Forums / In game politics / The Dacians - Our Vision

The Dacians - Our Vision
19:45:26 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

The Dacians

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Dacians
Members: 2
Tag: Dacii
Created: 10/27/2008 6:50:09 PM
Leader: Mr. The Gladiator


History - The Dacians were an incredible nation, living in the mountains and forests. They are known for their ingenious war tactics, which were used to defeat Roman attacks even despite the Dacians were being heavily outnumbered. It has even been reported that they had once got away from a Battle by cutting a whole forest of trees at a man"s height, and dressing up the trees as to look like soldiers. When the Romans came, they backed up.

The Dacians were highly loyal and respectfull. They entered war in joy, and thought they were immortals. Dying in battle was seen as a liberation and funerals were celebrated.


We are the Dacians, we stand for our values no matter what are the circumstances. In order to join, the candidate must be highly Loyal; to the point of death. Additionally, the candidate must share the same values as us; hard work, dedication, fairness, loyalty and courage. Also Intelligence and a conservative view of the society is a must. Inside the kingdom, everyone is equal, the leader is in nothing more important than the members, and vice-versa.

Our Vision

We are the followers of God, good and Justice. We fight against the evil side and purify souls of evil spirits. We want to have a just world where everyone can coexist peacefully.
-If you appreciate what you see and share similar thoughts, but do not necessarily wish to join, then simply send a question or comment, and I will be happy to look at it.


19:50:20 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Raxbury:

The Dacii dream that one day they might have more than 5 members ;)

20:22:35 Oct 27th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

Not to mention, that they were nowhere around, when the Romans attacked, moreover, the Romans never attacked, as they stopped at the river Danube...

00:55:25 Oct 28th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

One thing I will give to Gladiator and his members, they fight to the end, no matter the odds, nor do they cry and whine about it.

Good luck Gladiator, to you and your kingdom.

01:15:53 Oct 28th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Marked:

nice to see your still about gladiator good luck with your conquests this era =-D

02:10:30 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Thanks to fans and supporters out there, and remember if your kd is fighting for  god and the good side, justice, fairness then send me a message,  Id be glad to find new friends and allies.

The Dacians are not about getting most powerfull and trying to conquer all of fantasia and end naps because we get too powerfull, we will never end a nap just for the reason to have all to ourselves, we dont dump kds-people

02:20:59 Oct 28th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Good luck Gladiator, i agree with wyzer, you are one of the most honorable fighters in the game.


Good to see the Dacian Flag waving again!!



02:48:49 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

Good luck Gladiator

07:31:56 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

yes, i really do like the fact that they fight to the end and neevr dissolve thier kingodom even though it has very few members.... i hope one day dacians gets big

22:33:09 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Looking for full era naps... message me

23:57:25 Oct 28th 08 - Sir Blood Stained Hurricane:

1 man kingdom he's gonna pwn us all

21:43:27 Nov 3rd 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Sorry all gotta go due to real life reasons, see you next era and those who are interested to join next era are welcome as long as youre Highly loyal and support John Mccain over Obama and also appreciate George Bush's policies = auto accept...  see you a;; next era

21:54:16 Nov 3rd 08 - Mr. Methane:

Was thinking about joining you but...

welcome as long as youre Highly loyal and support John Mccain over Obama

Screw that, Obama FTW!!! :)

22:27:41 Nov 3rd 08 - Duke Arzun:

John Mccain? HAHAHAHAHA!

22:30:22 Nov 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

and also appreciate George Bush's policies

As in being extremely incapable of ruling a country/Empire?

22:34:35 Nov 3rd 08 - Sir Stirlin:

Americans and their politics...

22:50:44 Nov 3rd 08 - Duke Arzun:

Omg Glad, please tell me this isn't true.... Bush+Mccain supporter :O

If its for any reason other then to fantasize about Palin as your "dominator" then, well, there is no reason.

