Forums / In game politics / Templar Crusaders (TC)

Templar Crusaders (TC)
01:48:41 May 9th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

Templar Crusaders

Kingdom Banner

Name: Templar Crusaders
Members: 2
Tag: TC
Created: 5/9/2009 1:41:27 AM
Leader: Mr. Arkantos


I have Re-created Templar Crusaders. Currently recruiting New and Old members just send in Application.


01:51:42 May 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Are you Bliss? If not ... wannabe ...

02:08:07 May 9th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

:( if there is no Bliss then TC.. well it just isnt TC

02:51:14 May 9th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

I am not Bliss but me and Septim were Viceroy's in the old TC and decided to re-make it.

13:35:38 May 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

so was I at one time ... You don't see me stealing someone else's flame?

13:39:43 May 9th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

As was I.

Bliss and Klondyke, only two who should ever remake TC.

15:22:51 May 9th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

penguin should remake TC hes the best <3

15:38:41 May 9th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Bliss and Klondyke were some of the greatest friends I ever knew on Visual Utopia, and we would have asked them to remake it if it had been possible, but unfortunately, that is not the case. I am not sure were either are, and I don't think they will ever return.

Well, we could've made the Teutonic Knights of the Knights Hospitaller!


17:08:57 May 11th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

They haven't replied to any of my emails.

I know Klon was working in Milton Keyes and rarely got access to internet or came on msn.
Bliss was going to school and stuff.

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