Forums / In game politics / TO ADMIN AOTD Must Read

14:45:51 Dec 13th 11 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

hello everyone, do u agree that VU is becoming boring !?

Only few players are attacking, and the rest wait till the enemy come , hit him on whatever % then get AOTD then hit back in case he lost in the first time.

REMOVE AOTD from the game , coz its killing it !
and make 500 k armies and horde armies move faster!!

no one can beat legacy or mad or hex...we all  have very strong armies and very gd mages.

Need yr opinion plz.

14:57:01 Dec 13th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):

Nobody can beat MAD or HEX? Lolwut?

15:22:28 Dec 13th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

^^ trololol

15:27:35 Dec 13th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Seer):

"Only few players are attacking, and the rest wait till the enemy come , hit him on whatever % then get AOTD then hit back in case he lost in the first time."

That only apply to hex. Over 70% of our members are actively attacking. Dunno about mad so i won't speak for them :P

On a second note, aotd are not too viable on large armies (like dwarf, hafling and other races that use level 3 or below units). Relying on aotd alone is fail strat anyway. There's so many ways to counter aotd which i won't list here. There's only so many times you can aotd before you run dry your magic power or lose massive range. The bigger the amount of dead you try to recover, the faster this happen. Isn't that why Hex army are dying left and right btw? Because you can't use aotd tactics anytime, anywhere, and on anything you want?

"and make 500 k armies and horde armies move faster!!"

I have two feelings on this:
1. Yes! Make my horde move faster please so i can kill everyone faster. :P
2. No, It would make them too deadly and hard to counter.

"no one can beat legacy or mad or hex...we all  have very strong armies and very gd mages."

Legacy are near death in one front at one point in time. You guys just didn't capitalize your advantage fast enough. As for hex and mad. I'm pretty sure we can beat you guys. Having only a few of us against each of the big kd is making things goes a bit slow though :P I'm sure Mad can tell you how many army of theirs I personally slaughter alone both out in the open and while they are in city. And I'm pretty sure Hex lost their fair share of armies to us also.

15:36:57 Dec 13th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Noooobhammer):

The only reason why Legacy hasn't won yet is that its weighed down by noobs, such as Wilber, whorelock, me, etc....:P

16:07:56 Dec 13th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):


But yeah, I concur with Binh. I lost 42k zerks this morning, due to running our of magic power. Was unable to AoTD and save myself.
If the enemy didn't start prepping cities with big armies in 1 at a time, maybe everything would be different. As Binh said, we have very few members on each front. For a time it was Binh v MAD (or at least the MAD guys who weren't fighting Relent, which was at least 6). Against Relent, we have 5, maybe 6 guys. Same again against HEX.

16:10:19 Dec 13th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobish Hammer):


16:10:38 Dec 13th 11 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobish Hammer):

wtf, you can't edit like that, its not fair!

16:19:26 Dec 13th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still):

Faaaail ;)

16:54:29 Dec 13th 11 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

to binh , we know that you are one of the best player, and maybe nb 1 , no need to show off

we didnt loose our armies left and right and dont be sad we can train again big ones ...we slaughtered some of your KD big armies too ;)

btw we entered yr core and took some cities but couldnt continue coz we didnt have a  mage , so give us some credits

17:47:42 Dec 13th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Seer):

Yes, i'm just countering your argument that aotd make a kingdom "unbeatable" by saying that we slaughter many armies from kingdoms that have access to aotd.

All armies are beatable with the right tactic and available resource.

06:26:51 Dec 14th 11 - Architect (The Architect):


...even Binh's...

07:16:49 Dec 14th 11 - Puppy (Mr. Clifford The Big Red Dog):

09:54:29 Dec 13th 11 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

to binh , we know that you are one of the best player, and maybe nb 1 , no need to show off

we didnt loose our armies left and right and dont be sad we can train again big ones ...we slaughtered some of your KD big armies too ;)

btw we entered yr core and took some cities but couldnt continue coz we didnt have a  mage , so give us some credits


I'm sorry, bro, but if it was just you fighting us, I'd give you some credit. But when it's you and the only other two fant kingdoms worth mentioning on the map against us, I really can't give any credit to you for lacking a dedicated mage. 

