Forums / In game politics / The End of Sheolic Empire

The End of Sheolic Empire
05:29:45 Aug 18th 08 - Duke Diomedes:

I would like to extend my gratitude to all of the players who help to form Sheol and enjoy some good success on Fantasia.  We never won Fantasia but we did well this Era until we got spread out and Dark Blood took advantage of this like a good kingdom should do.  We fault til our death and feel that even though we lost we did bring much honor to our fight.  I have developed many new friends because of Sheol and I wish that I could carry the kingdom on to future success but the load of being a kingdom leader is too much for me to bare at this time.  So I would like to extend my appreciation to all in Sheol and to all of the players/kingdoms that we have fault with and against.  It has been a great run for a few Eras that unfortunately is ending but we endured hardships and gained respect from many players inside and outside our kingdom.   

05:37:27 Aug 18th 08 - Lord Oya:

was a good fight against sheolic

09:38:05 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

I'm really sad to hear Sheol is ending. It was a very very good kd. Had it not been for Twilight ganging up with DB, you could well have won this era. Sorry Music couldn't do more to help, but we really didn't have the number of actives that it seemed we did.

Good luck to all the Sheol people next era.

09:55:32 Aug 18th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

awww :/

10:30:34 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Chucky:

so long sheol

10:54:38 Aug 18th 08 - Lord Slade:

:( by Sheolic Empire

but then again why don't you just hand over Leadership to someone

Also it was fun fighting Sheol 2 eras ago(well it was more you killing me but that's not the point)

Good luck Diomedes

11:03:31 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:


fun playing with sheol, many great players in there and skilled

12:17:04 Aug 18th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Farewell Sheolic, and good luck to you all.

16:53:11 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Bye sheol!


Question: Why don't you do next era, what you was planning on doing this era?

17:22:08 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Goth i dont really see how Twilight was ganging. After all, you were hitting twilight same time as Sheo you guys were ganging, infact at one point it was Sheo,Carnage,Legacy + Music versus DB,Twilight...and if Boo if you wanna be exact.

Legacy fell first after good teamwork between our kingdoms, this allowed DB to focus on Carnage and Sheolic and Twilight to focus on Music and the southern armies Sheolic sent. Although Sheolic drove Twilight back, but DB was there to help and then it was simply a matter of our 2 kingdoms grinding down our opposition.

Sheolic seemed to have problems with activity, else it would have been a much harder fight.

So it was nothing to do with us ganging, it was unfortunately down to lack of activity and the co-ordination of both our kingdoms at vital points of the war.

One freeze from Twilight changed the war entirely I think, it allowed DB to counter Sheolic where they had been beating Twilight which in the end led to DB wreckaging their entire core.

Just because your kingdom didnt co-ordinate with allies as well as ours doesnt mean we were ganging on a bunch of single KDs.


Good bye Sheol.

Somebodys bound to be willing to take over the lead.


17:59:51 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Jdquench wrote: "Legacy fell first after good teamwork between our kingdoms"

"good teamwork" = "ganging" Point proved.

Legacy fell because it was attacked in the rear by an all-orc kd while fighting DB.  Twilight was the wildcard which proved that a wall-less dwarfless VU is not the VU it used to be. Case closed.

18:02:03 Aug 18th 08 - Lady Quietone:

lol how very hypocritical of you to say Gothrim...doesnt even warrant a reply

18:04:52 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

"bad teamwork" = "Music with anyone"


Why didnt Twilight fall when it was them versus Music and Sheolic. Crap teamwork. Dont cry cus your attempt to gang failed.

Go back to Mantrax or do what you did last era. NAP everyone.

18:06:02 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Gothrim I believe what he was saying was that yes we did attack LGC whilst they were fighting DB, but at this time Twilight was also fighting Music, Sheol and Angels. So in that respect no it wasnt a gang bang as we were warring 4 KD's which by that logic means that Sheol, Music and Angels were ganging up on Twilight :P

18:07:33 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

cheese anyone?

bye Soulick, thanks for the fight Ninja!
thanks for the freedom CrixX

18:16:37 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:


Have fun wherever you guys go! :)

18:17:34 Aug 18th 08 - Duke Felix Tha Housecat:

Mr. Gothrim


8/18/2008 11:59:51 AM
Jdquench wrote: "Legacy fell first after good teamwork between our kingdoms"

"good teamwork" = "ganging" Point proved.

Legacy fell because it was attacked in the rear by an all-orc kd while fighting DB.  Twilight was the wildcard which proved that a wall-less dwarfless VU is not the VU it used to be. Case closed.
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There are rarely 1 kingdom vs 1 kingdom wars anymore in VU. That's just how it is, and I think it makes the big wars more interesting =) It's pretty childish to resort to such a reason as "ganging" for the defeat of one's kingdom when you simply just got out played. No bugs were used, no river jumping, none of that stuff, so this era was about as fair as it could get. Don't go crying over getting "gang banged" when it's part of the game.

