Forums / In game politics / Team Coordination

Team Coordination
21:23:07 Jul 18th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Penda):

Okay people! quick question from your favourite Dark Lord 

What do your kds use for communication/coordination? 

From my observations on Fant and joining RoC it seems most other kds have little to no actual coordination and teamwork? 

I would say the reason we have won the last 4 eras is not because of our skill but our team work.

Take this era on Fant not long ago.

Edi had a huge army and lulu sent a backup army making his city near impregnable, our plan was to prep with a few different armies and then chain you down in a single tick. Lulu left and Edi stayed put, this meant me and Stewie could prep you to full prep and then have one hit and then the other hits with an improved % and you lost the #1 hoh army, if you two talked more you could have both left or both stayed.

Back in the day every single kd used IRC to coordinate, Abydos currently uses Skype, our kd hangs in a skype chat and we talk random crap and vu from our phones or PCs like a group of people usually do which allows us to coordinate more complex moves involving supporting magic. RoC seems to have nothing similar and looking at feckers you seem to act more like a group of individuals than a team.

In the hopes of improving the level of play in the game (without rewriting all the guides like i did last time) May i suggest that any kd only using the forums please try out skype/whatsapp/discord to help get closer as players and improve teamwork. One kd should not be winning fant with no relations and less players every era.

21:26:29 Jul 18th 19 - Mr. Bling:

You guys do nothing but speak shit on Skype.

Fact is that Abydos constantly abuses game bugs. Mage prices are being increased to 1k per magic unit for next era, and orc and troll will have lower level 5 costs. Bought and paid for services. 

21:36:33 Jul 18th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Penda):

you had armies stronger than ours, you just sent them 1 at a time to different blockers. but sure its our "bug abuse" that means you guys fail every era

21:52:20 Jul 18th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Thrawn):

I've had fantastic luck with Discord for my KD comms. We used it with DA to win my first era back, then SW has been successful in it.

21:53:44 Jul 18th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

If only we could kick bran out of Skype. Our efficiency would go through the roof. 

22:20:56 Jul 18th 19 - Mr. Bigfield The Farmer:

Discord is super useful.

22:44:31 Jul 18th 19 - Exalted Archsage Salamon:

Remember when we had IRC and when you joined, you had the VU chat first, and could talk to everyone who played. Not sure why the level of play has decreased over time, but it has. Even some of the vets are not as active as i remember in the past. You can be semi active and have a decent shot that half the players you are up against are also semi active.

23:09:08 Jul 18th 19 - Sir Edi The Great:

The lack of strong armies was reason why we lost, not because we don’t use skype or something similar. If people don’t use forums, what makes you think they would use skype?

I used Discord in DA, it killed my phone battery so that I needed to charge the phone 3 times a day. 

We had 4 big armies to the entire kingdom, and they were slightly stronger than what you guys have, but fact is you had more. It was just a matter of when you guys will spread around so that out 4 armies can’t cover it all. 

If Strawberry did not go counter the armies coming we would lose the core, but hold that 1 unimportant blocker. Not to mention most blockers in this game do not block, so the small armies we gathered in blockers do nothing cause enemy walks through the forest. What teamwork can you use against a bug in the game admin refuses to fix?

I think leadership did a good job with indicating what they want, using kingdom messages and forum threads, specifically Aisha who kept asking people to coordinate and provide info, which many never did. And you could almost see the moment even she said fcuk it and stopped trying. 

Not want to take anything away from you guys, this was a clear win and impressive era for you guys. You have a better group of players in your kingdom if we’re judge basis on only 1 era. I did not play previous eras in here. Even if you guys have a better players we will still give you hell if we convince our vets to keep playing.

23:31:53 Jul 18th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Penda):

im talking more the first two weeks edi, you guys tried to break in all of our blockers after pushing us out of an area, you seemed to go 1 at a time towards different blockers though. 

00:01:48 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Butz Mcbutzface:

Feckers has ~20 active players, some of them are very new and some are not very active. That means we need more coordination than a kd with ~10 players who are all vets, and we need strong leadership that has the time to lay out more of a plan than just who should fill what defunctual blocker.

The truth of the matter is however that we didn't have any plan. If we had struck when we had you on the backfoot we could have broken you.

Having said that you can do a large kd with only forums/msgs. I ran alot of semi-successfull kingdoms back in the day when I had time for it. We made teams, maps for blocker/armory placement and so on, multi-stage-plans etc. But you need to moderate heavily and make sure everyone reads the vital stuff. Its not hard, just time consuming.


