Forums / In game politics / TTTK Recruiting

TTTK Recruiting
20:52:34 Dec 25th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:

The True Templar Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: The True Templar Knights
Members: 2
Tag: TTK
Created: 12/25/2008 8:43:07 PM
Leader: Sir Kathandarion The Bold

Recruiting new members on Starta.

Send in a application with How many Era's and that is it really.And how good of a player you would rate yourself.

And past names

21:20:53 Dec 25th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

good luck to you guyz =)

06:41:25 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

So what happened to the Imperium? Or is this just the Imperium with yet another name...?

11:19:36 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Vidar:

good luck

12:32:33 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:

we changed name ruby bequiet.and when we changed name it was because Imperium was lead by me and vapor.We co lead wasnt just my KD.when he left it wasnt the same it was now my full KD so i decided to change name.and this KD is probably only for a era.

14:32:04 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Santa The Returned:

.and this KD is probably only for a era.

That's a good way to attract players...
Anyway good luck! May you survive this era ;)

17:00:52 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:

Its only for a era because it seems most have already found a KD.if we get members it will be long term.

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