Not trying to be cocky or bash... just stating a fact.

07:36:30 Dec 14th 11 - Mr. Fred The Terrorist:

actually u started the war on us ;)
and YOU COULDNT DO ANYTHING , its your plan of warring everyone,so stop showing off

and answer the question :P if u are with aotd or not....

07:42:51 Dec 14th 11 - Puppy The Infamous Canine:

Not showing off, just saying there's no need to give you credit because you don't have a mage. lol 

and aotd? Our orcs? likely, but what decent orc isn't, unless they plan on using gaia/hammers/ogres all era. Magic 6 isn't that expensive for orc .... maybe one or two trolls with a dedicated mage, dunno, been inactive, but it's somewhat viable(if ONLY using zerks). But the other races are pretty much going without aotd.... the cost to aotd halfers/dwarves/humans etc would be freaking ridiculous and not worth it. Even if they were doing it, there's nothing imbalanced about it, since it costs a fuckton of mu to aotd after any considerable amount of losses. 

Get with the times, bro. aotd has already been nerfed, this just seems like another way to say we're "cheating" :P

15:00:53 Dec 14th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Seer):

Declaring war on 2 kingdoms straight oop on public forum seem to have the opposite effect on Hex like it did to Mad and Relentless :P We wanted peoples to know that we are willing to fight many kds instead of napping 1 kd to ENSURE our victory. We expected the same of other kds by doing this. I guess this doesn't apply to hex though :P

Hex: "Hey look guys, they are fighting many kds. Let's nap MAD so we can focus our effort on a kingdom that are already fighting on at least two fronts to make this easy."

Mad: "Look guys, they are fighting many kds. So we'll at least war another kd"
Relentless: "Let's give Mad and Lgc our best shot."

We give credits to Mad and relentless for picking up another war target beside us. Couldn't say the same for Hex :P

Peoples get praise for something they do that is extraordinary. Fighting us full in while we are distracted in 3 different front and failing to succeed after 45 rl days not only does not deserve any praise but the opposite effect lol. Even if you win, that is just normal expectation. Of course you'll win when you outnumber your opponents.

We set ourself a difficult goal, not because we think we can win right from the start. But because it is challenging and if we succeed in winning (low chance), it will be something we can take pride in as a kd.

15:39:54 Dec 14th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

We set ourself a difficult goal, not because we think we can win right from the start. But because it is challenging and if we succeed in winning (low chance), it will be something we can take pride in as a kd.

lol! Only LGC can do that, any other kingdom who will say this will just receive a lot of flame. No argument about that..unless someone will.

Anyway, I thought AOTD spell is the topic here. :D

16:03:32 Dec 14th 11 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Seer):

i'm sorry, we just got sidetracked because freddy think we are just bragging by giving proof that aotd is not miracle solution for invulnerability. It is a support spell used by mage just like any other spells. There are limited uses and the conditions are very limited. After using up that limited number of uses, a mage would be left without good magic power for quite awhile.

05:49:14 Dec 15th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):

What next? ZOMG he angered my army!?!?!one! Nerf dis spell?

ZOMG he blessed his own army for a 6% DP bonus!?!?!?!one!2! NERF.

ZOMg he happinessed his own army from 90% morale to 118% morale?!!11!!1TWO!! NERF!

05:52:46 Dec 15th 11 - Stormy (Mr. Stormcrow):

i once used aotd....but then i got an arrow in the knee.....

05:55:01 Dec 15th 11 - Endless (Ms. Evil Shenanigans):


12:54:49 Dec 15th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang):


13:50:20 Dec 23rd 11 - Mr. Derfel:

ima come and fuck all yo shit up

17:59:41 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

Time to start teaching a few peeps some of the old glitches that we still got. 

So, the trick to get your armoury to double train troops is as such...

18:03:41 Dec 27th 11 - Mr. Biteme:

We will train 1198 Axemen for 1497500 gold. It will take 38 days until we have all Axemen ready.

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