Forums / In game politics / Starta Wars - Era of Lewatha

Starta Wars - Era of Lewatha
20:31:33 Mar 30th 09 - Sir Evans:

Woo so whats happening?

20:38:07 Mar 30th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

is RVL really there? O.o

20:38:48 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yea =-(

20:44:41 Mar 30th 09 - Duke Slade:

LMFAO, your all doomed :P

20:57:27 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

Most Fearsome Rulers

  1. Flame Lord Phoenix has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  2. Mr. Conair has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  3. Mr. Detonate has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.

fear the most fearsomeness of fearsome rulers!!!!       .........      >_>,

21:04:58 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

I think I can handle that Phoenix.

I have already captured one woman this morning :eeekkkk: ......

Ok, we (me and the woman) have been married for a little more than 27 years, but it all counts I say!!!!!!!!!!!

21:14:34 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Sh.t - it's rather crowed here now:

Kingdom Forum
IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Starta
RVL Revelation 16 Mr. Fordius 166
DE Dorian Empire 17 Sir Santa 100
TDS The Devastators 6 Mr. Justin 84
BOOM Blitzkrieg 3 Mr. Detonate 65
GK Gatekeepers 13 Mr. Death Angel 49
CRAZY Insane Asylum 6 Doctor Raving Lunatic 29
Rome Romanum Imperium 5 Mr. Giorgio 23
SER Serenity 4 Mr. Serene 21
BC The Black Chain 13 Mr. Vittorio Vitale 17
B Blood 6 Mr. Senturu 8
FS Forgotten Shadow 4 Mr. Geno 0
Wolf Dark Wolf 9 General Wolfenstien 0
BEAR Bear Machines 6 Mr. Bear Banger 0
SLO Mustangs 2 Mr. Snow 0

21:26:35 Mar 30th 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

no worries, most of the small kingdoms will drop off soon.

21:37:28 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

it does count mcmax!  XD

and yea its crowded XD  but i have no intention of going anywhere and im in a smaller kingdom >=-0   

21:43:20 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Wolfe is just hoping that we will get dropped off cuase he hates us from when you took his Cities Phoenix :P

21:56:18 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

0_0    its momo XD     hi momo!   >_<

21:58:16 Mar 30th 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Haha, you all are getting owned by teh natives.

Mr. Red Knight
Member of: Not a member of a group.

The Native People
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Revelation.

Flame Lord Phoenix
Member of: The Devastators.

Mr. Conair
Member of: Dorian Empire.

Mr. Detonate
Member of: Blitzkrieg.

Sir Santa
Member of: Dorian Empire.

Sir Binh The Warlord
Member of: Revelation.

Mr. Utter
Member of: Blitzkrieg.

Mr. Nick
Member of: Not a member of a group.

22:03:05 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

well they have home court advantage =-P

04:29:52 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Bump for da REAL starta thread ;-)

10:49:43 Mar 31st 09 - Sir Santa:

I'm in the Highscores!!! :O
And yeah, Starta is wayyyy to crowded. I just can't wait with killing of something :)

14:23:00 Mar 31st 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:


15:03:21 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Multi kingdom? 3 orcs and one elf. Sounds like multi's to me :P


Kingdom Banner

Name: Serenity
Members: 4
Tag: SER
Created: 3/30/2009 5:20:44 AM
Leader: Mr. Serene



19:10:30 Mar 31st 09 - Sir Santa:

Could be a theme..

21:52:00 Mar 31st 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i was the only elf among orcs last era. it happens sometimes though the names are suspecious but i kindof agree with santa could be theme.

22:28:56 Mar 31st 09 - Sir Santa:


Mr. Watcher
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Watcher II) and was a member of Romanum Imperium

Mr. Watcher II
Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heirs (Fathom).

Mr. Fathom
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Sereno) and was a member of Serenity

Mr. Sereno
Lived in Era 39. Member of Serenity

No known history.


Mr. Bretton
Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heirs (Bretton).

Mr. Bretton
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Sparticus) and was a member of Romanum Imperium

Mr. Sparticus
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Bretton) and was a member of Serenity

Mr. Bretton
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Sereniti) and was a member of Serenity

Mr. Sereniti
Lived in Era 39. Member of Serenity

No known history.