My plan for this era was to whore up and play lategame as I don't have alot of time atm. Instead I had to make an early army to defend and since I already had it I pushed out, coz that was what was needed. I think I held up a few of you guys down at your blockers before I finally failed and you came flooding up. If I was troll (and more active) I could have played that role better, but thats another thing that needs coordination in a big kd - roles needs to be assigned. I was very clear in our forum about my plans, even before the era started, but pretty much nobody else shared...

The silver lining is that I think some of our guys got a good lesson and will be better prepared for next era. Hopefully, I will finally be able to exact my revenge on Osi for not letting me join Aby :D 

00:04:02 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Butz Mcbutzface:

Side note: I really wanted to be a human player with 2 200kers. It would have been grand.

00:11:21 Jul 19th 19 - Mr. Bling:

Let me lay it out for you Osi. 

The three era's I laid out EXACT plans for each and every member of the team, co-ordinated the attacks and gave them their targets, we wiped the floor with you. And that requires time and effort, which i'm not really prepared to put into the game if Zeta wont fix blockers, because members of Abydos voted against it. Simple as that.

00:18:38 Jul 19th 19 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp):

Even when we have someone willing to draw up a plan and coordinate - it is seemingly impossible to get everyone to buy into the plan. Everyone wants their own glory or believes they know best.

To be fairrrr this is not something I only witness in Feckers.

00:46:32 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Butz Mcbutzface:

Schepp, there is a button on the kd screen where leaders can click to kick players. Just saying.

03:32:11 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Aloysius XCIV:

Sorry to the OP. But MAD only uses the forum and in game message to communicate. It’s enough for a semi-active kingdom. 

I know that’s one disadvantage against more active kingdoms..just like what OP said. But we did our best to coordinate...we win, we lose. 

All players who got to play under this yellow banner knows my orders are absolute. Hahaha

They are not required to go online at a certain time..they just need to try their best to enjoy the game. 

18:31:51 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Edi The Great:

Butz we never had them on their back
When I took out Bogdan’s city early, I moved on
But in their next blocker they had 4-5 people
CW got me to pass but Osi managed to bounce me

Aisha took out Lewatha but had to move back to counter Venomz. Because we had noone else that could. 
You went in middle, fought Lewatha who again had help from Mielo. 

Our blockers were mostly empty. Its not leadership fault, we did not train, Aby did. 

Saying we did not have a plan is also wrong, considering any plan should be consisting of armies and all our armies were needed in areas where they were located. Plans are easily constructed when you have 15 armies to work with, hard with 4.

Sir Butz Mcbutzface:

Feckers has ~20 active players, some of them are very new and some are not very active. That means we need more coordination than a kd with ~10 players who are all vets, and we need strong leadership that has the time to lay out more of a plan than just who should fill what defunctual blocker.

The truth of the matter is however that we didn't have any plan. If we had struck when we had you on the backfoot we could have broken you.

Having said that you can do a large kd with only forums/msgs. I ran alot of semi-successfull kingdoms back in the day when I had time for it. We made teams, maps for blocker/armory placement and so on, multi-stage-plans etc. But you need to moderate heavily and make sure everyone reads the vital stuff. Its not hard, just time consuming.


My plan for this era was to whore up and play lategame as I don't have alot of time atm. Instead I had to make an early army to defend and since I already had it I pushed out, coz that was what was needed. I think I held up a few of you guys down at your blockers before I finally failed and you came flooding up. If I was troll (and more active) I could have played that role better, but thats another thing that needs coordination in a big kd - roles needs to be assigned. I was very clear in our forum about my plans, even before the era started, but pretty much nobody else shared...

The silver lining is that I think some of our guys got a good lesson and will be better prepared for next era. Hopefully, I will finally be able to exact my revenge on Osi for not letting me join Aby :D 

21:10:14 Jul 19th 19 - Sir Butz Mcbutzface:

If we had a more fleshed out plan from start we would have been in a better position. But in the position we were in, we should have tried to punch in when we had the upper hand. All of this is the past tho, so let's not dwell further on it.

Not putting this on leadership either, it's on all of us. I mean, I didn't step up either.

05:23:30 Jul 20th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

There is just a level of coordination that you cannot get without an instant messenger service.

A lot of people can't or don't check VU while out with friends/at work. Being able to hop on messenger every now and then and give someone an approximate time that you'll be available makes everything so much easier, allows everyone to have their own schedules and devote minimal effort without having to waste time checking VU forums constantly.

At a point being a vet isn't really an excuse at this game. A bunch of cities i've taken are horribly built by people who have been playing this game as long or longer than I have.

At the end of the day, once you've played 3-4 eras you should mostly have the basics down and the rest comes down to activity and coordination.

10:22:49 Jul 20th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Text is fine with me. Think about wars fought with letters... or morse code.

REQUESTED GAME UPDATE: Vices should be able to remove waypoints.

