Forums / In game politics / Talents Era 49 Karac

Talents Era 49 Karac
04:14:03 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Zephyrius:

mm it say we are in era of karac.

15:16:05 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Yes...yes it does...

19:07:56 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

to everyone on talents:

Stop lowering the bloody stone prices, it was at .86 and someone sold at .81?!

19:39:18 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

Lower the Bloody stone prices!!!! :D :D

Kingdoms in Talents
Kunts21Mr. Iroh183
Felix Legions10Mr. Arris105
Bow to Skinny10Mr. Iamamorning100
REBEL SOULJAHZ2Mr. Holy Heffer96
Salvation Army11Mr. New Character78
Descent of Dragons5Mr. Diodan67
The Dominion9Mr. Ragnarok63
Gatekeepers8Mr. Gohmly Wone56
british petroleum7Mr. Insane36
Polgara5Mr. Complete Utter Twat27
Okingiht1Mr. Joki21
G O D L I K E15Sir Violator20
AoA Recruitment Center5Mr. Xanonymousx17
RoT6Mr. Stix IV14
Insane Asylum3Mr. Ruby Three Shoes11
Mextli5Mr. Ares10
Margaritaville2Sir Levi6
Lone Crusaders2Mr. Cobra6
Kingdom Of Spartans1Mr. Galacticus5
Rainbow Celebration5Mr. Dishonest4
Risen3Mr. Garth Marenghi1
Myrmidons1Konig Polydeuces0
GOTF0Mr. Certainty 

19:53:09 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Certainty:

Hehe my kingdom has 0 members... beat that boys ;).

22:51:52 Aug 14th 10 - Endless Dream:

my little rainbow kingdom is celebrating and growing without me :)  I don't know who you are in there but thanks for keeping it alive :)

02:01:39 Aug 15th 10 - Ms. Kuntzz:

Current date: 2010-08-14   (VU Day 1141)

Nobody cast Arma, lets see how many VU days we can play ;)

09:36:35 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Banned:

20:01:39 Aug 14th 10 - Ms. Kuntzz:

Current date: 2010-08-14   (VU Day 1141)

Nobody cast Arma, lets see how many VU days we can play ;)

i think that theory is already being tested on arma. i gave up playing there because nobody is past lvl 5 magic and everyone has their sciences rainbowed too much to get them any higher

19:15:54 Aug 17th 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

so, who is fighting who ?


19:52:24 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Certainty:

People are fighting people :)

Kingdoms in Talents
Kunts19Mr. Narcissus118
Bow to Skinny10Mr. Iamamorning100
Descent of Dragons10Mr. Diodan57
Felix Legions10Mr. Arris56
The Dominion9Mr. Ragnarok52
AoA Recruitment Center7Mr. Xanonymousx40
Gatekeepers7Mr. Gohmly Wone37
british petroleum10Mr. Insane31
Lone Crusaders2Mr. Cobra9
Margaritaville2Sir Levi7
Mextli4Mr. Ares5
G O D L I K E6Sir Violator3
Risen5Mr. Garth Marenghi3
Insane Asylum2Mr. Prashnak2

00:32:49 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo:

What are the current wars other than the ones I know?

07:46:55 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Certainty:

No wars now, everyones peaceful :).

14:38:01 Aug 20th 10 - Sir Knish:

I've not heard anything about any wars....
What wars do you know about, Nemo?

16:55:42 Aug 20th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

War is only for hippies...

Make love not war!

18:42:18 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Complete Utter Twat:

Sir William Degrimme (8/19/2010 1:49:19 AM) GOOD BAD
I would like it if you left my cities alone. I don't want to have to run your army into the ground.
You (8/19/2010 2:09:02 AM)
Sir William Degrimme (8/19/2010 2:37:52 AM) GOOD BAD
Ok, let my 14k army dance with your 4k... let's see who wins. A pile of grub-eating trolls or civilized humans with civilized ways. I distaste barbarians who speak in such simple tongues as yours... what kind of civilized man makes the sound 'lool' you write? My finest linguist spent half-an-hour experimenting with gorillas trying to reproduce the sound. Detestable, grimy, wasteful. I reckon a troll who says 'lool' couldn't tie his own shoes... or wear shoes for that matter.

When the arrows are blacked out by arrows, you will see how civilized men fight.

-Sir William Degrimme
You (8/19/2010 2:54:31 AM)
u suck willy?
Sir William Degrimme (8/19/2010 8:53:24 AM) GOOD BAD
You say what?

