Forums / In game politics / Suprise is DISHONORABLE

23:33:43 Aug 17th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

kingdom of hearts decided to NAP my kd....and now, suprise is going back on his word...prepping on my members cities and he took my main mine!


City Info
Owner: Mr. Surprise Kingdom Banner
Size: 39416 building(s).
Kingdom: Kingdom of Hearts
Gates: open


that WAS mine...

23:43:32 Aug 17th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

post msgs!!! unmask their dishonour!!!

00:01:30 Aug 18th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

12:18:12 Killer lead by Mr. Surprise attacked and took over Wallet. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Hafa. We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle.
Mr. Surprise (8/16/2009 12:51:43 PM) GOOD BAD
Ok i need your answer now.
You (8/16/2009 8:30:12 PM)
no answer from boom so...
i guess its a NAP

era long, and if you really need more room, dont settle south of chicken feed plz...btw moses is stil prepping
You (8/16/2009 9:18:13 PM)
lol...just passing but look
Shock Troopers with 16936 soldiers awaiting your orders, Your Grace...

The enemy has 6887 soldiers armed with Enhanced weapons and handmade dwarven armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 100% chance winning this battle.

Mr. Surprise (8/16/2009 10:13:56 PM) GOOD BAD
moses hasn't logged in for days now
You (8/17/2009 6:46:35 AM)
You (8/17/2009 5:30:21 PM)

if we are naped why are you attacking and why did you take my city?
i want that back so plz move troops out of it


00:30:04 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Liu Bei:

Well that clearly shows that he has done a very bad thing.

02:24:23 Aug 18th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

he just msged me and said "we never agreed on terms"

a NAP means dont attack the other kd!
you've got to be kidding me

02:28:26 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Philippe Chrisey:

lol this guy is a clown

03:31:40 Aug 18th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Windscar, didn't you was all supposed to be a surpriiiise!

03:36:20 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Windscar is right... It does not matter if you agreed on terms or NOT. It is in the NAME of the freaking agreement! NAP= Non 'ATTACK' Pact. Windscar I feel your pain.. but I can't help. T_T

03:50:02 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Liu Bei:

Send your minions after Surprise, Vuggy.

03:55:09 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

lol. Unfortunately they are for Phi and PKS. :p

04:56:40 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Palpatine:

according to what you have there he took your city then asked for an answer(maybe to put some heat on coz you were taking so long) but the attack has no date reference anyhow.

you then continued talking for a day and a half about the nap and not about a city it looks like you didnt miss your city coz it took 2 days to notice it was gone before some agreement to nap.i am sure mr surprise will take care of it better and not forget he has it.

05:15:44 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol or forget the first time he plundered it. Boy that was a chunk of change. Maybe you should try building wearhouses in a distance city away from danger so you couldnt be plundered

05:27:35 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

well man i gave the order to attack you guys way before you even messaged me. I messaged you a while back but you never answered. You are really inactive. You want a NAP after i attacked which is not right.

06:33:07 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

i got his a little over 24 hours ago:

Duke Windscar The Random (8/16/2009 8:37:35 PM) GOOD BAD
um...ok you should know this

i asked kd of <3s for nap in early era
they said no
they asked for nap when you started to attack, and gave me some good reasons as why i should accept...
i said sorry
have fun with revenge hard feelings?
You (8/16/2009 8:44:53 PM)
that's fine... as long as you don't start fighting us :P i think my leader was also interested in a NAP with you guys...
Duke Windscar The Random (8/16/2009 8:46:12 PM) GOOD BAD
thats fine...i have many friends in boom and i wont attack
i am willing to accept nap

Everything is local time so it doesn't match up, but Windscar told me you guys were NAPed over 24 hours ago, you guys attacked him within the last 6 hours...

considering it was both surprise who was handling the NAP and the one who attacked, he would have gotten the NAP acceptance then attacked therefore breaking the NAP

06:45:30 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

No NAP goes through without the headvices vote for it.