As for the all orc kingdom, we obviously don't have all orcs, but I will accept that most of us are =P It's a strategy that we implemented and it worked out great. Would you rather have a VU that's about fighting wars or would you rather go back to a VU where everyone is a dwarf and farm the whole era? Or did you try another race other than dwarf this era? ;)

Each kingdom fought well this era. Each kingdom had their share of NAPs or MAPs so no matter who one, someone was going to be "ganging" another kingdom, so don't come up with lousy excuses as to why one kingdom didn't win.

18:46:33 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Would you rather have a VU that's about fighting wars or would you rather go back to a VU where everyone is a dwarf and farm the whole era?

which proved that a wall-less dwarfless VU is not the VU it used to be. Case closed.

I think its pretty obvious he wants it back that way. As much as you like to think going back to the old days where there are hundreds of millions of stone sitting on the market for you to STG. There wont be, trust me.

As for all orc being the best strategy, its not and any smart person can see that. Is DB all orc, even 50% orc? No

I would say DB has been pretty ruthless and I attribute that to our varied kingdom with a balance of races. Not to take anything away from Twilight, as they were very strong aswell. Majorly orc is a good strategy, its just not the best.

So goth, as much as your trying to sound like you know exactly whats happening, you dont.

18:59:36 Aug 18th 08 - Duke Felix Tha Housecat:

As for all orc being the best strategy, its not and any smart person can see that. Is DB all orc, even 50% orc? No

Majorly orc is a good strategy, its just not the best.

Sorry if I made it seem like all orc kingdoms were the best, because that is not what I meant =P Jd, you said it well. We wanted an era with a lot of fighting and not a lot of farming so we picked orc which has good military =) Clearly other races have been proven to be good, and if you want me honest opinion then I do not believe that orcs are the best race =P

19:06:11 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

i outfarmed goth! haha!

20:56:47 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Thomas The Viking:

"Sheolic seemed to have problems with activity, else it would have been a much harder fight."

true true, I was on vacation and when I came back everyone was inactive

22:03:21 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Jdquench wrote: "Not to take anything away from Twilight, as they were very strong aswell."

Oh how very condescendingly magnanimous of you. Fact is, had the geography been different and had Twilight hit you in the rear while you were fighting Legacy, the tables would have been turned and you would now be hiding odd scouts in a corner somewhere licking your wounds and waiting for next era.

As for the future, I assess my options as being: (a) play orc next era like almost everyone else; (b) find other games with more balanced strats to play. I'm already well advanced along that second path, so this is my farewell also.

Anyhow, my apologies to Sheol. I didn't mean to hijack their thread like this. I had merely been pointing out that were it not for issues of fate and geography, Sheol could easily have been an era-winning kd.

*waves farewell*

22:07:01 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Bye Goth, have fun playing Runescapez!

22:08:18 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

think happy thoughts

22:13:18 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Goth, a good KD knows how to survive. Example LGC still are alive and if we hadn't found their new cities they may have become a threat again...
They had even sent a few armies out at us.



22:38:59 Aug 18th 08 - Lord Oya:

geography has nothing to do with it, diplomacy has everything to do with it

22:40:47 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Shoon:


23:40:16 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

goth still suxers! now hes going to suxer at new game! YAY!

00:07:46 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Hmm what has this have to do with gangbanging or anythings else Gothrim?

I mean come on you guys declare us right ?
that we picked diplomacy with DB eventually turned out to be the right one.
I mean you guys teamed up with LGC & Sheolic and Angels etc.

to take us out did we come to the forums and cry about it or trashtalked ?
I mean come on sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
and when you lose take it as a man/women instead of trashtalking some kd.

this story could have ended up differenty and you guys could have won with your allies :)

and how can it be that DB/TWILIGHT ganged upon some1 ?
let's count DB & TWILIGHT = 2 vs Carnage / Angels / LGC / Sheolic / Music = more

so please stop your whining and just play the game.
and talking *beep* about orcs or complaining dude.

this is a war game it's not always all about exploring :)
you wanna be a good fighter pick a good fighting race.

Twilight was created purely for war since the start we all knew that.
that's why most of us went orc :)

I really don't get why people are complaining about wars in a war game :)

ah well :) you gotta kepe those whiners for the forums I guess :)
we need some fun outside the wars right :P

00:07:48 Aug 19th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Gothrim prolly had bad lagspikes through the era, thus imparting his gameplay. Bad lag, baaaad lag.

00:44:33 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Yeah it wasn't lag spikes though... he must have a bad isp... obviously.

00:55:37 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Fordius wrote: "I mean you guys teamed up with LGC & Sheolic and Angels etc to take us out did we come to the forums and cry about it or trashtalked?"

If you read what I posted carefully enough, you'll see I wasn't trashing you. Twilight were going to be the "barbarians at the gate", yes? No NAPs, yes? War with all, yes? You posted all that stuff yourself, right?

Great concept. Go for it! :) And so you attacked all in your geographic range. Legacy were in range, we were, Angels were and Sheol were. But Music had no actual alliance with any of those. We had a NAP with PKS, who were outside your geographic range at that point. We eventually signed a kinda "CF" with Sheol "Until death of Twilight". We signed a kinda "Stay outta our core and we won't kill you" CF with Legacy refugees. We hardly talked to Angels. That was it.