Mr. Serene
Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heirs (Serene).

Mr. Serene
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Serene) and was a member of Serenity

Mr. Serene
Lived in Era 39. Member of Serenity

No known history.


Ms. Serena
Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heirs (Serena).

Ms. Serena
Lived in Era 38, got 1 heirs (Sereneth) and was a member of Serenity

Mr. Sereneth
Lived in Era 39. Member of Serenity

No known history.

To me Serene and Sereneth jump out as possible multi's of one of the other, but who knows..?

01:34:01 Apr 1st 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

well protection lifts pretty soon anything exciting planned XD

01:34:59 Apr 1st 09 - Sir Lynus:

Kingdoms in Starta
RVL Revelation 15 Mr. Fordius 779
DE Dorian Empire 19 Sir Santa 561
TDS The Devastators 8 Mr. Justin 272
GK Gatekeepers 14 Mr. Death Angel 235
BC The Black Chain 13 Mr. Vittorio Vitale 171
ROOL Royal Order Of Lynus 5 Sir Lynus 100
BOOM Blitzkrieg 3 Mr. Detonate 98
CRAZY Insane Asylum 8 Doctor Raving Lunatic 83
B Blood 6 Mr. Ler Rhan 82
Rome Romanum Imperium 6 Mr. Giorgio 71
FS Forgotten Shadow 4 Mr. Geno 35
BEAR Bear Machines 6 Mr. Ficker 27
SER Serenity 4 Mr. Serene 27
Wolf Dark Wolf 8 General Wolfenstien 0

14:03:26 Apr 1st 09 - Sir Evans:

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Red Knight has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 1 men and women.


really must learn to read my odds ;)

15:06:31 Apr 1st 09 - Sir Evans:

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Sir Evans has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  2. Mr. Red Knight has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 1 men and women.


no longer is it ranked by kills :)

16:34:22 Apr 1st 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Thats wierd how that worked. Awesomeman just got the same thing off of me but I won the battle :)

  1. Mr. Red Knight has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 42 men and women.
  2. Mr. Awesomeman has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 25 men and women.
  3. Sir Evans has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.

23:05:11 Apr 1st 09 - Sir Santa:

DEDorian Empire19Sir Santa100


BBlood6Mr. Ler Rhan12

This should be over soon, very soon :)

00:08:00 Apr 2nd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

t Fearsome Rulers
  1. Flame Lord Phoenix has won 5 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 2624 men and women.
  2. Mr. Red Knight has won 3 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 95 men and women.
  3. Lord Primate Death has won 2 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 50 men and women.
  4. Sir Evans has won 2 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.

only 95 units red knight?

00:09:08 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Fordius:

RVLRevelation15Mr. Fordius100


EPSLNEpsilon6Mr. One16
RomeRomanum Imperium6Mr. Giorgio8

remember those kd's started attacking us first instead of we attacking them.
may the best win :P

08:21:30 Apr 2nd 09 - Sir Santa:

DEDorian Empire20Sir Santa10


BCThe Black Chain12Mr. Vittorio Vitale21
BBlood6Mr. Ler Rhan1

09:45:48 Apr 2nd 09 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Starta
RVL Revelation 15 Mr. Fordius 107
DE Dorian Empire 20 Sir Santa 100
GK Gatekeepers 13 Mr. Death Angel 39
TDS The Devastators 10 Mr. Justin 37
BC The Black Chain 12 Mr. Vittorio Vitale 20
BOOM Blitzkrieg 6 Mr. Detonate 18
EPSLN Epsilon 6 Mr. One 18
SER Serenity 4 Mr. Serene 14
ROOL Royal Order Of Lynus 5 Sir Lynus 12
CRAZY Insane Asylum 8 Doctor Raving Lunatic 9
Rome Romanum Imperium 6 Mr. Giorgio 9
BEAR Bear Machines 6 Mr. Ficker 8
FS Forgotten Shadow 4 Mr. Geno 5
B Blood 6 Mr. Ler Rhan 1
Wolf Dark Wolf 8 General Wolfenstien 0


Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Flame Lord Phoenix has won 8 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 3109 men and women.
  2. Sir Evans has won 6 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 93 men and women.
  3. Mr. Red Knight has won 5 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 120 men and women.