06:50:00 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

you mean to say the nap was offered before it had been voted on? you guys have interesting ways of doing things

Mr. Surprise (8/16/2009 12:51:43 PM) GOOD BAD
Ok i need your answer now.
You (8/16/2009 8:30:12 PM)
no answer from boom so...
i guess its a NAP

era long, and if you really need more room, dont settle south of chicken feed plz...btw moses is stil prepping

06:53:48 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

I was gone for a little bit sorry for having RL things to do

06:58:15 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

...what does that have to with anything?

we were talking about why a kingdom would offer a NAP and wait for the other kingdom to accept the NAP to vote if they actually want the NAP...

07:28:48 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

this is what happened i offered then NAP waited a day for a reply then i got bored and demanded an answer cause we couldn't wait longer. Then after a day we got bored of waiting the reply and we gave the order to attack. Once we moved our armies i received that above message. Since we already decided to attack the NAP was void cause it was too late. It's not my fault the leader of the Randomers is too inactive otherwise we would have honored our NAP. You gotta understand i can't just tell my members attack stop then attack and then stop again that would make me look bad and make everyone angry.

07:35:06 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Considering ive spent millions on nazzies :P

08:11:19 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Philippe Chrisey:

then wouldnt it make sense to tell him its void...

08:19:47 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

Well first of all i never agreed on an NAP he just declared we have an NAP without my consent and well he can't do that.

08:22:03 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Justin:

His name isnt Surprise for nothing :P

09:34:22 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Philippe Chrisey:

you offered a NAP thereforth on your side youve already agreed.

what was you going to do .

hey wanna nap then when he says yes go okay was just wondering its not an offer SUPRISE wtf...

12:19:15 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

i have 2 things...

  • 8 hours is not a day.. it's actualy a good nights sleep of the average day at work
  • And i could see everything, even if your army's had already started moving before the nap had been agreed on,they hadn't left your base, with the exception of the one army you had had prepping on one of their towns for a very long time already
  • and one more thing... YOUR are the only one attacking, mr. Edd is now that he took out my area, but other then that it's all you... unless there is stuff happening out side my LOS, but man you need to have better control over your self =P 

12:40:05 Aug 18th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

Mr. Surprise


01:28:48 Aug 18th 09
this is what happened i offered then NAP waited a day for a reply then i got bored and demanded an answer cause we couldn't wait longer. Then after a day we got bored of waiting the reply and we gave the order to attack. Once we moved our armies i received that above message. Since we already decided to attack the NAP was void cause it was too late. It's not my fault the leader of the Randomers is too inactive otherwise we would have honored our NAP. You gotta understand i can't just tell my members attack stop then attack and then stop again that would make me look bad and make everyone angry.

you said "ok i need an answer now"...and i gave it to you, not even half a day later

Mr. Philippe Chrisey


03:34:22 Aug 18th 09
you offered a NAP thereforth on your side youve already agreed.

what was you going to do .

hey wanna nap then when he says yes go okay was just wondering its not an offer SUPRISE wtf...

this guy is totally right

you offered it in the first place

therefore you agreed to it

12:45:11 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Erm.. no...
A NAP can have a lot of different terms and not both sides may agree with the same set of terms. So first they have to discuss it and reach an agreement... But if you're going to offer a NAP, you shouldn't continue attacking unless the other KD attacks you..

12:55:38 Aug 18th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

its not illegal or anything, but its pretty damn dishonourable on your part.

It means that you pretty much use low tactics to 'surprise' your enemies and it'll be hard for you to get a real nap from now on i guess...

13:07:40 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

i watched the whole thing because i wanted a NAP with Windscar to help fight hearts... i asked him if he was still interested in the nap and he told me he had just accepted the NAP from hearts, then he proceeded to pull ALL his armies back. then 16 hours after he pulled back his armies he gets attacked...

13:10:34 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Soba Hayrettin Pasa:


13:12:22 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

Soba does bring up a good point...

13:17:35 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Palpatine:

guys, random whatevers were fighting us anyway , according to our forum there was a temp ceasefire while a nap might be worked out.

nap not signed off(no terms or anything)=recommence hostilities.

i should point out that windscar previous alliance this era attacked mine and just about everybody elses first too...with the result they restarted.

