Forums / In game politics / The A Team

The A Team
12:20:32 May 4th 09 - Mr. One:

The A Team

Kingdom Banner

Name: The A Team
Members: 3
Tag: TAT
Created: 4/27/2009 11:26:42 PM
Leader: Mr. One


Bad Ass kingdom for bad ass killers.

"You crazy fool!"

*Recruiting now*

Currently training in Armageddon for world war next era.

If you want to join the bootcamp now or at the start of next era then submit an app or msg a leader or vice for more details.

Please give some idea of what race you intend to play next era and if you are a new or experienced player. Both are welcome. 

We are looking for members with good communication skills and an aptitude for killing.

Many thanks.

14:00:17 May 4th 09 - Sir Struddle:

i dont know if you realize this but green isnt the best on a gray backdrop makes it hard to read........

14:27:50 May 4th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Considering this guy has decided to attack Spag with his piddly 3 man kingdom, i doubt intelligence is high on the list of his good qualities.. So my bet is on him being too stupid to realise which colours don't mix.

17:19:25 May 4th 09 - Mr. One:

the beauty of this game is that if you feel like attacking someone.......DO IT! Spaghetti included.

If you like attacking and killing people then join TAT

If you have no fear of attacking Spag then join TAT

If you are not easily intimidated I'd like to hear from you.

btw....Chancellor Ademo.....go fuk yourself.

and Struddle...i'll keep your comment on the green against grey in mind for next time. ;)

18:14:06 May 4th 09 - Mr. One:

The A Team

Kingdom Banner

Name: The A Team
Members: 3
Tag: TAT
Created: 4/27/2009 11:26:42 PM
Leader: Mr. One


Bad Ass kingdom for bad ass killers.

"You crazy fool!"

*Recruiting now*

Currently training in Armageddon for world war next era.

If you want to join the bootcamp now or at the start of next era then submit an app or msg a leader or vice for more details.

Please give some idea of what race you intend to play next era and if you are a new or experienced player. Both are welcome. 

We are looking for members with good communication skills and an aptitude for killing.

Many thanks.

(fixed it Struddle)

18:18:22 May 4th 09 - Mr. Shmehss:

Well tbh red isn't that good either, blue or yellow turns out much better I think ;).

18:22:14 May 4th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

pink shows up well too....but yuh, dun use that one :)

18:30:02 May 4th 09 - Mr. One:

damn...I'll repost it later. Thanks for the feedback!


20:08:50 May 4th 09 - Sir Santa:

I see great potential for this bad ass kingdom :)

20:13:11 May 4th 09 - Demonic Equivalent of Goodness:

awesome banner! :)

21:00:47 May 4th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

i fkn loved the A team :)

21:09:57 May 4th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

now we just need He-Man =D

or Air epic battle btwn A-Team and Air Wolf would rock ;)

23:34:30 May 4th 09 - Sir Santa:

Whats Air Wolf? :P

23:39:49 May 4th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

aww no, dun tell me there's a generation gap, I feel old now :`(

Think Knight Rider, with a kick a$$ helicopter instead of car =)

01:59:42 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


02:39:22 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

All sounds fun, how about someone creates TMNT. anyone remember those boys?


I'd love a NAP if possible!   :)

02:52:37 May 5th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

Who???   Musta been before my time, gawd u must be old... =P

02:57:48 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles offcourse!   man i'd love to see that banner on VU! :)

03:01:32 May 5th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

hehe, yuh, I actually knew that, I just wanted to think I was young again =)  (they got ruined for me with the gawd awful movie tho ;(

03:19:01 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

yeh, those fukrs were awesome in cartoon form!

Man, this thread has done no good in terms of recruitment but for nostalgia it's awesome!


03:26:50 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

The A Team

Kingdom Banner

Name: The A Team
Members: 3
Tag: TAT
Created: 4/27/2009 11:26:42 PM
Leader: Mr. One


Bad Ass kingdom for bad ass killers.

"You crazy fool!"

*Recruiting now*

Currently training in Armageddon for world war next era.

If you want to join the bootcamp now or at the start of next era then submit an app or msg a leader or vice for more details.

Please give some idea of what race you intend to play next era and if you are a new or experienced player. Both are welcome. 

We are looking for members with good communication skills and an aptitude for killing.

Many thanks.

[[i got bored :P]]

03:29:50 May 5th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Rah Horahkty:

I pitty the foool!

03:44:03 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

lol Jang. ;)

"I ain't gettin' on no plane!"

03:47:04 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

Duchess Illidan



03:59:08 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


03:59:50 May 5th 09 - General Zondervan:


best of luck to you mate ;D

04:07:44 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:



If he had your luck there would be another Silcon Knights/Lighting Dust out there.. we dont want that :P

heres a lesson for you zony..
Quality not quantity


But anyone good luck Mr. One.. i hope you do well :)

04:08:06 May 5th 09 - Mr. One:

Thanks General! lol


it's needed!

04:45:23 May 5th 09 - General Zondervan:

lol and you know who all is with me how?? O.O

didn't think so. i got quality and quantity..and doing a hell of a better job at running a kd than you ever will lol

12:55:47 May 5th 09 - Sir Santa:

That doesn't say you're doing it good.. ;)


14:48:52 May 5th 09 - Mr. Widowmaker:

I Pity Da Nazi Fool,    lmao.   well spotted Santa. I must get this game!

