Forums / In game politics / The Demolishers Embassy

The Demolishers Embassy
22:33:47 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Well Guys The Demolishers are now in starta.. yes i know its very sad. But this era has been going very badly for us...

Heres all the bad stuff i've gone through...

1. I started out in fantasia even though i wanted to start out in mantrax.

2. I died right out of protection..... People had corps.. :(

3. When i restarted in mantrx.. I ended up in a corner surrounded by people who were way stronger than me.... Got killed in mantrax and then went to zetamania...

4. In zetamania.. i ended up in the 2nd best kingdom in zeta but it was being attacked by every single other good kingdom in zetamania. So everyone in the kingdom decided that the leader of the kingdom (im not going to say who) was an *beep* so one of the vices kicked everyone out of the kingdom and then everyone fleed south to make The Demolishers again and everyone from the kingdom i was in joined my kingdom The Demolishers.

5. When we finally settled our new cities in our new core.. we were more than 3 weeks behind everyone else.. So if anyone attacked us we were doomed. People from [necro] then broke the NAP between us and attacked us out of nowhere so we restarted in starta.

6. Only 9 people out of the 18 people we had actually came to starta with us....
 Some of them thought they should just betray us because they wanted to be unloyal *****s.

7. In starta we started out surrounded by teh top 5 kingdoms... Fortunately starta folks were mostly *beep*s (besides some people from POFF and music) so we didn't have that much problem building on.

8. POFF was attacked by music and music took over the whole area.. and now we're the only people who are near music.. meaning we're their next target.. Fortunately I have a good friend in music who is asking them to NAP us...

9. I have to face Predetors again next era because their leader really wants to beat us again... and if I only have like 5 loyal members who are actually willing to go to a higher world next era then im dead.

22:36:16 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Wow.. theres a bug which doesn't let you edit posts.

22:51:03 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Cros:

you will be killed there also. good luck.

23:05:33 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. King Lenidas:

quit complaining Biggerboom, i was surrounded by the top nine kingdoms. well, they are not the top nine anymore.

23:05:52 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Lol Cros I know i will be killed in mantrax.. Unless ofcourse a miracle happens and i suddenly get people in my kingdom who are experienced and loyal.

23:17:16 Jul 29th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Im not complaining.. Im only saying that we had a bad era ...

05:28:20 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

i was one of the unloyal members :)

ty god i was , look you don't know how to attack templar crusades , the CNN knew you are about to attack and you lose

16:37:39 Jul 30th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

Let me point out what TC and I have been through...

1. We started the Era next door to Carnage, we were destroyed

2. I went down and made a city south-east of the area, Peacekeeper took it over.

3. We were able to make another core, but Red Hand moved in and took it.

4. We moved to Zeta and made an alliance with The Demolishers, but we never heard of a term saying we couldn't build in their side, so they moved in. Luckily they were a lot slower than the other KDs so I was able to survive by sending a group with around 5000 peasants out of the area.

5. Now we are making another core, but are under attack by Destiny...

19:53:21 Jul 30th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

7. In starta we started out surrounded by teh top 5 kingdoms... Fortunately starta folks were mostly *beep*s (besides some people from POFF and music) so we didn't have that much problem building on



*beep*s? so ? ok i`m pissed now ;) when i destroy shyers i will kill u :D or better i will attack right now ;)

02:22:32 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Dwarf:

Pff im in top 5 kd and im not even remotely near you.

And if im a *beep* (whatever) then why am i doing better than you?

03:22:07 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Rocketdude:

everyone that seems to take stuff up the ass is stupid. you guys just like to go around insulting people and starting arguments because you feel like it gives you a life. Biggerboom isnt complaining, he was just saying how things went wrong this era.  Penguin and Dwarf, shut up.  If you were a serious threat to anyone you wouldnt be in Starta

03:22:34 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

its okay Biggerboom we all have bad eras... I had a bad one this era but I'm makin my way back up =P

"*beep*s? so ? ok i`m pissed now ;) when i destroy shyers i will kill u :D or better i will attack right now ;)"

oooo Shyers are gone =P i think I'm gonna side with Penguin here since we are allies and all =)

03:24:08 Jul 31st 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:


03:24:43 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Epyon:

Septim, I think you're better off in that Flaming forum you made =S

03:54:05 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Not all of you are *beep*s.. Im only talking about some of you with like only 1 city with 1000 buildings and who are out of protection with an income lower than 10k...

