Forums / In game politics / The Black Chain

The Black Chain
00:01:40 Nov 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

We CF them, and 4 ticks later one of their members takes a city of mine. I get a letter from their leader saying to deal with it, that we took cities of theirs, well, this was BEFORE the CF. So, I explain this to him and here is the response I get...


Mr. Burninglegion [BC] (11/7/2008 3:56:48 AM) GOOD BAD
you low lying scum

do not insult me with words u cannot back up , i am far superior as a player and leader compared with you

your two faced war tactics wont work on us

war it is , you have made a big mistake



Im sorry, just wanted to share this with everyone, let you know they are unhonorable, and hope you all get the laugh I just did. I have already killed two of their members with only 500 pony riders. Better than me, PAH.

00:04:39 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...I don't know why you would even trust him in the first place...there has been so much crap flying around him that I wouldn't even consider anything other than war...

00:05:04 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Raxbury:

Maybe they heard of Fuze.

00:08:05 Nov 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Whats that have to do with anything? Fuze is over, grow up and stop trying to sludge crap that is not worth anything. I was not leader of Fuze, and do not claim to be.



00:21:18 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

uh huh you killed two kingdom members? lies


your a two faced snake , attempting to gain a CF so you can betrayel us in a days time


BoW will be defeated soon, why dont you post the threats you sent me before this ... or how about your insults


no.. nothing o ok? your kingdom has no honor

00:22:22 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

and we had a long chat way before i sent that to you ,


 cowardly to only post incrimating things towards me

00:22:33 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

and we had a long chat way before i sent that to you ,


 cowardly to only post incrimating things towards me

00:27:07 Nov 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Insulting? I stated the FACTS. I said it is not MY fault YOUR members did not listen.

00:30:11 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Blood Fang:

well, my goodness burninglegion. your not increasing the respect that is the black chain.

00:49:32 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Fang Zheng:

Karac have not heard that Bc have a list of ignorance and clueless member that won't check on issue

00:57:12 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:


01:21:46 Nov 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

oh ok.

01:28:28 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol Karac your fine. Dont worry he said he was going to kill us last era and his ass was sent to a LOW world to make BC again.

09:59:32 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Random:

black chain, Zerofool killed them by himself last era ^_^

10:29:58 Nov 7th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

Bl.... your an *beep*.... your making your self look even worst

>.< and screw you Random.. TDS killed BC off

11:03:22 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Duke Slade Griffin


11/7/2008 10:29:58 AMBl.... your an *beep*.... your making your self look even worst

> lol, funny hearing you say that slade ... :)

15:08:30 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Justin:

They are so stupid they will put all their armies in one city that was supposed to be a blocker and wasnt even close to being finished and allowed us to walk by. They let it get sieged with 60k troops in it. And Gave mine,kishs, and Destroyers nazzies free run at their mines and armouries while the others destroyed that army and city

15:40:15 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Prince Mielo


11/7/2008 12:03:22 PM
Duke Slade Griffin


11/7/2008 10:29:58 AMBl.... your an *beep*.... your making your self look even worst

> lol, funny hearing you say that slade ... :)


will we hear anything new from u Mielo?

16:37:11 Nov 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

... never!

21:13:09 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

Get off the TDS , BC war last era

we all know the truth in the matter and who did what


the problem is the slander that wolflord karac is trying to impose without even posting his threats or insults to myself and BC

 and seeing this so far i doubt he would post without editing them

21:30:00 Nov 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Threats? I made promises.


You told me to DEAL with the unhonorable action. So, yeah, I said I would come wipe you out. And..... I am, with 800 pony riders, pathetic. Now you will call MAD into play, weaklings.


But if not it will get real interesting, 800 pony riders = 22k in new land acquisitions from BC....

I just trained 5400 Ponies right outside of their core = ???!!!??? Glory?

22:46:09 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Oblivion:

I will just add that last era was my first era and I was on the lower world with him.  He offered me a NAP as he was following my vice down to our core with an army.  I asked that he quit following my vice and he denied that he ever followed the army although he was 1 tick behind it for over 20 hours.  Not a day later one of his members sat an army on our city that just came OOP.  Fortunatly he couldn't take it and we ended up taking that member over.  It sounds to me this is a somewhat common occurance for him.  We didn't think they were very honarable in the lower world either.

00:40:01 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer:

00:56:17 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Theophilus II:

You *beep* karac i am trying to help your puny kingdom , slade and i are talking

  and oblivion with ur skill you shouldnt be in this world



Karac do not say another thing .. or any chance of me stoping MAD from killing you will be gone



00:56:19 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Theophilus II:

You *beep* karac i am trying to help your puny kingdom , slade and i are talking

  and oblivion with ur skill you shouldnt be in this world



Karac do not say another thing .. or any chance of me stoping MAD from killing you will be gone



00:56:21 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Theophilus II:

You *beep* karac i am trying to help your puny kingdom , slade and i are talking

  and oblivion with ur skill you shouldnt be in this world



Karac do not say another thing .. or any chance of me stoping MAD from killing you will be gone



00:56:25 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ya Legion ur mouth got you in alot of Sh*t last era like its doing this era and we beat your asses EASILY!!!!