Never have I heard such a vulgar-minded creature. Perhaps this one needs a lesson or two in manners.
You (8/19/2010 9:41:53 AM)
i bets u a willy sucker. gonna set u up on a willy sucking date with peng.
Sir William Degrimme (8/19/2010 8:25:58 PM) GOOD BAD
I have offered my sword to you. Will you take it and let me fight besides you for these last days or shall we have to tangle in a mess of blades and spears as arrows rain from a desolate sky?
Sir William Degrimme (8/19/2010 8:18:07 PM) GOOD BAD
No, I would rather kick Penguin's behind.
You (8/19/2010 10:00:30 PM)
woops... my bad. see i read it wrong. i just told peng u wanted to kiss his ass, and he said since you were down there kissing it, you may as well dohim a rim job, but now i see its kick his ass. .... so ... would you still be up for that rim job or not?
You (8/19/2010 9:50:51 PM)
peng wants to know ... do u like rimming
Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 12:21:29 AM) GOOD BAD
And if I am correct, I helped kill him. That bugger of a king didn't know what he had coming, as did you when you decided to fight me the first time. Too bad I once again have the upper hand in this.
Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 12:14:13 AM) GOOD BAD
Why don't you tell your little penguin friend to mail me himself. I don't speak to immoral messengers. I will live until the end of this era and your armies will not stop me.
You (8/20/2010 1:09:06 AM)
upper hand in what. we dont want you to die....just want to know about whether u do willys and rimjobs?
Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 2:21:59 AM) GOOD BAD
First off, since this IS the 'rim' of VU, it's impossible to 'rim' someone here. Second, you can't 'do' anything... wrong word, you low-born troll. 'the infinitive form of 'do' (to do) is rarely used because it makes the sentence too bulky and awkward (I am about to do running. vs. I am about to run.), while 'do' is divided among other uses ('I am doing a project', in which 'am' is a tense of To Be that works with 'doing', a form of To Do, to make up the verb).

Where are your periods and capitals?!? What does this 'u' signify?!? Learn English before contacting me again. Community Collage might help you a bit. XD
You (8/20/2010 2:29:35 AM)
Community Collage might help you a bit.... i like art. Try college mr grammer nazi...
and is that a maybe on the willy suck??? do u like jellytots?
Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 5:42:36 PM) GOOD BAD
You must like Peng's willy then. I should have guessed you were his Pet Butt-licker. Well, I guess I should say this then:

Peng is a nubcake. :3

You shouldn't eat nubcake, it's not healthy for you.
You (8/20/2010 6:04:16 PM)
do u like jellytots? i like jellytots
Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 6:21:55 PM) GOOD BAD
Once again, your trollish vulgarity centers in... unable to focus on a subject, the poor, maddened troll wonders around scraching his behind like a monkey and eating poor little Peng's jellytots. ROFL.
You (8/20/2010 6:28:10 PM)
i think u grumpy cause u dont like jellytots. i remember this one time at bandcamp, we stuck jellytots in our butts. that made one guy grumpy.... hey... maybe u got jellytots stuck in your butt and its making u grumpy

19:30:18 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Metallicat:

lol, that's what vu is all about. ^ 


20:26:02 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Certainty:

i like jellytots

20:46:54 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Mxyzptlk:


thats good stuff...of course its all complete bs...penguin only likes rimshots from me and me only>;)

21:07:16 Aug 20th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

That's not what he told me last night! :o!

00:50:21 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

Casting Freeze from x upon Creep IV with 81% chance of success... andSuccessful!
The Creep IV from Mr. Hiroshima Infected is now frozen for 5 day(s). We lost x Spellweavers and x of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Freeze from x upon Creep III with 81% chance of success... andSuccessful!
The Creep III from Mr. Hiroshima Infected is now frozen for 4 day(s). We lost x Spellweavers and x of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Casting Freeze from x upon Back Btch with 81% chance of success... andSuccessful!
The Back Btch from Mr. Hiroshima Infected is now frozen for 4 day(s). We lost x Spellweavers and x of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

screw you all, im happy :)

01:28:03 Aug 21st 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

Sir William Degrimme (8/20/2010 12:21:29 AM)GOODBAD
And if I am correct, I helped kill him. That bugger of a king didn't know what he had coming, as did you when you decided to fight me the first time. Too bad I once again have the upper hand in this.

hilarious. Kool killed me, and he did it solo. 

Bling loves my one incher.

and mister Mxyzptlk who is your main acc? 

04:22:08 Aug 21st 10 - Mr. Mxyzptlk:

<and mister Mxyzptlk who is your main acc?>

your guardian angel;)

18:39:10 Aug 21st 10 - Clown Wankin Between Ticks:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! missed ya !

