Forums / In game politics / Talents era 42

Talents era 42
04:48:39 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Rockstar:

Kingdoms in Talents
G O D L I K E 8 Sir of Violations 988
Outsiders 2 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 942
Monsters 1 Mr. Rockstar 100

04:50:37 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Donkey Kong:

better comparison  =P

Kingdoms in Talents
G O D L I K E8Sir of Violations1
Outsiders2Mr. Leavemebeimfarming1
Monsters1Mr. Rockstar0

05:41:38 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus:

lmao nice Kong!!!! Just make them feel big and bad ;)

17:30:32 Sep 15th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

Kingdoms in Talents
G O D L I K E8Sir of Violations2069
Outsiders2Mr. Leavemebeimfarming1463
Dragon Clan8Mr. Timberwolf326
Monsters1Mr. Rockstar199
Ringwraiths1Mr. Darion of Mordor100

00:14:37 Sep 17th 09 - Duke Nukem:

Blah Talents

06:12:18 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Blitzx:

to all kingdom in talents, lets declare war on kingdom of Heaven

06:12:22 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Sprod:

Kill kingdom of heaven in talents! Let;s NAP

17:36:13 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:

why? lets declare war on you instead!

Talents is warming up..

17:42:28 Sep 17th 09 - Duke Nukem:

I declare war on taletns

18:40:19 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Shame:

My kingdom has the most sexiest banner


Kingdom Banner

Name: Yummey
Members: 1
Created: 9/17/2009 6:31:18 PM
Leader: Mr. Shame




18:54:25 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Malius Ignis:


19:02:24 Sep 17th 09 - Ms. Kittie Croft:

OMG, .... Look at that banner?????!?! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS!!! XD

19:17:59 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Shame:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Yummey
Members: 1
Created: 9/17/2009 6:31:18 PM
Leader: Mr. Shame


Hey people out there, as you can see the kingdom of YUMMY has lots of benefits if you join it, not just for the pictures and video"s, well yes the main reason is for the pictures and video"s if you want to join fill in the little thing below

Needed Infomation

1. Era"s played

2. Attacker or defender

3. Previos kingdoms

4. Other infomation you think I should know

Optional infomation to give or not

5. Previous names

6. Other infomation you want to tell me


19:58:59 Sep 17th 09 - Duke Random:

no your yummy ;)

20:20:43 Sep 17th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

very nice Banner

22:20:18 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Shame:

Duke Random


18:58:59 Sep 17th 09
no your yummy ;)


I know

And i think ill win the most sexiest banner award at the end of era now ; )

10:45:34 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Arthas:

Any wars in Talents started yet?

13:17:15 Sep 18th 09 - Duke Random:

fully just ripping my banner idea from last era...

16:02:11 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Shame:

WTF, this is my banner idea :O

16:04:28 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Shame:

Kingdoms in Talents
Dragon Clan 18 Mr. Timberwolf 10066
Outsiders 12 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 7112
G O D L I K E 9 Sir of Violations 6912
Kingdom of Heaven 10 Mr. Friendly 6680
Lunatics 2 Mr. Lehvee 1545
KRD 5 Mr. Aragorn 856
Brotherhoods 6 Mr. Blitzx 668
Monsters 1 Mr. Rockstar 522
OMEGA 1 Sir Sneeeeezeeee Alooot 125
Yummey 1 Mr. Shame 100
Revolation 1 Mr. Ezatous 5

17:29:18 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Divhine:

looking for KD, started in the NE corner of Talents.

18:38:31 Sep 18th 09 - Ms. Icarus:

SEXIST banner more like!

19:03:26 Sep 19th 09 - Duke Random:

porno banners are so last era...

02:43:44 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

I predict that Dragon clan will get ripped apart..

06:08:00 Sep 20th 09 - Duke Nukem:

that is so Kath, same name same banner -_-

06:15:59 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

aha. Update:

Kingdoms in Talents
Dragon Clan18Mr. Timberwolf32
Outsiders14Mr. Leavemebeimfarming23
G O D L I K E10Sir of Violations22
Kingdom of Heaven9Mr. Friendly14
The Empire 5Mr. Darion of Mordor8
Brotherhoods10Mr. Blitzx7
Juganitorii2Mr. Vallachian Knight6
Lunatics2Mr. Lehvee4
KRD5Mr. Aragorn4
Not a member of kingdom2Mr. Heroix2
OMEGA1Sir Sneeeeezeeee Alooot1
Yummey1Mr. Shame0
Kingdom Of Perry2Mr. Oliebol II0
OutLawZ2Master Cloutier0
Revolation1Mr. Ezatous0

06:19:23 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Wtf is up with all the spam KD's? There's never been this many. I say Dragon Clan, Outsiders, & GODLIKE team together to take all the other KD's off the map. Or Random could come take the whole map alone. Either way..

09:48:33 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

Duke Nukem


06:08:00 Sep 20th 09 that is so Kath, same name same banner -_-

i got this kingdom idea from a kingdom i was in with my old kd leader...from when dark and all our other kingdoms merged into one...

10:14:54 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. of Arsur:

Mr. Leavemebeimfarming


17:36:13 Sep 17th 09

why? lets declare war on you instead!

