Forums / In game politics / The Dacians Reminder

The Dacians Reminder
00:12:19 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Reminder if you are interested to join a kd to stay a couple of eras, we are a nice team with a few positions still open, if you want to learn more send me a message and ill get back to you with more info

As of now, we are a team of 10 and will be on mantrax next era

00:17:15 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

also u can post here too any comments or questions but might be better to private pm me unless you just want to chill out here

00:18:23 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

The The Gladiator Reminder

Reminder if you are The Gladiator. You've made 5 or more recruitment threads in KD politics now, sp@mming and innundating us with the same, regurgitated "JOIN ME PLS!!1" nonsense that nobody really wants to read. Stick to one thread, preferably one of the ones you already made before, before you moved onto a new one. It isn't hard:

00:23:28 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

ok cool it is pretty hard finding them but u did the work for me now thanks my loyal flamer

04:16:54 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


09:18:09 Mar 22nd 08 - Ms. Xerxes:

lol im sure there is more then 5

12:30:42 Mar 22nd 08 - Lord Zucox II:

Gladiator, you are funny..

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