23:20:45 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

General Zondervan


5/5/2009 6:45:23 AM

lol and you know who all is with me how?? O.O

didn't think so. i got quality and quantity..and doing a hell of a better job at running a kd than you ever will lol

KD v KD link shows ALL!

00:15:43 May 6th 09 - General Zondervan:

and where is the kd ur running...


and a name means nothing unless you make it mean something, you probably have no idea the exp the players wit me have..

00:41:47 May 6th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

Zondervan it took you nearly a full week to beat me alone lol and even when you did it was only due to crazy/.... who had to merge to take my blocker. lolz i laff at your attempts to look tough.

01:01:35 May 6th 09 - General Zondervan:

let me see, you couldn't beat 1k warlords..

i CAN'T kill you with the 50% rule so *beep* pussy.


also just so EVERYONE knows, kath here begged for a nap with me (i got messages), THEN he asked to join to avoid death but wanted to be vice, THEN wanted to buy my members off me.

so next you have something to say, make sure you know wtf your talking about.


P.S. i killed everyone of his armies that came at my 1k warlords and he ran back to his city with last army and i plundered him for a week 3 times a day or more.

01:13:50 May 6th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


Zon > Kath

02:20:38 May 6th 09 - General Zondervan:

now see, least slade knows wat he is talking about (some wat) :O

09:27:28 May 6th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Duchess Illidan


5/5/2009 11:20:45 PMGeneral Zondervan


5/5/2009 6:45:23 AM

lol and you know who all is with me how?? O.O

didn't think so. i got quality and quantity..and doing a hell of a better job at running a kd than you ever will lol

KD v KD link shows ALL!

> You aren't even leader innit ... what are you gloating about ...

11:41:24 May 6th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

lol i aint gloating Milo

General Zondervan


5/6/2009 4:20:38 AMnow see, least slade knows wat he is talking about (some wat) :O

And what the feck is that suppost to mean :P

13:22:54 May 6th 09 - Mr. One:

Ok, this thread has been hijacked to a certain extent......if possible i'd like to divert back to the recruitment side of things here for a moment.

I'm in Armageddon atm fighting Spag, which has frightened one of my members into leaving the kd!!! argh!

So, would anyone like to join in a good, fun fight? I could use a little help. :)

09:22:59 May 8th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


Pity this fool and join his kingdom :P


10:04:00 May 8th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

I'll join!!

err.. wait..

12:27:59 May 8th 09 - Mr. One:

Chancellor Ademo, your kingdom has sent over 100k troops to kill me. I think teh word 'overkill' fits.
I've already killed about 7k spag and rofd about 3k. You have taken raised cities and killed about 1k of my troops.

So i'm gonna raise everything else now and you guys can move on in with all those troops.
you have another 9k troops to kill before you get even.

lmao...and Illidan, this is a bit o fun. that's all.

12:46:40 May 8th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

So what? We want you out of the way asap, if that means overkill, so be it :) You made your bed, now you get to lay in it.

17:48:07 May 8th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

it seems ademo is intent on taking all of the cities they cross from small KD's......

18:10:52 May 8th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Heh. TAT attacked us first :p

As for you, i was bored :P We got bullied off two worlds so far, may as well piss some more ppl off... 7 worlds to go!

23:09:37 May 8th 09 - General Zondervan:

lol kath you about dead, i got tired of waiting for you to attack me so let you be. or you would be dead.

02:49:49 May 9th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

..... zondervan that shows me how little you know. i died and RESTARTED.... iwas 1 hour oop so.... wtf you talking about lol. and it shows how crap your members are that they can attack me LD as i am one hour oop and they arent even double my size.

02:52:06 May 9th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

General Zondervan


5/6/2009 12:01:35 AM

let me see, you couldn't beat 1k warlords..

i CAN'T kill you with the 50% rule so *beep* pussy.


also just so EVERYONE knows, kath here begged for a nap with me (i got messages), THEN he asked to join to avoid death but wanted to be vice, THEN wanted to buy my members off me.

so next you have something to say, make sure you know wtf your talking about.


P.S. i killed everyone of his armies that came at my 1k warlords and he ran back to his city with last army and i plundered him for a week 3 times a day or more.

n.o1 = this plundering never took place. you was just sitting there failing attacks on my last city.

n.o2 = the buying players from you was a joke..... it was quite obvious from the frequent lol's and the fact i offered you 1 p and the fact you dont even live in the same country as me so i wouldnt of been able to pay you.......

n.o3 = so what i begged for a NAP..... wanted to live lol nothing wrong with that

N.o4 = ..........does the idea of a joke competely escape you. if i wanted to join a KD i would of joined crazy who multiple times invited me into there kd....... not your big nub fest of a kd.

02:59:09 May 9th 09 - General Zondervan:

if i am correct, i plundered you and even showed ur good friend gc and others the reports..

and again. we never took your cities, just plundered you *beep*. chicken guy took them..

u were one hour oop you say?? someone add this in let him know. hmm the 6 or 7 hours before you messaged me, then then 6 hours before i agreed to cf. then a 75 hour cf, plus i waited 48 hours to attack.. i think you were well more than 1 hour oop. stop with the damn lies. it gets you no where.

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