01:10:12 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Wow, a nub trying to talk to me, again.

01:10:40 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Puny? I have yet to see a single army from BC that I havent man handled.

01:14:08 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol Karac you can kill them. You know that, i know that, EVERYONE but BC will admit that. BC sucks. They are sh*t talkers. They cant even come close to backing up their words. Hence last era when my kd killed them in hmm a few days.

01:16:07 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Well, Im laughing because they are talking about getting us peace with MAD, and yet, after clearing out a BC area, I see no BC troops coming only two MAD armies coming to help them out. Pathetic, cant even fight their own fights.

01:21:13 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well duh. We set BC up last era saying we were going to fight RoC. They tried to back stab us getting RoC to help out against us by telling them that. RoC told us we ended the NAP and a few days later they were dead.

01:34:47 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer:

Well Karac, I think they are having enough trouble handling my Company of 200 knights LOL I've defended one city with that army, and have been attacked by a brigade and a regiment. Most I lost was 22 knights.

01:53:26 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

this is mafia frm MAD why slag each other on dis? take it to real life lol

02:32:39 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

LOL, i agree ;)

02:40:03 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer:

Mafia :( Your the only reason I haven't taken the North yet :D

06:31:02 Nov 8th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Warrior:

Karac, 1st of all we haven't agreed to CF you guys. Trying to CF just because one of your members got death in his family. I, myself has problems in my family. My father got heart attack and my sis got operated with tumor but I never use them just to have CF. Using that thing is nonsense!

Also I said to you guys that I'll hunt you down till you got out of Mant. Telling BC can't fight for their own is nonsense! All armies MAD sending to BoW are all been primarily intended to kill BoW not to help BC. It's been marching before you propose that stupid CF.


06:47:40 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer:

Your right, BC can fight....

They're just not very good at it. :)

07:03:48 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Millman VI:

This era's BC is not the same as the one in the past so plz do not get them confused.  I have played under the BC banner for around 4 eras and have been a vice in BC for three of them.  They are under new leadership and do not have all of the old loyal members of previous, hence the reason i am no longer with them.  Just wanted to make that clear...

08:49:46 Nov 8th 08 - Prince Mielo:

They are under new leadership

They have leadership in BC????

11:00:22 Nov 8th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

lol yeah do they have leadership?

14:34:32 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Lapulapu, yet again, another member who has no idea what they are talking about.


Irunonrum had no armies moving against us, UNTIL i took out a BC area, so go lay down, 'moving before' BS, it moved two ticks after i finished.


And as for having tact, I NEVER said you had CF us, I wrote asking, saying a death is no big deal, who the hell are you? Stalin? Hitler? Atleast a piece of *beep*e worthy of nothing.

So, again, until you know what you are talking about, feck off.

14:39:43 Nov 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

sounds like they tried to powerplay you guys as they know your comming oop and came from fant :P

14:49:37 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Mr. Koss [BC] (11/8/2008 3:09:26 AM) GOOD BAD
um can i hav drag cavback i need that know survive
You (11/8/2008 3:11:19 AM)
take Herion Gold, I am making my stand against Irunonrum, and THEN you can have Dragcav back.

24 hour notice agreed?
Mr. Koss [BC] (11/8/2008 3:13:18 AM) GOOD BAD
sounds fair i will take herion gold you can move peple and slaves out if you wish and yes i agree we have an allaince



and then, while i am offline, with no notice, I give him permission to take TWO of my towns, he takes ALL of my towns in the area, is there ANY honor is this stupid kingdom?

14:59:00 Nov 8th 08 - Duke Drakos:

I think the concept of Honorably upholding a NAP or CF that they agreed to  is beyond them. BC has did something thats pretty hard to do, piss me off bigtime.  Nuff said, no threats here, Koss/BC, watch the horizon, visitors are coming.

15:07:17 Nov 8th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Nub Burninglegion against Karac? This is hilariously unfair. On BL ofc XD
Seems he never learns :p

15:08:22 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

not just BL vs me..... ALL of BC vs me ;P


And....... im still winning, easily ;P

15:08:44 Nov 8th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

they are getting tougher tho, i need to use 1k pony riders now :s im getting worried....

15:34:19 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Karac and Drakos, just understand our new Stalin like diplomat, Lapulapu. :P

Just think that he was not around when BOW and MAD used to be allied in Fant. No offense to you, ok. Even if we powerplay your kingdom this time. MAD still honors the past relations we had with your kingdom.

Its like we are under a new leadership, this era. lol

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