Dwarf im not calling you a *beep*... (*beep* or wutever since it blocks that)

Penguin you aren't a *beep* either....... Atleast i think you aren't..

03:55:21 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Oh and Penguin.. i said people "near" me are *beep*s.. so that didn't include you lol..

11:29:23 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

i am near u like 15-20ticks

13:39:56 Jul 31st 07 - Ms. Sandy:

8. POFF was attacked by music and music took over the whole area.. and now we're the only people who are near music.. meaning we're their next target.. Fortunately I have a good friend in music who is asking them to NAP us...

let me start :)

1. we were not attacking POFF..we might took one city from them.
we were mainly attackin Death Eaters..The Brotherhood and err..blood wrath..and maybe some SLH :)

2. yes, you are our next target..and will be dead soon, i agree u had a sucky era, so did we :)

3. ur friend is not a viceroy, the viceroys and the king decides who to NAP..and we do not wish to NAP u guys :)

18:16:34 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Burre:

Then I hope his friend in predators will have more to say in the next era, if point 9 is correct..

18:34:47 Jul 31st 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Lol I'l be facing you soon Burre.... But not next era probably.

04:03:08 Aug 1st 07 - Sir Rand Althor:

Yeah I would say Biggerboom you had a heck of a era this go around. Better Luck next time : )

05:45:03 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I trust that we will be facing each other soon also biggerboom

08:02:13 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Chwaa:

Wow, lots of people want Biggerboom's blood! Haha sounds fun.. hey Bigger, would you like to try going to Fant next era? Or at least Mant?

12:14:05 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

mate he restarted from zeta to go starta

12:43:49 Aug 1st 07 - Ms. Sandy:

i think he is almost dead though :)
it only took us a day (if not less)

14:18:33 Aug 1st 07 - Mr. Sin:

They are in Nirvana...

02:15:42 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Lol Chwaa i was in mantrax... But then i got sorta bored i dont know why.. I was in a corner surrounded by all these multi-kingdom people...

and just so everyone knows... Everyone in my kingdom deserted me. I cant seem to find any good members who will actually stick with the kingdom even though they got killed.

Music killed us.... and then everyone left because they thought it was my fault.. Sandy you know Mr. Wolfenstien? He left my kingdom and made his own and made everyone join his but he's the one who caused all the mess between you and our kingdom. He's the one that said that we had an NAP with you guys and since he was a vice i trusted him. And then when i asked him for proof of our NAP (like a message) he just left the kingdom and went to nirvana. Now i've asked the kingdom closest to him (Dark Riders) to kill him.

And also just so everyone knows.. Im NOT a bad leader (like the ones that treat their members like crap).. I take everyone's opinion in things and treat all my members fairly.. Im just sort of new at the being leader thing.. The one thing i don't get though is why so many people are against me.. Even though they've never even heard of me or even seen me before in VU? they just look at the thread and start flaming.

03:19:58 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

We didnt say we thought you were a bad leader.... or at least i know i didnt

maybe you should try joining a kingdom and see how the leader leads it so you can get more experience or try being somewhere where you dont have so much authority :D

or you can always change your name and start anew unless people check your history... =S :D

15:54:09 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

Mr. King Lenidas


7/30/2007 4:05:33 AM
quit complaining Biggerboom, i was surrounded by the top nine kingdoms. well, they are not the top nine anymore.



It's <<Leonidas>>

02:02:06 Aug 3rd 07 - Mr. Chwaa:

Yes, Biggerboom, I completely agree with Epyon's suggestion. Join a kingdom and stay in it for an era or two. Gain more experience. And then you should try starting your own kingdom

I must say, when I first saw/heard you talking and posting both in-game and in the forums, you were extremely arrogant and unlikable. However, you have come a long way in a very short time. [that's a compliment]

Get some more experience and I think you'll end up making a great kingdom.

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