Forums / In game politics / T H E L Y C A N
T H E L Y C A N | ||||
03:57:29 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: What the...........Thats even worse than the Russian Revolt.......... T H E L Y C A N![]()
Information*C R E A T U R E S* *of* *P A I N* Leaders | ||||
05:04:20 Sep 9th 07 - Lord Epyon: errr.... | ||||
06:02:49 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Ataka: basically, we're just joining up to go out with a bang. we know we're going to die, and we're going to fight as much as possible before we do. just havin a bit of fun eh? :P | ||||
14:32:00 Sep 9th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov: Just wanted to thank you guys for serving under the russian colours in ZETA last era and for a little while in this era. In the end, I guess it turned out Fantasia's fanaticism was our ultimate demise. I have left you a present, Prime Minister, two cities made just for you. There's nothing in them, as I used up the last of my money to make them for you. You may level them, take them, siege them, whatever you desire. | ||||
16:55:04 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Spoon: That is a skill level which I have never seen in years. You blind? | ||||
18:14:34 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Ataka: Haha Spoon, Russians are from Asia (and therefore not blind, just small-eyed). I accept your apologies Anatoliy, but it's a bit too late for all that now isn't it? I mean...we lost. Heh but it's whatever it's only a game! If it was real life I would beat the crap out of you first, but it's not so I really don't mind. | ||||
20:12:27 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Valenx: not defending but the name stays it is our kingdom rubyian not yours and it our name if we wi*beep* not yours..... the name stays and the title stays...we were made this way...period, we had no choice....talks were to take us on board make us fight for "specific" reasons and to prove our loyalty -move our armies to "specific" places thats when things turned now didnt it...once we were helpless blam the backdoor is open and the confusion would you like to wake up one morning and find those whom were once your so called teammates had destroyed all but one of your towns...changed their names and quoted help or die~! then pasted threads of the kingdom you were in to boot you and take your buildings.... loyalty? please...but enough about all the cryiing I am doing...just to clear the air and set the record straight. If anyone can prove that i lied or mistreated another kingdom...well then i guess all my conjectures are false... actually it is alot more interesting fighting a so many big kingdoms....all of you ZEON BoW Music Telling me you need this area to fight LEGACY- -DARKBLOOD -- CARNAGE -- MAD. lol ~! even with your bloated kingdoms ...never
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20:36:15 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Messiah: We dont need your area. But we dont need you to be in it either. | ||||
21:00:53 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Valenx: you bring a smile to my face..... | ||||
21:05:54 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex: Alot of big words from a small man Aleksander, go on and leave. In the end you achieved nothing except a bunch of bull. You wont be missed | ||||
22:51:43 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: Mr.Valanx, I don't give a ____ about your crying. Cheaters deserve to be kicked period. | ||||
22:53:06 Sep 9th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II: *Septim pulls out a bag of popcorn This is getting heated! | ||||
22:54:49 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: that beep was not a cuss by the way | ||||
22:57:56 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rashigra The Rouge Elf: *me grats Septim's popcorn* Hell yea FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! | ||||
23:14:56 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Ataka: But your description plain out says your accepting cheaters and multis and every other dishonorable player to join. Thats the problem with it. Your a poor little *beep* who wasn't good enough so you have to cheat to make up for your bad skills.
Oh but Mr. Rubyian, see we are exactly the opposite of that. Name one member of our kingdom who is a cheater? I think not. Originally Redeagle was also in the kd but I was swift to kick him out because of his inappropriate and dishonest tactics. We do not accept cheaters and we do not accept multis. I don't appreciate these false accusations. | ||||
23:19:53 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Spud: I have no problems with the KD. I was going to join and all of you that know me know that I play by the rules and am very trustworthy. At that time I got a message back from Valenx. He straight up told me that his KD was in a bad position and didnt really want to accept me. That is the first leader that has ever told me their position and standing on the map before accepting me. I find this very trustworthy and dont take Valenx as a cheater or lier. And Rubyian- Why would this matter so much to you. If they ARE cheaters like you say they are, wouldnt they cheat eachother? I mean a cheater and lier cant get along with another cheater and lier. It's physically impossable because one of them is bound to lie or cheat their own KD. Therefor ruining the entire KD and making it fall. I personally think that Rubyian should be kicked for his foul language and his unreasonable profileing without any proof.
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23:20:18 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: That makes no sense at all........" (for you multi"s out there)" Why put that in your description if you don't actually mean it.......If you would have left that out I would have accepted the rest of your description as role playing but when you put that your accepting multi's I kinda went ahead and believed you....... | ||||
23:23:46 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: "I personally think that Rubyian should be kicked for his foul language and his unreasonable profileing without any proof." | ||||
23:29:04 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Valenx: my point is that we are pure and without cheaters to be only one when so many cannot to be only one when so many cannot TRANSLATION : Meaning to be a kingdom made of individual accts....<<<< ( for you multi's out there) TRANSLATION : For those multi's attacking us You know i was going to put alot of angry things in here but why? just deal with it geeesh
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23:35:33 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Spud: I was just about to explain that Valenx. Rubyian- In other words, read the description again... | ||||
00:00:14 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Ataka: Yeah, Rubyian, think a little more before you talk. | ||||
03:55:15 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Rubyian: Makes sense I guess, kinda. But I think it would of taken quite a bit of thinking to understand that....... Sorry for the mistake. | ||||
16:41:51 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Spud: You are fogivin. | ||||
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