Forums / In game politics / The Daffodils regret

The Daffodils regret
13:07:27 Mar 29th 11 - Mr. Donut:

That we won't be forming any NAPs this era.

Please don't ask for one because a refusal can sometimes offend :)

13:16:34 Mar 29th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

in other words, daffodils declares war on everyone :)

23:07:41 Mar 29th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Impossible:

basically. and theres nothing you can say about it flower boys ( hehe ) because neutrality is a NAP other then that its war all others :P

23:15:50 Mar 29th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

NAP is an agreement; neutrality is a lack of interest to attack someone. :P


23:17:14 Mar 29th 11 - Mr. Smurfinator:

true enough i take back what was said...damn puppies these days xD

20:14:56 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Donut:

If it happens it happens ;) 

Seems like someone thinks they can take us on with a few nazzies already :D

22:42:46 Mar 30th 11 - Mr. Zonga V:


20:40:26 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Lan Almandragoran:

Can I has a NAP? :)

21:54:56 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Donut:

Of course you can have a NAP,  Mr Almandragoran :)

Just, not with us :P   I'll put in a word with Scientist for you if you like, I see Freedom Fighters are on your world  :)

22:10:12 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Lan Almandragoran:


22:11:11 Apr 2nd 11 - Wolflord Karac:

What bout me Donut? =)

23:09:26 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Donut:

If you guys want a NAP you can have one (we're not that keen to die :P )....

Daffodils RED

02:57:05 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Sprout:

Gonna be fun :)  I like donuts, so tasty.. too bad its just a little treat :p

02:57:58 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Sprout:

FYI AKA Annunaki

15:59:50 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Speaking of donuts, i'm eating some right now. Ima have a daffodil flavoured donut shortly too :)

20:18:19 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Donut:

Ohhh, more playmates.  Coooooollllll!! :)

11:51:06 May 7th 11 - Mr. Donut:

Where have you guys all gone???  There's 6 of us against about 18 of you across Shadows, Knights and Fed but we keep seeing the same 3 or 4 (at most) players trying their hand!

Just our luck to choose an era filled with bloody farmers to declare no naps :(

15:43:54 May 7th 11 - Lord Stormcrowe:

i know D:(

I am pretty lonely here out in the playground with noone to play with me:'(

21:17:19 May 7th 11 - Lady Viviane of The Lake:

Oh PLAYMATE, come out and play with me 
And bring your dollies three. 
Climb up my apple tree, 
Look down my rain barrel 
Slide down my cellar door 
And we'll be jolly friends forever more.

I is scared , think I will continue to hide in the storm cellar until the tornado passes 

21:24:03 May 15th 11 - Mr. Donut:

Can I take back the title of this thread please?

The Daffodils didn't regret in the end - we had the most fun we've had in ages! 

Thanks to everyone on Arma for a great fight, hope you guys enjoyed it like we did - it had to be better than farming for 3 months like the last one was ;)

13:58:23 May 17th 11 - Mr. Sexual Harassment Panda:

What will it be this era? :)

14:34:55 May 17th 11 - Mr. Donut:

Still waiting for 4 of ours to log in and give their views, Mr SHP, but my vote is for more of the same.

It's a long time since I've seen an era with lots of fighting, no stale-mates, and no bitching in this game. 

Used to be you could swap cheerful messages with people as you killed each other, then went back and killed each other again, and no-one got upset.

Last era here on Arma was like that again and I for one would like to keep it that way ;)

14:36:26 May 17th 11 - Mr. Sexual Harassment Panda:

Cool people don't bitch around ...

05:05:30 May 19th 11 - Maniac Wolfenstien:

That was very enjoyable.  Being able to talk with everyone and fight without anyone being a little bitch.

12:47:13 Jun 18th 11 - Mr. Donut:

Bored now so we're calling......


12:49:55 Jun 18th 11 - Mr. Donut:

24 ticks notice from now, btw :)

20:23:48 Jun 19th 11 - Duke Drakos:

War with the whole world? or just DK....*keeps fingers crossed.*

22:34:05 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Donut:

The whole world, I'm afraid.  We're getting too cocky so it's time we went down ;)

23:13:05 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Jellybean:

wait, so its not just you all v me and crater?

Thank god... :P 

00:42:47 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Donut:

No, Jelly, we decided that the world needed waking up a bit so it's EVERYONE except independents (and them as well if they attack us first :P )

23:22:34 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Jellybean:

Minus Dk? :P

00:24:09 Jun 21st 11 - Mr. Donut:

That wouldn't be everyone, now would it???? :P

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