10:40:11 Jul 20th 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Penda):

one side using letters and morse code would lose badly to a side using a radio ^^

10:51:26 Jul 20th 19 - Pirate Lewatha:

Please don't make us use walkie talkies Osi :(

11:00:38 Jul 20th 19 - Mr. Uwer:

Not necessarily.

Plans are text. Plan A, B, C...

If something change, you can put the "IFs", and a decent strategist can predict future enemy movement.

VU is not real time. Its one hour fragmented. So, in one hour you can write another briefing.

Activity plays an important role, so, no matter whatever is your plan, if you are not active you will prolly lose. Yet, bad strategy can make you lose also. 

Not to mention bad timing...

12:07:51 Jul 20th 19 - Mr. Davy Jons:

Hmm... use whatever u want but win the era. Then you can say it loudly that your ways work better. 
Mr. Uwer:

Not necessarily....

12:59:46 Jul 20th 19 - Sir Butz Mcbutzface:


one side using letters and morse code would lose badly to a side using a radio ^^

Communication is just one factor, equipment, strategy, training are others. In the end the side that is willing to make the sacrifices that it takes to win usually ends up on top. 


There is just a level of coordination that you cannot get without an instant messenger service.


At the end of the day, once you've played 3-4 eras you should mostly have the basics down and the rest comes down to activity and coordination.

I don't agree, the same factors that makes people not look at forums are probably the same reason why people don't use IM's. Aby would probably work almost as good using just forums/ingame msgs whereas other kds would struggle even more to communicate if they introduced IM's.

The key is not how long people have played, it is how much thought they put into the game. There are many examples of people coming into the game that became strong players pretty much from day 2 becouse they put alot of work into becoming good, even more examples of people that had the fortune to get good tutors and became strong or atleast decent players day 3.

19:29:57 Sep 1st 19 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

I did pretty decent my first era or two in the game. Was serious about learning all the mechanics, cooperating with my kingdom, playing any race or role to the best of its abilities, etc.

Psychopath won a competitive Mantrax the first era he played (the great Adakis got no. 2).

I bet folks like Binhnypoo and Aligreat rocked their worlds the first era they played as well.

A "serious" player would put in effort to learn the game, to work together with his teammates for the best outcome, and .... to motivate the team to be online more often or coordinate better. You need a pretty serious player to be a dedicated mage, that's for certain :D

P.S. Of course, no one could ever beat the great Wilberforce when it comes to setting records as he won 4 straight Fantasias starting from the very first era he played.... (or am I talking about a different person... maybe some dude called Rambo, or was it Lennard...?)

19:35:27 Sep 1st 19 - Osiris (Dark Lord Demandred):

Rambo was caught cheating though so it does kinda throw his era wins into doubt :D 

but hard work sounds to hard, so nowdays its cooler to accuse everyone of abuse and threaten to ddos or sue VU if it doesnt help them ^^

04:05:02 Sep 4th 19 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

My opinion is that forum and in-game messaging coordination can be at least as efficient as Skype is (if no even more). Reason being: those who are on different time-frame / or just prefer not to use Skype are still informed after reading the KD's forum.

If someone is not active, it doesn't make any difference if he/she uses Skype or In-game messaging.

04:55:00 Sep 8th 19 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

The primary factor for successful communication and coordination is motivation. Motivation is what gets you to put aside appointments and other pleasures in order to log in at the right times and wait to pull off the right moves.

You can have the best forms of communicating, but nothing moves a lazy, unmotivated donkey to execute even the simplest of commands and requests.

Of course, if motivation and determination is equal between all kingdoms, then effectiveness of communication becomes the next variable to the kingdom's success. Also, kingdom structure can determine how well-executed the communication can be - some kingdoms have a small leadership circle using multiple mass messages and high activity levels to drive kingdom movement forward, others depend on Skype and members generating their own tactical moves in small groups to keep movement flowing and activity constant.

Thus, kingdom dynamics plays an important secondary factor in communication effectiveness and success.

And of course, you have the odd kingdom where communication is completely unnecessary for success because you have that one nutjob who would solo steamroll the map and carry everyone else along for the ride (looking at folks like Bihnythepoo and the one who started it all, Wilberforce, teacher of Sloth, Rambo, Draiken, Raistlin, Quiet One, etc.).

07:03:00 Sep 8th 19 - Mr. Bling:

Or you could just cross log like aby does

08:38:47 Sep 8th 19 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Not playing VU, anymore TBL? I have a spot for you, for the next era, if you are interested.

15:44:31 Sep 8th 19 - Random (Duke Random):

That's a new one bling..

21:32:25 Sep 9th 19 - Lord Caedus:

Awww little bling is back ! <3 he’s finished sulking. 

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