11:44:18 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Army II from Mr. Fly:
Army II from Mr. Fly

Lol Much

14:54:47 Aug 22nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

lol why dont you STFU :P

15:13:56 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

nope :) it made me laugh, ownaged a nice 16k knights too :P with my 4k income :P

15:23:48 Aug 22nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

WTF evans mann XD nice :P

15:27:37 Aug 22nd 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

i must thank descent of dragons for not accepting the NAP and allowing it to happen :P

05:13:16 Aug 23rd 10 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

that's a lot of gaia.

Wohoo I love warring everyone.

19:32:15 Aug 23rd 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Grrr.... i got a kd called risen around me, i want to kill them but  most their players are protected by 50% rule, there is only 1guy from their kd i can attack but, lol, if i take his big city he will then be protected by the 50% rule 

00:17:18 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

lol unlucky dmb

ive jsut recovered from the brink of death i think. Anyone in my area want an NAP before my next ownage cast :)

01:17:19 Aug 24th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

18:32:15 Aug 23rd 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Grrr.... i got a kd called risen around me, i want to kill them but  most their players are protected by 50% rule, there is only 1guy from their kd i can attack but, lol, if i take his big city he will then be protected by the 50% rule

Finally got bored of trying to take my cities? :P

07:34:25 Aug 24th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

Hello everyone, whats new in the world? :) how are you all? :)

11:17:53 Aug 24th 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


lol, i went north to take on a guy there

00:46:13 Aug 25th 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

are Dominion and kunts at war ?


05:32:04 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Diodan:

@Evans, how did you ownage a group of knights?  I successfully cast ownage with 60% chance on a 5K Nazgul army on another world and got a message after the "Success" that said I couldn't take control of an a non-eleven unit?

05:35:44 Aug 25th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

You can only ownage your own race, so Evans must be human to ownage knights

10:58:58 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Evans The Second:

04:32:04 Aug 25th 10 - Mr. Diodan:

@Evans, how did you ownage a group of knights?  I successfully cast ownage with 60% chance on a 5K Nazgul army on another world and got a message after the "Success" that said I couldn't take control of an a non-eleven unit?

I meant riders... they do the same thing:P

08:20:09 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Diodan:

Ok. That was what I thought.  Just wanted to be certain. Thanks for answering.

12:13:12 Aug 27th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

congrats to those K people....especially aisha and whoever it was who kept me frozen even with a reasonable amount of mu...i created the most useless HoH army in the history of VU lol..which sat around doing almost nothing lol. now dead i retire from the world of talents for now.


18:55:28 Aug 27th 10 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

Man, I love looking at the map.

East- Border
West- The Dominion and lots of nazzies
South- Kuntz, just big armies
North- Gatekeepers, a few armies, and our main force...

Just looks funny.  Bring it on I say!

00:58:48 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

rofl, BP are damn hilarious, I've been away for a week and the only cities that have been taken are a few I abandoned to defend more important cities....I expected to be dead when I got back :P

Dang I've fallen behind though- I was no.5 on the hoh when I left, now I get back and there are people on the map with 3 times as much land as me =/ gonna have to go on a killing spree methinks ^_^

10:17:53 Aug 24th 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


lol, i went north to take on a guy there

mhmm, looks like you were more successful against him at any rate :P twice my landsize?!

01:10:06 Aug 28th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

  • 13:13:12 Aug 27th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:
  • congrats to those K people....especially aisha and whoever it was who kept me frozen even with a reasonable amount of mu...i created the most useless HoH army in the history of VU lol..which sat around doing almost nothing lol. now dead i retire from the world of talents for now.

Ah sorry to hear you leave Palpy, it has been fun :) Hope sometime in the future we can be in the same Kd again :)
Much love for you and our mage Marissa <3

04:58:47 Aug 28th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

ok so Marissa is my new nemesis! or i join the same kingdom and save myself the

i did like my small suicide victory on your army though aisha...when i bounced you it was on 15% chance of success...of course it greatly weakened me but was fun to see the bounce lol.

20:57:51 Aug 28th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

ahahaha, I just bounced this guys army who was prepping on my city...not very sporting in my opinion XD

You (8/27/2010 9:41:49 PM)
How crap are you?!?! I'm away for a week and you still haven't killed me? Rofl
Mr. Metallicat (8/28/2010 7:40:12 PM) GOOD BAD
go fuk urself

17:10:04 Aug 30th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

Fafnirs Toll is defended by 326851 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 750 peasants. And has 7500 guard stations.




Ms. Jasmine.

The city of Fafnirs Toll is now under our command!

Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!

We killed all of the 326851 troops.




Ouch ^^

17:48:54 Aug 30th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

nice ^^

20:47:20 Aug 31st 10 - Mr. Eddie:

spellweavers maybe?

20:49:44 Aug 31st 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

Nah, not really, I had 80% on the CW :)

21:04:34 Aug 31st 10 - Mr. Eddie:

thats not even you who killed them

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