Forums / In game politics / Talents Era 28

Talents Era 28
11:38:26 Jan 6th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Orcus):

Not 100% sure but I think "The Nameless" are fighting everyone.

Kingdoms in Talents
The Nameless7Mr. Brell Serilis4305
Lords of Pyro4Mr. Pointbreakassualt315
Playing Solo1Lord Sly114
Warriors Of Orsimar2Mr. Orcus100

17:35:21 Jan 6th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Brell Serilis):

If by "everyone" you mean Lord Sly, then yes. Pyro didn't even log into the game it seems and you are starting far too late to be able to do much. I messaged Sly to see if he can get ZeTa to cast Arma. 

Talents is just plain depressing...

03:07:31 Jan 8th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Brell Serilis):

Arma please, Mr. ZeTa.

21:36:25 Jan 9th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Can someone please explain this? I don't care about who specifically obtained each rank, but the numbers and the system itself doesn't make much sense to me.

  1. Mr. Merrith of The Nameless (Halfling)
    Had 292,311 land, 446,174 troops and 6 science points. Killed 70 soldiers, won 2 of 2 battles and captured 1 cities.
  2. Ms. Crystaal of The Nameless (Halfling)
    Had 338,078 land, 183,521 troops and 13 science points. Killed 39,105 soldiers, won 4 of 4 battles and captured 7 cities.
  3. Mr. Asu of The Nameless (Dwarf)
    Had 399,042 land, 27,670 troops and 19 science points. Killed 10,126 soldiers, won 3 of 4 battles and captured 3 cities.
  4. Ms. Saryrn of The Nameless (Orc)
    Had 335,631 land, 175,145 troops and 25 science points. Killed 197,054 soldiers, won 14 of 16 battles and captured 16 cities.
  5. Mr. Brell Serilis of The Nameless (Halfling)
    Had 279,411 land, 305,647 troops and 27 science points. Killed 100,417 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  6. Mr. Santa Clause of The Nameless (Human)
    Had 261,600 land, 88,142 troops and 16 science points. Killed 127,496 soldiers, won 8 of 8 battles and captured 7 cities.
  7. Ms. Autumnrose of (Orc)
    Had 10,181 land, 48 troops and 10 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  8. Mr. Igymydog of (Orc)
    Had 8,666 land, 48 troops and 2 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  9. Mr. Schatten of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 12 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.

21:45:40 Jan 9th 14 - Princess Aisha:

What does make no sense to you?
The scoring system? Or that there were actually only 8 people alive in the world?

22:03:46 Jan 9th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

The scoring system of course.

22:20:05 Jan 9th 14 - Princess Aisha:

Its all about the types of soldiers people have.

Obviously the guy who won had mostly Adventurers, they score much better than the other troops. Third probably went with Axemen, so he scored better than the Orc guy who probably went all Gaia.
The Halfer on 5th place probably had lots of Farmers or Slingers, so they score less.

22:44:49 Jan 9th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

If that's the case then each race's troop tiers should have different scoring values based on their actual worth (price and OP/DP) - not simply because they are L1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 troops. I don't see it as fair to score 1,000 advents equally to 1,000 nazgul or catapults, just because they're L5 troops. Maybe ZeTa can chime in on this if we're wrong?

My 305,647 troops were 90% MUs. Saryrn's (a woman, btw) 175,145 troops were 5.8k nazgul, 50k troll and the rest hammers/MUs. I don't know about the rest of the KD. All I know is the amount of accomplishments during the era is not accurately reflected on this list whatsoever. Santa Clause and Saryrn should have been #1 and 2 respectively (no offense, Merrith buddy, or the rest of you - I'm talking purely numbers here).

23:24:29 Jan 9th 14 - Princess Aisha:

You are probably newer player in VU :)

People have been suggesting that for many years now, Halfers have the best scoring in the game, for a very long time already. Adventurers are weak, cheap, but they still score better than most other troops because they are level 5 units.

00:11:12 Jan 10th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

I've played since October, so yeah there's a lot of aspects of the game I find confusing still. Oh well, if the scoring system has been broken for 'many years' then I'll just put the issue to rest. Not like there's cash prizes or anything :)

Thanks for the insight.

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