Forums / In game politics / Talenta Era 40

Talenta Era 40
01:44:00 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

so....whos here? :P and are there wars yet?

01:52:42 Jun 2nd 09 - Lord Resistance:


And the best kd eva is here!!!

Tupac- Recruiting =)

Kingdom Banner

Name: Tupac
Members: 11
Tag: Shakur
Created: 5/30/2009 12:22:55 AM
Leader: Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated

01:56:37 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Divine Hunter:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Hunters
Members: 7
Tag: Hunt
Created: 5/29/2009 7:05:49 PM
Leader: Mr. Divine Hunter



01:58:36 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

i svear i did s not a :P but where does that leave Makaveli Resi? :P and can you just post the full list for me? xD

02:00:50 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Divine Hunter:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Talents
Shakur Tupac 11 Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated 252
Hunt Hunters 7 Mr. Divine Hunter 100
RAWR Rawr 3 Mr. Dynasty 16



02:04:54 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

thanks :D and wow.....just three? xD

02:06:47 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Divine Hunter:

yea but think Shadow will be up soon too:p

02:27:55 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

lol Pac will own this world

03:22:51 Jun 2nd 09 - Lord Resistance:

lol now now, don't be mean bart.

03:35:02 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

lol seriously Res. stop being modest haha who can compete with us on this world?

04:05:08 Jun 2nd 09 - Lord Resistance:

Nobody! haha jk Don't underestimate your opp

04:19:19 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

lol i know i know haha

04:24:00 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Dynasty:


15:36:28 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

pifft ill take Pac down by my self! :P (i mean if you left Resi in charge of the original KD then this cant be good <3)

20:21:36 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

HuntHunters7Mr. Divine Hunter226
RAWRRawr3Mr. Dynasty100

I killed a scout :P
Best of luck to ya.

20:45:02 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Braggi:

YAY our first war :D

21:13:58 Jun 2nd 09 - Mr. Divine Hunter:

Good Luck;)

04:39:18 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

Hunters is now gone! They disappeared =P Now its:
RAWRRawr3Mr. Dynasty100
IoKImperium Of Divine Knights11Divine Lord Kathandarion181
and a bunch of solo players that wont join our kd

04:44:51 Jun 3rd 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Hunters are joining IoK :P have a nice day

04:55:41 Jun 3rd 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

The Crusades Of The Imperium Of Knights have begun

07:45:35 Jun 3rd 09 - Sir Erythnul:

The ROC Elders have landed in Talents , with there Zimmerframes and mobility scooters .

All welcome to join (espicially care - givers to look after our cities) while we go to Bingo .. :-)

22:38:42 Jun 3rd 09 - Ms. Astoria:

hey now ladies lets not forget SHADOWS the Kingdom that will own :p

Down with tag-less players that refuse to join any KD! lol

23:35:51 Jun 3rd 09 - Duke Ashraf al Sariyah:

Sayyidi Divine Hunter infiltrated the premises of my lands, besieged my capital and conducted hostile actions against my fiefdom without declaring war beforehand,as honour commands. Such wanton barbarity is not fit for a noble.

00:06:25 Jun 4th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

The death you shall soon recieve shows you are not fit of your lands.

01:42:35 Jun 4th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

IoKImperium Of Divine Knights13Divine Lord Kathandarion100


RAWRRawr4Mr. Dynasty29


TREThe ROC Elders4Sir Erythnul11

any tagless players

03:10:48 Jun 4th 09 - Sir Erythnul:

Oahhhh seems our plans of growing older and enjoying the sunsets will hav to wait. :-)

03:58:16 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

interesting! whose side should we be on............hmmmmmmm

04:06:23 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

Yay! We've got a friend =D

04:14:27 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

lol everyone on IoK? that doesn't seem very fair :[

04:15:38 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

We are fighting the tagless too, i think everybody is =/

04:18:39 Jun 4th 09 - Sir Erythnul:

Odds do seem a bit unfair , Mr Dynasty maybe both our empires should just let one of our members fight them :-)... and Ms Astoria join in and lets run IOK of ANOTHER world .. :-)

04:21:42 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

I'm the only one so far ;)
Its a little more fair now, Tupac is headed towards us =P

04:32:07 Jun 4th 09 - Sir Erythnul:

IOK / TUPAC napped/allies surely not that doesnt happen in VU does it .. ? :-)

04:40:09 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Cao Cao:

Have no fear, Cao Cao is here!

04:41:04 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

lord cao cao!!!!! will we see some CE this era?!?!?!

04:45:15 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Cao Cao:

Not this era, I've got to make my return first.
I've got some people to find, and apologize to =/
I'm a dinosaur now!

04:47:42 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Dynasty:

Hey Cao, welcome back.

04:48:19 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

ahh I understand, well its good to have you back!

04:49:53 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Cao Cao:

Thanks, its good to be back. CE will return one day.

05:17:27 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Resistance:

:o Its Lord Cao Cao!! :D

08:09:23 Jun 4th 09 - Duke Ashraf al Sariyah:



01:06:25 Jun 4th 09
The death you shall soon recieve shows you are not fit of your lands.
Such ignorance and rogue-behaviour shall not be forgotten. I shall be glad to die fighting you.

08:26:41 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Pure:

Kingdoms in Talents
ShakurTupac 16Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated29
RAWRRawr5Mr. Dynasty4
SDShadows7Ms. Astoria2
TREThe ROC Elders6Sir Erythnul2

hehe lolz
go tupac u guys went alright against us in starta :)

16:31:30 Jun 5th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

I hereby claim Talents as IoK's

Kingdoms in Talents
ShakurTupac 20Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated179
SDShadows9Ms. Astoria24
TREThe ROC Elders7Sir Erythnul21
RAWRRawr3Mr. Dynasty14

only our relations shall be spared

17:06:33 Jun 5th 09 - Mr. Raj The Loyal:

Sir Erythnul


04:18:39 Jun 4th 09
Odds do seem a bit unfair , Mr Dynasty maybe both our empires should just let one of our members fight them :-)... and Ms Astoria join in and lets run IOK of ANOTHER world .. :-)
In your dreams little baby.

17:20:20 Jun 5th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

Sir Erythnul


04:18:39 Jun 4th 09 Odds do seem a bit unfair , Mr Dynasty maybe both our empires should just let one of our members fight them :-)... and Ms Astoria join in and lets run IOK of ANOTHER world .. :-)

were still on our original world foolfool

18:38:23 Jun 5th 09 - Sir Erythnul:

Mr. Raj The Loyal -

If you are going to dream , one might as well dream big .. :-)

Divine Lord Kathandarion -

My apologies , thought with all the IoK cities here on talents and the fact you are claiming talents this was your original world.
History has shown us 'the little people will fight tooth & nail for there small plot of land' and im sure it will be no different here on Talents . :-)

19:19:32 Jun 5th 09 - Divine Lord Kathandarion:

we are still on zeta Erythnul. those cities are due to a talents kd merging with us......

19:26:05 Jun 5th 09 - Sir Erythnul:

Gotcha .. :-)

19:36:20 Jun 5th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated:

lol this thread is funny!! I must say no one has declared war on us or even has tried to attack us hahaha :) lol besides the select few (they know who they are) who is even on our level? Lmao soon Talents will be ours. (Ours= Tupac and *** and ****) Lets take this world my fellow friends ;)

20:05:05 Jun 5th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

I welcome Iok! :p

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