Forums / In game politics / Stone 4 sale

Stone 4 sale
22:35:05 Mar 13th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

why duz mr seth keep sellin tiny bits ov stone lots cheeper than evry1 else?  i dont unerstand why he duz this he keeps puttin like 5 or 10 stone on the markit really cheep and less than mine so mine duznt show nemore i just by his and sell mine anyway  but i dont no why he duz it?????????????????

22:38:35 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Thats so as to bring down the general price of the stone market. (I think)

The idea is that people will see his stone on the market at 0.5/piece (for example) and then they will sell theirs for lower. This sometimes works really well and you get a huge amount of stone on the market for really low prices.

[I'm not completely sure but thats what I think and I've done it a few times before..]

22:45:20 Mar 13th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

I believe Chavilicious needs English lessons...

22:46:23 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Not everyone speaks perfect English like you, Septim. -_-'

22:49:05 Mar 13th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

thx mr wraith. so why dont othrs just chek first and by his like i am so they get more gold 4 theres insted of selling it cheeper?

22:55:28 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

He's probably trying to StG, and wants the market cheaper. Ever wondered what people actually do with the stone they buy?

23:00:00 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

yeah fantasia was ripe with people buying stone but leaving about 1000 on the market to force prices down. really pissed me off because i had to keep checking and buying all the small amounts lol if only people stopped being dumb and actually checking properly before putting it on the market

23:02:48 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

By the way, StG means Stone to Gold. Its a Magic Spell you can cast at level 4 Magic Science.

23:05:39 Mar 13th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

kk thx still think its silly ov peple not 2 chek!!!!!!!!

23:07:41 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Yeah. Some people are stupid and lazy. Not much you can do about that. =P

Just buy theirs and sell it for a higher price. ;-)

00:01:19 Mar 14th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:


00:02:01 Mar 14th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

...I said that in a much more kind way...

00:17:45 Mar 14th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

u dont hav 2 shout lord nimut im not def!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lolol

02:51:58 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deadordying:

It could be that he is putting a small amount of stone on the market so that he can see if there is any stone coming onto the market cheaper. ie. if the lowest price at the moment is .95 and he puts some on at the same price a message will show sell x amount of stone for 1 to be the cheapest so he will know that there is cheaper stone on the market but it is not displayed for sale yet. 

By gradually reducing the cost of the stone he is selling it is possible for him to work out how much the cheaper stone will be and whether it is worth waiting for. Only problem being that it won't tell him how much stone is being sold and it could be someone like him who is only selling 1000 stone and he has waited for nothing. It seemed to be a regular thing in Fantasia at the start of the era.


03:18:30 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Seth:

well it worked on fantasia some time ago...then here it should work even better:))
cose ther will always be lazy ppl who dont check and need the money fast:P
big financial engineering eh?:P

04:52:26 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon:

so wait, he's selling stone to lower prices, from unsuspecting lazy people, to Stone to gold, which is a 4lvl magic spell, so that he can increase his profit while at the same time maintaining a proper mu count in order to cast the spell effectively on his warehouse.  so...hmm. i still don't understand, could you explain it again to me?

12:58:48 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon


3/14/2008 4:52:26 AM
so wait, he's selling stone to lower prices, from unsuspecting lazy people, to Stone to gold, which is a 4lvl magic spell, so that he can increase his profit while at the same time maintaining a proper mu count in order to cast the spell effectively on his warehouse.  so...hmm. i still don't understand, could you explain it again to me?


What don't you understand? It could hardly be clearer....

13:06:41 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

@chav /slap

13:16:14 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:



Casting Stone to Gold from Hunted upon Dovescry with 57% chance of success...successful, 30224643 of the stone in Dovescry was made into gold. When casting the spell 448 of our Illusionists died and 150 got injured.


Do you see the profit now when you buy low priced stone.


13:23:17 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

nice work in revealing ur warehouse :P lol , now guys charge him ..... :D:D:D:D:D lol

13:41:43 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

  • 08:21:24: Mr. Gothrim cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Rondo Depot Militia upon Rondo Depot with 65% chance of success...108766388 of the stone in Rondo Depot was made into gold.
  • 08:24:28: Mr. Gothrim cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Rondo Depot Militia upon Rondo Depot with 65% chance of success...119059940 of the stone in Rondo Depot was made into gold.
  • 08:26:48: Mr. Gothrim cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Rondo Depot Militia upon Rondo Depot with 65% chance of success...130766112 of the stone in Rondo Depot was made into gold.
  • 08:30:23: Mr. Gothrim cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Rondo Depot Militia upon Rondo Depot with 64% chance of success...142444195 of the stone in Rondo Depot was made into gold.
So assets of 108766388 eventually produced 142444195 in the space of 9 minutes...and that from a half-dead dwarf who doesn't usually even StG. Humans can do much better, though they need to be really active.

14:34:04 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon:

so this spell then lowers the stone market in essence? but then how would you raise is, sell 10 stone at 10000? would that work? should i try?
i'm still confused, i need more, more people to explain

14:43:16 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

For example...

Stone is selling at 0.9/piece.
I sell a bit at 0.5/piece.
Then someone comes along and needs quick money. He has alot of stone and puts it up for 0.4/piece so that his is first on the list.
This keeps on and you buy lots of cheap ass stone. =)

Thats the basics of it.

16:04:45 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Seth:

Wraith...stop explaining cose you're ruining me:))
and havent u noticed Shyers ironical note?:P

16:11:49 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Oh. No, I didnt notice the ironical note .  >_<


19:51:42 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

food stone tree slaves  
* only showing the 10% cheapest.
1.26 gold/stone
total cost:

as you can see stone is selling for more than you'd think and this is valhalla   :o

22:20:29 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

there is no way ppl are buying that.

22:31:53 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

ill buy it all!

22:35:50 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

why? i wanna buy that cheap SeXXXXYYY Stone ;) RawwRrR ;)p

22:48:42 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

i feed all my stone to my dragons! it makes them stronger than nazguls and they will eat your face off!
i sell penguin 3 stone for 1 gold. i make big profit, he gets happy off stone i sold!

22:55:54 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

My penguins are much stronger!!! They would easily kill your nubyDragons..!!! Penguins will rule the world!!!! and i have a queen and u not ;Dp

23:04:12 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Freeds:

actually, That was me at the 1.26 gold/stone and i had people buying it anyway.. the price fluctuates from anywhere between .5-1.5 every day..

23:08:48 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

i would sell for 5gold/stone

23:37:06 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

Pingvinas says:

spoon is on vacation

Pingvinas says:

i wanna to

Pingvinas says:

go on vacation says:

lol says:

then go

Pingvinas says:


Pingvinas says:

would u go with me?> says:


yeah a new whore of mine ;D

23:42:59 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

i would out sell you at a price of 5.5 gold a stone. i will be richer than your dreams haha

23:45:57 Mar 14th 08 - Lord Seloc:

MUWHAHAHA I finally have Epyon's msn! He's screwed!

You know what guys maybe you should explain more, on how you can use the human discount feature to gain extra profits.

23:55:20 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

verll was my whore.. it was in dictionary writed ;D

00:01:30 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

i sell goat cheese, this is big profits in my pocket. make human invinsible!

01:12:14 Mar 15th 08 - Ms. Chavilicious:

Mr. Dakarius


3/14/2008 12:06:41 PM@chav /slap

carful i mite like that lolol :-)

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