Talents is warming up..


i think he means because kingdom of heaven are , as usual , just attacking kingdoms one by one.

10:40:04 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

  1. Mr. Darion of Mordor has won 0 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 49050 men and women.
  2. Mr. Hectic has won 3 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 13278 men and women.
  3. Mr. Norse Mystic has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 10043 men and women.
  4. Mr. Leavemebeimfarming has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 6998 men and women.
  5. Mr. Heroix has won 0 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 14 men and women.
  6. Sir of Violations has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 2755 men and women.
  7. Mr. Juganitorul has won 3 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 2398 men and women.
  8. Mr. Skinnyvinny has won 3 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 2197 men and women.
  9. Mr. Rockstar has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 808 men and women.
  10. Mr. Joker has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 766 men and women.
With only 6 ticks of me eradicationg dragon clan....

19:59:35 Sep 20th 09 - Mr. Stark:

I love how someone cleverly thought of naming a kingdom: Not a member of kingdom

06:43:54 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Hectic:

Mr. Darion of Mordor


21:40:04 Sep 20th 09

  1. Mr. Darion of Mordor has won 0 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 49050 men and women.
With only 6 ticks of me eradicationg dragon clan....

Easy to do considering we had a NAP/MAP with them , and you posted you where going to be inactive so left our empire , and all of a sudden you where attacking them .
To bad all those troops were not  sent to where they where really needed instead of turning on a ally.

My apologies Dragon clan .

08:43:29 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:

couldn't have said it better myself Hectic.

Well done Kath.

22:26:55 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

well as dragon clan attacked me once i left both of your statements are wrong......

22:34:03 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:


Kingdom Banner

Name: TriForce
Members: 4
Created: 9/21/2009 2:48:07 AM
Leader: Mr. Zaxou




Id say a multi kingdom due to the fact all the names happen 2 start with Z lol

22:43:19 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:

great banner though

23:36:05 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Liu Chan:

Mr. Darion of Mordor



20:43:44 Sep 19th 09
I predict that Dragon clan will get ripped apart..
Duke Nukem


00:08:00 Sep 20th 09
that is so Kath, same name same banner -_-


I have seen this banner before....who was it? *Thinking* Oh i know, KATHANDARION.

01:25:11 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Ninja Gonosite:


that was sooo LOL

02:15:56 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Liu Chan:

Dude, it is very much true.

09:16:01 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

liu chan the flag was used before kathandarion even joined the game...this name was used before he even joined the game , darion of mordor is a character from a story...go read a book you clown.

16:20:42 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Liu Chan:

That is something Kath would totally say to me. I am thinking Darion a.k.a Kathandarion is still mad at me for leaving his kingdom Priory of Sion which was on Vahalla. Just say you are Kath and we will leave you alone.

16:25:25 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Abhishek II:

I was #1 on Talents last era.That was my first era..

16:50:26 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Darion of Mordor:

why would i lied to you so you would leave me alone?

17:04:08 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Liu Chan:

This is like the Salem Witch Trials. Say that you are a witch and you will be spared. Lie that you are not and you will be punished. Dude, you have a part of Kath's name plus he was the leader of that kingdom not too long ago. Those are the facts.

17:36:35 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Shame:

Kingdoms in Talents
Outsiders 17 Mr. Leavemebeimfarming 100
Dragon Clan 19 Mr. Timberwolf 83
G O D L I K E 10 Sir of Violations 68
Brotherhoods 15 Mr. Blitzx 42
Kingdom of Heaven 8 Mr. Friendly 34
Juganitorii 2 Mr. Vallachian Knight 29
The Empire 7 Mr. Darion of Mordor 28
KRD 5 Mr. Aragorn 17
Lunatics 2 Mr. Lehvee 16
Not a member of kingdom 2 Mr. Heroix 16
OMEGA 1 Sir Sneeeeezeeee Alooot 5
OutLawZ 2 Master Cloutier 3
Revolation 1 Mr. Homo Ezatous 0
Kingdom Of Perry 2 Mr. Oliebol II 0

05:01:07 Sep 23rd 09 - Mr. Zdzislaw:

Yes about the triple "Z" in Our Triforce kingdom it just kind of happened and was noticed later on a member of the kingdom.

07:29:22 Sep 23rd 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Mr. Arthas


01:45:34 Sep 18th 09 Any wars in Talents started yet?

me vs. you

I hope you brought them butter packets buddy.

10:02:30 Sep 23rd 09 - Mr. Augh:

Zdzislaw, you make me sad. I thought it was your theme. If you're around next era I'll rename to Ganondorf and we'll fight eachother!

20:19:31 Sep 23rd 09 - Mr. Zdzislaw:

haha Sure augh why not. but yeah the only theme is the kingdom the banner and the name of most of our cities in midgard.

21:19:18 Sep 23rd 09 - Mr. Divhine:

Mr. Aries II


22:29:22 Sep 22nd 09 Mr. Arthas


01:45:34 Sep 18th 09 Any wars in Talents started yet?

me vs. you

I hope you brought them butter packets buddy.

ahh princess come on, you know I like it when your dry.

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