Forums / In game politics / Tha END (Mantrax)

Tha END (Mantrax)
12:45:05 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Ok so this is ut, this era is over! Congrats to all that survived in good position and gg to those who got slaughtered. You'll have your revenge soon!

I've taken teh time to sketch teh final territory share, based on what I see and my interpretations of it. It's actually a shame this era has to finish now. It was getting very interesting :)

So here's teh map

Nice job every one!

12:51:22 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

BTW I posted teh .psd file on rapidshare in case you uys want to add/modify something :P

13:05:29 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

nicely made :)

13:08:57 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Naerey:

wow nice job!
i'd do the same but I don't have IE so can't zoom out >_>

anyways, zeta should give unlimited LOS when the era ends, so you'll see it for yourself :)

13:12:58 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Naerey i can't zoom out either. i made that by DLing the imagepack and setting it up and then colouring with Photoshop. If you got Photoshop and want to do it you should dl the psd file and erase the colouring and text layers, then make your own. The background is the entire map already set up (in teh image pack only comes 1/16 of the total map lol but it repeats over an over so hehe)

And thx for teh compliments :)

14:20:01 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

It's been fun on Mantax.  Kudos to RPX for their barnstorming final few days - Ingo, Acelnorst and Griever Maelstrom have all had their share of my cities in the last few days and kept it going right to the end.  Thanks also to WB, UC and Solaris for making it an interesting era without too much farming.

My last 24 hours has been slightly spoiled by a so-called ally who has decided to take cities from me for no apparent reason.  When quizzed as to WTF he thought he was doing (this is clearly NOT sanctioned by his KD) his response was "I'm bored.  Anyway it doesn't matter as it's the last 5 ticks so relax".  Ah, right well that's fine then.... NOT.  It would be unkind of me to name this rather stupid individual, so I won't say that it is Mr Plauge of RS.

14:36:28 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

WTG Wild Boys. Although we have 7 less players than RH and some of ours have been away for a while (me included).

14:39:35 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

hey knight we have 7 less player adn those 7 player are inactive

14:44:24 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

we kick ass this era and won good job everyone in The RED HAND

14:53:36 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

4 ticks to go and WB may overtake us...

RED Red Hand 23 Admiral Krum 100
WB Wild Boys 16 Mr. Hilario 100
RPK Rogue Phoenix 8 Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian 58
UC Umbrealla Corp 13 Mr. Eternal Oblivion 35
RS Rambo Slayers 10 Mr. Midge 33


14:59:09 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

What are you doing, lying with Krum?!

You are sleeping with the enemy Spooky! Banehallow will not approve!

15:00:50 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. EL Cid:

Great job guysSure, Rocky and GP and RH merging didn't have anything to do with it. Imagine RPK and WB merge now. What then huh? Dude, many playuers from every KD have done a great job, and true, RH is listed first on the rankings but despreciating other kingdoms only show you as being extremely arrogant.

@leatherwax. Thx for the compliments :P we were stuck on our south border, neiter you or us could advance, so we decided to advance elsewhere :) You took the chance to assimilate our cities short after the war with THC tho :P

15:05:57 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

At last the king appears. NO words are needed

Corbinson Nobles

Commander: Mr. Brizencorbin
Kingdom: The Alied Kingdoms
Size: Corps (Around 50,000)
Status: Camping
Kingdom Banner
Send Mr. Brizencorbin a message »

var frame = new Object(); if(window.opener) else frame=top.huvud try{ frame.document.getElementById('gold').innerHTML='966,343 '; frame.document.getElementById('food').innerHTML='35,077,528 '; frame.document.getElementById('stone').innerHTML='281,527,010 '; frame.document.getElementById('tree').innerHTML='86,337,778 '; frame.document.getElementById('slaves').innerHTML='1,860,834 '; frame.document.getElementById('message').src='' } catch(e) { ; }

- close -I think my army cutting thru his men army one after the next froze the king in his tracks.
Never mind moving so call king I just come for your head.


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Rocky. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 37609 troops and 0 peasants.

15:10:24 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Mr. EL Cid


6/24/2007 3:00:50 PM
Great job guysSure, Rocky and GP and RH merging didn't have anything to do with it. Imagine RPK and WB merge now. What then huh? Dude, many playuers from every KD have done a great job, and true, RH is listed first on the rankings but despreciating other kingdoms only show you as being extremely arrogant.

