Forums / In game politics / TEW or TSW this or next era

TEW or TSW this or next era
22:37:08 Jun 2nd 09 - Sir Llenad The Nomadic Warrior:


Plans for next era:

  • Recruiting (looking for era long members)
  • Diplomatic Alliances (open to have an era long partners)
  • Militaristic Restructure (Races and strategies will be fully reviewed)
  • Creating a communication channel for more efficient connection to one another.

If you are interested in being a part of a new and promising kingdom then send me a note and I will interview you personally.

Member Requirements:
  • Online presence: not less than twice a day (if you have circumstances then you could notify us before you just disappear for a day or two) and join our IRC channel


  • Honorability and Commitment to all our Political decisions. Other wise you will have a lot of space to make your own decisions when you are attacking or taking new lands.
  • Recruitment wez recruitz nubz. and expirienced players.!!111!!!!!1

22:53:42 Jun 2nd 09 - Sir Llenad The Nomadic Warrior:

^We gives cookies and tackos^

22:57:51 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

cookies?!?! i wants cookies =(

good luck! :D

00:19:35 Jun 3rd 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Good luck :D

18:22:50 Jun 4th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:



18:28:44 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Kilroy Mcmurphy:

Hope you get electrocuted.

18:29:30 Jun 4th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

jajaja xD thx

19:30:50 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Tackos? Wdf is tackos!? All I can think of when I see that is Tacos and I like tacos. :)

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