i thought 95 men was quite a lot :P i cant help ppl not training :P

10:10:16 Apr 2nd 09 - Mr. Justin:

TDS The Devastators 10 Mr. Justin 100


CRAZY Insane Asylum 8 Doctor Raving Lunatic 23

Or wats left of crazy. Phoenix got their halfer to resign 2 tics after the halfer hit OOP :P

10:29:09 Apr 2nd 09 - Necromancer Bloodlust:

still wish you could have the option to 'Slaughter Populace'

13:16:33 Apr 2nd 09 - Sir Evans:

lol :P sounds familiar to what happened to BC justin, and blood :P
theres a bit left to BC but shouldnt last long :P

15:39:05 Apr 2nd 09 - Sir Santa:

New addition!
Well first I'd like to mention this
RVLRevelation16Mr. Fordius100
DEDorian Empire20Sir Santa100

There are 2 topdogs here! :D

And now
DEDorian Empire20Sir Santa100


GKGatekeepers13Mr. Death Angel38
SERSerenity4Mr. Serene12

BCThe Black Chain13Mr. Vittorio Vitale11
BBlood6Mr. Ler Rhan1

But number 3 and 4 are nearly dead so...

04:38:41 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Justin:

mm what was it not even 12 hours OOP for Crazy we got them to disband on start on a lower world :P

04:46:11 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Everyone is proud of you I'm sure... Even though it was all Phoenix's doing from what I can see :P

04:52:25 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Justin:

Ruby its a team effort. Phoenix was way out of OOP before i was or any of my other team mates were and Crazy was dumb enough to put all their armories right next to Phoenixs armory who already had way over 5k troops coming OOP.

08:25:26 Apr 3rd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

=-P     yea they placed all their hope of success right next to my armory  it was pretty funny but now i have like 4 armories XD    its ridiculous 0_o   and i had help from justin at one point he merged into my army to stop their last attempt merge.   =-P

all in all it was a slaughter and they were kind enough to build up our core XD

14:25:14 Apr 3rd 09 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Starta
DE Dorian Empire 20 Sir Santa 100
RVL Revelation 17 Mr. Fordius 83

Trailing Pack:

GK Gatekeepers 13 Mr. Death Angel 39
TDS The Devastators 10 Mr. Justin 37

Dark Horses:
EPSLN Epsilon 5 Mr. One 19
BOOM Blitzkrieg 6 Mr. Detonate 17


FS Forgotten Shadow 5 Mr. Geno 8
SER Serenity (DEAD) 4 Mr. Serene 8
ROOL Royal Order Of Lynus 5 Sir Lynus 8
BEAR Bear Machines 6 Mr. Ficker 7
Rome Romanum Imperium 7 Mr. Giorgio 6
BC The Black Chain (DEADish) 13 Mr. Vittorio Vitale 3
B Blood (DEAD) 5 Mr. Ler Rhan 1
Wolf Dark Wolf 8 General Wolfenstien 0

14:45:05 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Lol, Harsh but true.

17:48:47 Apr 3rd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

well you are twice out numbers evans XD

23:45:19 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Serene:

For those of you who question if im a multi or not, im not and you guys are being a bit stupid. Obviously its me and my friends playing. Ive already spoke to a couple people and explained and proved my point.

And aye, we failed to have a good start:(

23:50:55 Apr 3rd 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

it happens serene  not much to do but try to hold on XD

00:16:31 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Thankfully we had a great start this era so far. Last era was horrible cuz the second we restart our world opened up and in came preds but a preds member who didnt know what mages were for so i fried his 8k Ogres, 10k Gaia and 200 naz

02:23:05 Apr 4th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

well...with this extended training time...i reckone we all agree to boycott lvl 5 troops and start SCOUT WARS!

05:21:42 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol you would Primate :P

09:04:40 Apr 4th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i second primates suggestion you should all use lvl 1's  >_>,

12:48:59 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Somebody sell some tree. 8/per is over the top :(

14:28:32 Apr 4th 09 - Sir Santa:

I would be happy with that if I was a treeselling troll :)

16:59:09 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

I have actually started training level 5. Guess they will be available when I in the time of a "little week" reach a decent magic level - LOL.......

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