02:45:54 Nov 4th 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

I think Bush has to be one of the funniest people on this planet! Can't wait to see his stand up ;)


03:18:58 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

obama is gonna win, no doubt..... i would gladly join you gladiator if i was not with soccer :D

21:35:09 Dec 25th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Sloth Returns
owned by Mr. Sloth

Mielo Penetration Weak
owned by Mr. son of the sirens

Nub Power
owned by Mr. Righthand of Onuris

owned by Sir Farmer Mazvis

owned by Hentai Horny

Dargoth lifeguards
owned by Mr. Dargoth

owned by Mr. Roxbury

Left VI
owned by Mr. left hand of onuris

Monster Spectacular
owned by Mr. The Gladiator

owned by Commander Aligreat

owned by Mr. Erebus

owned by Sir Thomaas

Great Blue Nort
owned by Mr. Iceman

owned by Lady Farmer Artemis

owned by Mr. Sloth

owned by Hentai Horny

Old Topia
owned by Mr. The Gladiator

Military Start
owned by Mr. Military

owned by Prince Diomedes

owned by Mr. Qassim

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[*beep*] Godlike *beep*s
With Mr. Onuris as leader.

[RET] Retribution
With Pirate Lewatha as leader.

[Fate] Foundation
With Sir Farmer Feanor as leader.

[Pro] Prosapia
With Duke Arzun as leader.

[V] Vengeance
With Sir Deadpool as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[H] Heaven
With Duke Argyle as leader.

[Soul] Rebirth
With Mr. Overcome as leader.

[LDK] Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste
With Mr. Niekados Salies Burtininkas as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

Mr. The Gladiator
Member of: The Dacians.

Mr. Righthand of Onuris
Member of: Godlike *beep*s.

Prince Mielo
Member of: Prosapia.

Duke Insane V
Member of: Vengeance.

Mr. Sleepyhead
Member of: Prosapia.

Sir Farmer Mazvis
Member of: Foundation.

Mr. Qassim
Member of: Retribution.

Mr. Sloth
Member of: Retribution.

Mr. Farmer Wan
Member of: Foundation.

Mr. Red Wolf
Member of: Foundation.

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. The Gladiator has won 31 battles, captured 25 cities and killed a total of 12984 men and women.
  2. Sir Thomaas has won 15 battles, captured 9 cities and killed a total of 6830 men and women.
  3. Mr. Sleepyhead has won 3 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 2833 men and women.
  4. Mr. Patas has won 2 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 2544 men and women.
  5. Mr. Ender has won 10 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 2463 men and women.
  6. Mr. Free has won 4 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 1703 men and women.
  7. Mr. Birdhows has won 7 battles, captured 4 cities and killed a total of 1598 men and women.
  8. Mr. Elsin has won 4 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 1579 men and women.
  9. Sir Farmer Mazvis has won 2 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 1545 men and women.
  10. Mr. Ozo Salies Burtininkas has won 4 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 1517 men and women.

21:35:26 Dec 25th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

Great job Gladiator! =)

22:01:36 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. Erebus:

  gladiator always has fun OOP lol....    good luck man :)

22:09:47 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

No need to bump this topic but thanks anyway for support

22:22:03 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Well done Gladiator, very nice :)

22:26:56 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. Sutekh:


22:29:52 Dec 25th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

He landed in middle of a KD that is not ready for Fantasia, with many new players that were supposed to learn on Zeta or one of the other worlds.
But no, admins decide to land us in the middle of veteran players...

Great work for him, congrats on expanding your core.
But his real worth will show against Fantasia KDs that will come now...

22:32:25 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. Sutekh:

He was always doing something like that - so don't be upsed.

22:37:34 Dec 25th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Mr Sutekh I am far grom upset :) Its just a game... but having 20k troops and 1 city is not really what you would call "normal"
You cant really fight someone that I guess pays real money to get bonus turns to train troops :)

22:51:26 Dec 25th 08 - Mr. Sutekh:

Nah, you can - I'm doing that too (fighting probably BT buyers).
Just you have felt now what is ghost rush, I guess.
And I don't believe he had 20k just oop. Maybe he have now, but not oop.