13:49:33 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Jellybean:

It seems Midgard has gone into choas ..... :P

16:23:31 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

1. I proposed the NAP 3-4 days ago and Windscar said he'd think about it so nothing was established.
2. He proposed a temporary CF for the time being in which we agreed to move off our armies which i did and messaged everyone and posted in the forums not to attack. The only one who was still prepping was moses but he is inactive.
3. My members were concerned about the CF and urged me to either NAP or attack them.
4. After 24 hours i sended messages to duke windscar and waited quite a while not really sure how long and i don't feel like looking it up.
5. I gave the order to attack Because there was no reply and we weren't going to wait for them to build armies around.
6. I get the message from duke Windscar saying he wants to NAP but it's too late cause i already took a city and prepped on another.

I think i pretty much covered everything.

16:58:39 Aug 18th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:


22:02:51 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Azengar:

That's not the true Kingdom Hearts... from eras ago.

22:05:58 Aug 18th 09 - Prince Mielo:

You mean that 'kingdom hearts gang' that ripped it off from 'Fordius' kingdom hearts'?

22:08:00 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Edd:

I was in a kd called kingdom of hearts on my first era n my second and i think my third then it disbanded.

23:30:26 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Azengar:

No Mielo, it was just called Kingdom Hears... not "gang". It was ruled by Mr. Sorra, I don't know if they "ripped off" anyone.

02:47:45 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Let's just all agree that Vuggy is the one to blame here and be done with it! :D

02:50:39 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

damn you Vuggy, my life is now over because of everything you have caused :'(

20:05:59 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Yes. Vuggy is quite the traitor. We should all stone him until he understands the error of his ways. :D

03:23:13 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

Mr. Surprise


10:23:31 Aug 18th 09
1. I proposed the NAP 3-4 days ago and Windscar said he'd think about it so nothing was established.
2. He proposed a temporary CF for the time being in which we agreed to move off our armies which i did and messaged everyone and posted in the forums not to attack. The only one who was still prepping was moses but he is inactive.
3. My members were concerned about the CF and urged me to either NAP or attack them.
4. After 24 hours i sended messages to duke windscar and waited quite a while not really sure how long and i don't feel like looking it up.
5. I gave the order to attack Because there was no reply and we weren't going to wait for them to build armies around.
6. I get the message from duke Windscar saying he wants to NAP but it's too late cause i already took a city and prepped on another.

I think i pretty much covered everything.
it was only 8 hours! thats not ery long if you have a life away from vu like myself

03:47:45 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

it was not 8 hours ur thinking of the message where i demanded an answer on the NAP im talking about the 24+ hours that i gave you to decided whether or not to have an NAP when we talked and moved our armies off the cities.

04:44:31 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

i'm pretty sure your army way always prepping on 'Pasta' i didn't see it move till within 24 ticks of you breaking the NAP...

but if i'm mistaken i'm sure Windscar can clear that up for me...

15:59:15 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Surprise:

i was trapped the gates were closed

23:09:18 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Augustus:

Here's something that could have solved everything.  If that city was so valuable to you, I would have put more defence in it.  Especially if you aren't the most active person, because you never know how long you may be gone and what could happen during that time.


Now, other than that, Surprise did offer it, and he should not have attacked.  Even a day and a half isn't time enough to give to someone when offering a NAP, because some real life events could come up.  What if he was gone so long because he was involved in a car accident?  Basically, give him a bit more elbow room with something like this, especially since you (Surprise) did offer the NAP.


Then again, that is only my humble opinion.  Surprise may have been a bit on the dishonorable side, but it wasn't illegal.  So as I said, put some more troops in your more valuable cities.

17:10:43 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Path:

It looks like Windscar agreed to the NAP 16 hours before the city was taken.  And in those 16 hours, Surprise never mentioned that the NAP was off?....

So...yeah Surprise, karma is going to eat you alive on this one.  Anyhow, im amazed anyone makes deals on this game.  So many snot-nosed children here doing garbage like this.

17:17:14 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

in the end of the day though this is still just a game, and it is caled a WAR game not a sit down do nothing and make peace with everyone game, were not all FATE'rs

jk lol, X D

06:09:48 Aug 29th 09 - Mr. Augustus:

War game?  The name of the game is visual UTOPIA.  This game kinda misses the target on the Utopia part. 

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