@leatherwax. Thx for the compliments :P we were stuck on our south border, neiter you or us could advance, so we decided to advance elsewhere :) You took the chance to assimilate our cities short after the war with THC tho :P

lawl sorry that was me I didn't know my roommate had his account logged in :P

15:19:39 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

WBWild Boys16Mr. Hilario288
REDRed Hand23Admiral Krum287
RPKRogue Phoenix8Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian167
UCUmbrealla Corp13Mr. Eternal Oblivion100

Actually, Weatherwax, they did....Since I took 3 of your guys cities in the last few hours. It made you guys drop abit. Plus Ingo doing the same. But yes it was a nice fight...Ever since the begining UC had always been getting attacked and we still stayed alived but not without the help of SUN.

15:23:48 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Sun... the same u are attacking now? lol

Well, rocky, I was wrong... Red Hand might not even finish forst :P

15:25:06 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

I am not attacking SUN....Gigarg has not been on to recieve my message....

16:15:03 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

Yep. I reckon WB can think RPK and UC for taking quite a few of our cities in the "mad Arma dash" to let them creep just ahead.  I've taken a couple of mine back mind you, but you guys timed those attacks very nicely, especially Eternal Oblivion in the last 12 hours.

Well done to WB who at one point looked beaten but had the sense to retreat back into their area, regroup, build back up and come back stronger than ever.  Special thanks to Evermeet and Morpheus for buying all my stone :P  I really must get the STG thingy going myself one of these eras....

16:22:41 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Phantom Liano:

well wer coming to mantrax next era

16:25:20 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

Esmerelda if you ask me i could stone to gold one of your mining city with atleast 1k warehouse.

And eternal those where rocky looting city so it didnt matter if you took them he already plunder and sell them of the loot :)

16:49:01 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

it really was a fun ERA and i am still unsure which side had the upper hand in the End.
Thx to my allies , friends and kingdom mates . i knew you can be trusted :-)
Thx to my enemies for giving me a hard time, using Bonus turns well, annoying me with skirmish armys and giving me their rainbow cities from former CL territory so easily (j/k).
At least in the end  i got a purebred Mining city with 500 k income . Thx Esmeralda for stright outta .. you wont get it back :-D.
I wish u all a good start next era and i hope we meet again on the battlefield

16:57:23 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

what you mean your only been in rp for 24 hour >.>

17:01:23 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

Zakira, did I say anything special about those cities?

I went after there cities to let WB get ahead. I did not want RH to be the first at the end of the era. I don't care what kind of cities they are...They helped RH lose points and WB gain...

17:05:48 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

LOL @ Ingo - I didn't build a single building in Stright Outa - I think I took it from Solaris so it's really poetic justice you getting it back.  :)

17:21:39 Jun 24th 07 - Admiral Krum:

Grats to WB (and to all the others), it's too bad it took us until the last leg of arma to finally meet. Well done.

17:30:51 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

Solaris eh.... yes they surely know how to build them ;-)

17:39:59 Jun 24th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Nice map... I was hoping Zeta might do something like this for end of era every time, let everyone see how everything went...
full los would help as well.   I usually make a review map at the end also.

18:20:14 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

I want to thank all my kingdom members and every one enemy and friends alike. I enjoy this era in the mantrax right untill the end. And to my number 1 enemy TAK king better luck next time. When you talk tuff back it up and dont sent other people to do your dirty job for you. ONE MORE THING

               SAY WHEN

        Punk ass *beep*!

:) lol

18:31:09 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
REDRed Hand23Admiral Krum100
WBWild Boys16Mr. Hilario95
RPKRogue Phoenix8Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian56
UCUmbrealla Corp13Mr. Eternal Oblivion35
RSRambo Slayers10Mr. Midge32
TAKThe Alied Kingdoms7Mr. Brizencorbin14
OrcOrcs Kingdom3Mr. Skyone10
SUNSolaris3Mr. Saulens10
KODKingdom of Dragons1Mr. Mayhem Xii4
warvaxmon1Mr. Uria0
TGDThe Grass Defenders1Mr. Elos0
DeathApocoliptic Armies2Mr. Apocolipto0
AAAmerican Army1Mr. General Dixon0
Era ended

19:43:59 Jun 24th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

So RED was top in Mantrax?  Talk about last minute improvements!