02:42:35 Dec 26th 08 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Gladiator has proven himself as a powerful enemy even against Fant players.  Do not think that what he is doing is out of the ordinary.  He has been a pain to fight from past experience ;)

04:09:04 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

Meh I think that I will cheer for him as he is an underdog but smashing *beep*s is not a big deal especially when you pay money to do it.

04:29:37 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Lady Jasmina


12/25/2008 4:37:34 PMMr Sutekh I am far grom upset :) Its just a game... but having 20k troops and 1 city is not really what you would call "normal"
You cant really fight someone that I guess pays real money to get bonus turns to train troops :)

I have never paid for any single advantage and never had a multi account and never will, I find it unjust that you can pay to cheat. I know that maybe you don't understand how you got beat but it was not by me cheating

04:40:30 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:

I know for a fact Gladiator sold his soul to Santa for BT's....or batteries....not sure...was a bit drunk but it definatly was b and t something something....

05:02:15 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

I have played alongside Gladiator for the last 4-5 eras and i can surely assure any1 that he wont do anything such as buying BT's....he is a very fair man who is simply the best in vu when it comes to oop fighting....

Killing 18k troops and capturing 33 cities is no easy task 1 week into the era...So good job Gladiator...=)

05:27:12 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

VVengeance21Sir Deadpool206
LGCLegacy18Mr. Roxbury149
HHeaven18Duke Argyle100
SoulRebirth16Mr. Overcome94
BushThe Dacians1Mr. The Gladiator71

Doing good is kinda understating things.... o.O

06:25:29 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

hehe yeah..

07:17:05 Dec 26th 08 - Commander Aligreat:

Mr. Sutekh


12/25/2008 9:32:25 PM
He was always doing something like that - so don't be upsed.

Sir Stewie Griffin


12/26/2008 4:02:15 AM
I have played alongside Gladiator for the last 4-5 eras and i can surely assure any1 that he wont do anything such as buying BT's....he is a very fair man who is simply the best in vu when it comes to oop fighting....

Killing 18k troops and capturing 33 cities is no easy task 1 week into the era...So good job Gladiator...=)


Suicide Tactics FTW!

I think i say this every era when he does it.

His play does not help him progress, it merely destroys those he does it on, why do you think he wants burn and destroy back so bad. If he gets it, god help whoever he sees as an enemy.

Every era we see this same tactic. He goes all out to do as much damage as possible to his enemies, his mentality is not to survive but to cause carnage. Which I assume he enjoys, and obviously he does, so fairplay to him.

08:00:31 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

Well everything thing is for sure..he is the best at wat he does..=P

12:21:06 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Sappalot:

lol, every1 can be a tough OOP fighter, if he has nothing better to do then play this game all time ^^

Nothing against you Gladi, you know I like you :). But we both know, that the real fight begins when the enemy is fighting back and your vacations are over ^^

12:41:11 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Barney:

Glad your kd gets a lot of *beep*, but I wish you luck. I still remember the good ol' days when we all failed as a team in The Illuminati Empire.

02:52:04 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Deadpool:

Gladiator is just awesome. Simple as that.

20:52:15 Dec 30th 08 - Mr. Fire Shadow IV:

but in your descriptions of your kingdom, can you stop using the plural, as there is only one person

22:17:52 Dec 30th 08 - Mr. Ptah:

Glad is just an awsome fighter :)

06:48:08 Dec 31st 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Thank you thank you. I use plural because The Dacians were one of the greatest people and warriors to exist and that's why I use plural...refering to them.

17:42:22 Dec 31st 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

Our vision shall become a masterpiece.... for all kingdoms to follow....

19:27:48 Dec 31st 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

str8 up what Anglebot said-join the flag of freedom. Anyway happy new year all!!!!

19:44:27 Dec 31st 08 - Mr. Cameraman:

The Dacians........Mr Gladiator, I have found this era that you are not the most honourable of kd's.   We had an alliance with you and you took my took my city and have still not offered any reason why or even returned my mail.

I look forward to wiping you out......or having my city returned.


Happy new year.

20:08:22 Dec 31st 08 - Mr. Eros The Pimp:


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