
DK Dark Kingdom 2 Mr. Darkness 7
Wolf Wolf Nation 1 General Wolfenstien 4
SS Soul Society 7 Mr. Aizen 3
lolcat icanhazcheezburgr 1 Mr. Jibbly 0

07:00:55 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Razai:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Hobbit Wrath III
owned by Mr. Allan Hobbit

owned by Mr. Reasons

owned by Ms. Pong

Living Together Apart
owned by Mr. Reasons

owned by Mr. Avionaro

Its Business Time
owned by Mr. Crazy Polak

owned by Sir Magetherydon

owned by Mr. Sanjuro

Try Again Tomoz
owned by Mr. Ping

owned by Sir Drebin

Avi Mines
owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

Hawks Nest
owned by Mr. Vicarious

Food Rsssss
owned by Mr. Bladedge

owned by Mr. Avionaro

For God
owned by Mr. Reasons

Jon Cuatro
owned by Mr. Jon

owned by Mr. Green

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Dont Bother
owned by Mr. Ping

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[POLS] Polish Empire
With Mr. Crazy Polak as leader.

[TOD] Table of Doom
With Mr. Reasons as leader.

[OP] Onerfied Pzornification
With Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow as leader.

[BBOO] Big Boo
With Sir Drebin as leader.

[Ninjas] Ninjas
With Mr. Frosty The Snowman as leader.

[TT] Table Tennis
With Mr. Ping as leader.

[ANZAC] Southern Cross
With Mr. Vicarious as leader.

[Wolf] Wolf Pack
With Sir Kratos Wolf as leader.

[Giggle] Gigglefluff
With Mr. Fakename as leader.

[FATE] Destiny
With Lady Artemis as leader.

Mr. Avionaro
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Reasons
Member of: Table of Doom.

Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Allan Hobbit
Member of: Ninjas.

Sir Magetherydon
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Bladedge
Member of: Polish Empire.

Mr. Sherman
Member of: Table of Doom.

Ms. Pong
Member of: Table Tennis.

Sir Drebin
Member of: Big Boo.

Mr. Ping
Member of: Table Tennis.

04:49:46 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Allan Hobbit:

OH YEA~! numba 1


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

owned by Mr. Reasons

Hobbit Wrath III
owned by Mr. Allan Hobbit

Try Again Tomoz
owned by Mr. Ping

Jesus Reborn II
owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

Grudgebringers Army
owned by Mr. Frosty The Snowman

Its Business Time
owned by Mr. Crazy Polak

Judgment Dragon
owned by Mr. Bladedge

owned by Sir Drebin

Living Together Apart
owned by Mr. Reasons

owned by Ms. Pong

Avi Mines
owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Hawks Nest
owned by Mr. Vicarious

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

owned by Mr. Avionaro

owned by Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow

Stingy People
owned by Lady Artemis

owned by Mr. Green

Banshees Wrath
owned by Sir Banshee

owned by Sir Magetherydon

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[POLS] Polish Empire
With Mr. Crazy Polak as leader.

[TOD] Table of Doom
With Mr. Reasons as leader.

[OP] Onerfied Pzornification
With Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow as leader.

[BBOO] Big Boo
With Sir Drebin as leader.

[Ninjas] Ninjas
With Mr. Frosty The Snowman as leader.

[TT] Table Tennis
With Mr. Ping as leader.

[Wolf] Wolf Pack
With Sir Kratos Wolf as leader.

[ANZAC] Southern Cross
With Mr. Vicarious as leader.

[FATE] Destiny
With Lady Artemis as leader.

[DK] Dark Kingdom
With Mr. Darkness as leader.

Mr. Allan Hobbit
Member of: Ninjas.

Mr. Avionaro
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Reasons
Member of: Table of Doom.

Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Mr. Sherman
Member of: Table of Doom.

Mr. Bladedge
Member of: Polish Empire.

Sir Magetherydon
Member of: Onerfied Pzornification.

Sir Drebin
Member of: Big Boo.

Ms. Pong
Member of: Table Tennis.

Mr. Frosty The Snowman
Member of: Ninjas.

10:12:36 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Ping:

* rolls eyes* ppl only posting when they get number one... well we have our whole KD on hoh, beat tht :P


13:28:39 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Ping:

17:02:29 Sep 22nd 08 - Ms. Pong:

16:00:01: The people of Francesco have revolted!

it was a mega farm anyway -.-"

04:33:00 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Allan Hobbit:

Farmer :O I've been fighting since OOP :P

09:09:28 Sep 23rd 08 - Ms. Pong:

It's not me thats farming its these other kingdoms. Stupid rainbows....

17:12:10 Sep 23rd 08 - Ms. Pong:

Noes bad reason :'(

18:38:32 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ping:

bad bad reason, what did we do to you ?

ah well more bodies

10:46:09 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ping:

Kingdoms in Starta
POLS Polish Empire 15 Mr. Crazy Polak 326
TOD Table of Doom 7 Mr. Reasons 289
BBOO Big Boo 13 Sir Drebin 185
OP Onerfied Pzornification 11 Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow 160
TT Table Tennis 2 Mr. Ping 100
ANZAC Southern Cross 5 Mr. Vicarious 58
Wolf Wolf Pack 4 Sir Kratos Wolf 55
DK Dark Kingdom 3 Mr. Darkness 24
FATE Destiny 2 Lady Artemis 10
SS Soul Society 6 Mr. Aizen 4

10:46:57 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ping:

any war updates please ? xD

TT vs. BBOO still xD

10:55:32 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Avionaro:

TOD vs OP still.

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