Forums / In game politics / Talents 0115

Talents 0115
20:12:08 Jan 11th 15 - Mr. Tot:

Just curious...

Anyone actually active on this map or is it dead?

20:43:27 Jan 11th 15 - Mr. Mallikor:

Not sure if you gwt the chance try val or give.

19:13:38 Jan 18th 15 - Duke Ogba Ogagan:

Leon Nemesis are up in the top right corner , im down here killing you slowly and fighting Leon Nemesis , Theres another two players where I am who seem to be minding there own 

20:38:49 Jan 18th 15 - Mr. Tot:

I wouldn't exactly call going from 250% of my power to ~76% in a day killing me slowly.  Unless losing cities and armies is part of your master scheme....

12:27:09 Jan 19th 15 - Duke Ogba Ogagan:

:P I admit my inactivity has meant youve been able to kill some of my armies , but you havent held a single city for more then a few hours at a time.

19:50:00 Jan 19th 15 - Mr. Tot:

Haven't cared about keeping them, it's more fun this way.

14:22:26 Jan 20th 15 - Duke Ogba Ogagan:

thats why wrecking them and running once you see anything more then a few riders , you attacked because you knew i was elsewhere. Not a suprise , start of era when i disbanded the kingdom i gave everyone 3 days notice before moving on anyone and you attacked early then aswell.

19:31:28 Jan 20th 15 - Mr. Trustyquail:

Just stfu, you've done nothing but talk shit but haven't been able to do anything to hurt me.  You want to talk about keeping cities... you are the one who has lost them and like me are not able to keep them.  The army you told me was going to kill me off was no threat.  You group of armies you are merging is no threat.

When you have actually done something worth talking shit about do so. For several days you've done nothing but talk shit and issued threats and have failed to deliver on them.

You talk of me being being scared, but I'm not the one asking others to join me in this battle.  I'm burning cities yes... I have no need for these cities other than to destroy your economy.

19:49:14 Mar 11th 15 - Mr. Tot:

Could we please get this world reset?  I believe there is just my kingdom left on this map and I do not believe any of us are capable of getting high enough magic to cast Arma w/o saving up for another month or so...

00:18:58 Mar 14th 15 - Sir Isaac:

Looks like your stuck there for another month unless zeta gets on. 

02:16:23 Mar 14th 15 - Ms. Sick Dwarf:

Convince a player to join, have them play elf, and plunder you for the resources they need to get pure magic 9 and have them attempt casting.

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