20:06:43 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Houston:

Let the record show that Mr. Mayhem Xii was part of UC for a LONG time but in the last 24 hours of the era decided to leave UC and make his own.

And that Map is Wrong. In TAK territory that Second Lake at the bottom is Half part of UC due to my cities.

21:39:56 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Brizencorbin:

   Friends and foes alike, SWEET era and AWESOME job! I wish i could have had more game time but RL stuff  started to take up allot of my time (my woman planning our wedding and used pc all the time). For all my brother kings that actually stayed active big props to you, especially King Alex and King Crazer. It pretty much came down to use 3 in the end. Also Forresto thanks for tying to be on as much as you could.

Rocky, no need to keep talking smack dude, the age is over and we basically let you keep that last city at the end of era for lack of time (notice my army was camping 3 ticks away from your city) LOL. If we would have had about 4 more hours for a merge we would have smoked you like a bong at a collage party. But nice little offensive you put on at the end when i was out running errands lmao. Hats off to you on your little skirmish. Fortunately for you, you was not my #1 enemy.

And i would like to personally like to thank/apologize to LadyEsmereldaWeatherwax  for our verbal dueling and if she took any of it personal it was all done in character. It was funRP'ing a verbal confrontation with a woman. Without our little spats, this age would have been very dull as fare as intellectual battles. I hope to see you in Mantrax next era, and hopfully we can call eachother friends instead of foe. Ether way your a cool chicka' and fun to play with (or against) =,D

Lord Acelnosrt, SWEET map bro!! A little off on the taritorys of TAK though, it exstends about midway through the 1st verticl mountan and KOD has the other half of the southern lake, but close enough bro and it looks cool as hell.

Lord EO, you was TAK's best alie and true to your word of alliance. Your a cool dude and hope we see you in Mantraxnext age.

Lord BrizenCorbin of TAK

03:50:03 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

waaa! i missed the last 12 hours. I love that map... hope Zeta implements it and saved it for Era History. want to know where the 10th kingdom is? its inside our core. :)

Grats to RedHand, snatching the first spot from us. To all our allies who trusted us till the end, thank you and goodluck next era.

20:20:50 Jun 25th 07 - Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax:

Mr. Ingo Von Lucker


6/24/2007 4:49:01 PM
At least in the end  i got a purebred Mining city with 500 k income . Thx Esmeralda for stright outta .. you wont get it back :-D.

I know this is pretty tragic of me but:


my Lady. We have returned full command over Stright Outta to Lady Esmerelda Weatherwax.
We killed all of the 12636 troops.

Our troops gained +4 extra experience.

I've enjoyed the BTs!  :)


20:38:44 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Jbkiller:

Leave Rocky alone TAK, He is a rear type warrior that loves to battle,He dont take kind to cowards or people who thinks they are above others and cant be touch. Plus at least he comes out and tell you to your face and not say it behind your back . After all he did stand his grounds and kill alot of your men and army and was still standing till the end.

I was not on for the last 6 ours, but I enjoy playing this era also thanks to all players that attack and defends aginst me. Love every minutes of this era. Thanks to of course my kgdm RED HAND for taking me in,and G-pool (kgdm rocks too) UC ,Solaris, RPX, Wild boys and Tak all kgdm that has taken part in the wars and battles. It just made the era all around alot of fun to play

21:13:43 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

hehe Lady Esmeralda well done .. i thought it was fortified enough to withstand some "trolls".
One thing bugs me ... didnt i left some more soldiers as garrison in there ... 17k or 18k .
Knowing that you tried at least two times gives me a relaxed sleep and i hope GPOOL and or RED HAND shows up again in Mantrax cause there are some unpaid bills here for destroyed cities in my kingdom office ;-)

21:32:00 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Jbkiller:

lol good one...... my lady. :)

06:42:33 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Houston:

Mr. Rocky fights cuz peace scares the hell out of him.

07:38:14 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Wolf II:

Excellent map.

As a member of RS, I am proud that we lasted to the end of this era. It isn't easy being stuck in the middle.

08:47:45 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Dwarf Assassin:

question ,
i finisched in Mantrax , i want to restart in Mantrax ... :P
how can i do that??? :P

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