Forums / In game politics / Talents - Era 39

Talents - Era 39
11:50:09 May 9th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

I got bored and realised there wasn't a Talents thread, so whats going in Talents? What wars?

Kingdoms in Talents
Abydos Abydos 17 Pirate Lewatha 245
Mayhem Project Mayhem 17 Sir Mayhem 147
GOTF Guild Of The Fallen 9 Mr. Shmehss 100
Red Blood Lust 4 Mr. Grimdeath 66
Nooby Super Noobs 18 Mr. Filthy Mess 50
EVO EVOLUTION 2 Ms. Evolution 14
Preds Predators 1 Sir Darkmarsbar 2
DG The DemonGods 1 Mr. Xane 0

13:08:20 May 9th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Abydos VS Mayhem+GOTF
Abydos VS Super *beep*s

and used to be:
Mayhem VS Super *beep*s
but now I hear
Mayhem NAP Super *beep*s

and also


12:36:30 May 10th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

no-one's going to bother responding? :(

13:14:16 May 10th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

Sounds right to me :)

14:07:36 May 10th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Meh, I start the era 2 days after Talents opens and the 1/2 land rule didn't stop Abydos from raping me OOP =)

16:15:39 May 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol its stopping them from rapping me Barny :P

17:15:32 May 10th 09 - Lord Resistance:

We didn't NAP *beep*s. Get your facts correct ;)

17:28:46 May 10th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

didnt NAP what............ what was da beep ? :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S

17:33:49 May 10th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

Try checking the list of kingdoms at the top Kath ;).

Kingdoms in Talents
Abydos Abydos 17 Pirate Lewatha 234
Mayhem Project Mayhem 17 Sir Mayhem 146
GOTF Guild Of The Fallen 9 Mr. Shmehss 100
Red Blood Lust 5 Mr. Grimdeath 61
*beep*y Super *beep*s 20 Mr. Filthy Mess 34
EVO EVOLUTION 3 Ms. Evolution 19
Preds Predators 1 Sir Darkmarsbar 2
DG The DemonGods 1 Mr. Xane 0

18:33:15 May 10th 09 - Ms. Nina:

Lord Resistance then why did you stop your war against them?
We saw Mayhem armies vs *beep*y armies...

21:25:50 May 10th 09 - Lord Resistance:

umm that really has nothing to do with you guys since you all are enemies :)

21:38:17 May 10th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lololololol fail. why hide your napfest, its alright we are l337.

21:44:31 May 10th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

don't get *beep*y now random, that's not the way I taught you! ^^

21:57:52 May 10th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

I'm not an enemy :(

Also he does not have a NAP to hide Random.

22:07:35 May 10th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

so their cities are next to each other for no reason? :P

(talking about around lasagna)

22:25:18 May 10th 09 - Lord Resistance:

well the stupid 50% rule....

22:37:24 May 10th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

if it makes you feel better barney i detsroyed some buildings to take that last city ;-P

23:56:53 May 10th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Really? One grew, looks like you were building it up for me!

How *beep*ed is it that when I restarted I landed RIGHT next to where I just died. I love the sight of the 5k armies just moving by day and night, makes me feel safe for OOP.

Barnys Origin

City Info
Owner: Flame Lord PhoenixKingdom Banner
Size: 6400 building(s).
Kingdom: Abydos
Gates: no gates

00:08:00 May 11th 09 - Mr. Icarus:

safety is an illusion :-p   just accept it :-)

04:19:23 May 11th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

so who's beating who?

10:45:45 May 11th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:

2 of Abydos are beating GotF over and over and over and over and over...oh and over...again...bring on them new mergers little army loves kicking it into the ground ;)

10:46:03 May 11th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:

added to that...I feel like fornicating watching the amount of dead GotF soldiers pile up outside my citywalls :P

12:25:44 May 11th 09 - Mr. Icarus:

mr Barny got assimilated last night ...

12:39:24 May 11th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:


spotted in talents...un fortunaley


Army Info
Commander: Mr. Shogun Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Rebirth
Size: Company (100-300)
Status: Moving West

talents is now open to zeta

13:55:20 May 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

I feel like fornicating, the amount of mu's used in this world...

16:43:24 May 11th 09 - Ms. Nina:

Duke Ralfardious Windscar III look around better, there are at least 10 big armies from Fant and other worlds...
Kinda not fair that players from other worlds that started way sooner then us are able to come, but I guess thats how the game goes...

18:07:34 May 11th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

Demonic Equivalent of Goodness


5/11/2009 9:45:45 AM
2 of Abydos are beating GotF over and over and over and over and over...oh and over...again...bring on them new mergers little army loves kicking it into the ground ;)

We have sent a couple of small armies to your blocker and had them knocked back twice, with about a fifth of the soldiers dead each time. You want a new merger, you will soon get one.

18:14:10 May 11th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:

good...I'll be waiting :)

19:23:56 May 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Shmeh, im back from my weekend away, have a good week :P

19:30:59 May 11th 09 - Mr. Random:

Yeah we are gunna pwn you XD

11:28:26 May 12th 09 - Ms. Nina:

The HoH system is so bad... the minute these people from Fant come with small and weak armies they take over the entire HoH because they have more land on Fant. Thats just lame, now HoH does not have any meaning nor it can help the players with planning....
The whole HoH system is a failure

21:16:52 May 12th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

@ nina   merge world = fail on worlds that open later on in the era.

23:34:01 May 13th 09 - Duke Ralfardious Windscar III:

lawls...blocker fail

23:35:32 May 13th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Tight squeeze, but i think you may just make it through.

12:49:12 May 14th 09 - Ms. Nina:

The KD banners are nice, now its easy to see who is in which KD
Nice update though some people dont like it cause its too large

Anyways, thanx to everyone for a great era
It was very interesting till people that started weeks earlier started entering the world :)

Congrats to all for great play and respect for everyone :)

13:01:43 May 14th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

they got smaller! its good now :D


and good fight everyone... i guess its kinda a good thing that the offworld KD's came down, we'd prolly have most of the map by now otherwise. lol

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