Note that DB were out of range during that "war with all" madness of yours. ;)

You made all those wars, lol. And you did great! :) I'm not trashing you!

What I find offensive is DB treating you as some kinda promising kid brother who might one day grow up to be a great master of war and diplomacy such as themselves. You didn't notice they were patronizing you?

Now you'll discover that just as you finally make a true breakthrough against us, DB arrive on the scene and take Nordmark. Doubtless they will claim to have vanquished Music also...with just a little help from kid brother, of course.


Anyhow orcz are pwnzorz...or whatever. ;) Enjoy next era.

*waves farewell again*

01:06:37 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha yes our goal was to war the entire map including DB.
than allot had happend and some inactivity during the vacation time changed the plans and we eventually engaged into a cease fire with DB.

as I wasn't around there was no real leadership and we had not much options.
when it comes to we being a kid brother of DB that's the lamest trashtalk ever.

not 1 time we have talked to each other about doing what.
we had our own goals and ouw things to clear and don't care about each others goals. we aren't planning to fullfill there needs as we won't expect them to fullfill ours :) so I'm not really getting where your going at :)

anyways thats also another matter.
in your earlier post you were talking about a gangbang ?

but isn't what you say yourself now totally the opposite ?
making a Cease Fire with Sheolic ( TILL TWILIGHTS GONE )
isn't that making a alliance purely to destroy another kd with more than only yourself ? I bet that's closer to gangbanging than when 1 kd decides to go to war.

you can ask around and ask DB if we ever asked them to help in a war neither did they ever ask us to help them in a war. so that means we handled as a individual :) compared to you guys it seems :)

anyways It was fun with Sheolic around to bad they are going now :)
I wish them all the best luck :)
I wish you the best aswell Gothrim ;) this tells more about your personallity actually :D

01:11:51 Aug 19th 08 - Duke Felix Tha Housecat:

As for the future, I assess my options as being: (a) play orc next era like almost everyone else; (b) find other games with more balanced strats to play. I'm already well advanced along that second path, so this is my farewell also.

If you don't like the game, then by all means, simply don't play it -.-'

01:14:12 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

lol Goth.

Ford your right, it shows his mentality. Neither Twilight or DB sees the other as a lil brother, we worked together, for each other. You know on an equal level, not patronizing, maybe thats why we worked so well together.


As for DB hitting you guys just as Twilight broke....we coulda been down alot sooner, we felt the need to finish off legacy and sheolic little armies or cities anywhere...more of a threat you see.


01:24:41 Aug 19th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well I want to thank Sheol for their eras on fantasia, its been fun having you guys around and you have been doing very well these eras.

Im sorry that we in LGC were to few active players around when it was needed the most this era to give you the support you needed to win.

And what ever anyone say, the things that made us fall was that we simply did not have enough players around that were not on vacation.
Wile we were busy fighting DB and Twilights main armies Cobra managed to sneak through a place were we should have had a blocker but instead had a player that had not even been able to get the walls in before going on vacation and thus was not even around atm which I personally had even failed to notice (but hey its summer and I respect that other people have a life with VU free vacations ;P :).
So Cobra to great success used his halfer scouts to merge jump and prep and razed our front core wile all others active players were tied up in other sections.
I personally was the one with troops around and who should have killed him but I was simply not active enough and spread out enough to deal with all his invisible scouts so the blame is mine.

02:37:29 Aug 19th 08 - Duke Felix Tha Housecat:

leave it to Brashen to try and get a thread back on topic ;P

04:11:20 Aug 19th 08 - General Ezatious:

nice of you to turn the thread into a flame fest Mr. Jdquench

anyway gg sheol :) don't let he DB's out there ruin the goodbye. Was a decent effort shame things didn't work out in the end.

04:46:04 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

SHEOL was supposed to disband last era :P

Although saying that, so were we.

If you fought as hard as you did against us previously then I'm sure you did well this era, any who, it's been good playing against you, see you all around. :)

05:43:13 Aug 19th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Lord Oya


8/17/2008 10:37:27 PM

was a good fight against sheolic


I agree with Oya. You guys put up a good fight. Hope to see you on a battlefield in the future.

05:46:45 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Its always a shame to see a good kingdom go. I have played as allies with Sheol and as an enemy and they did both equally as good. Goodluck to all the ex-Sheol players for next era. I hope I get to fight WITH some of you guys again soon.

06:06:59 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

lol Ez, shup

I merely corrected Gothrim on his delusions.

Like i said in my posts Sheolic did well and they put up a good fight despite their activity troubles. Im still hoping they dont disband tbh.  

If you had read them rather than taking any chance to make a comment about DB ***why do u have such a hardon for DB ez, we wont take you in just accept it =D?***

If my correction of Gothrim initates flames, I shouldnt be to blame, his comments were hypocrital and needed correcting. I have never seen you pass up the chance to correct a hypocritical comment when the chance came along Ez.

Again, well done Sheol....and dont disband


08:26:44 Aug 19th 08 - Ms. Furry Muff:

Typical of DB to derail this thread and talk about themselves.

Sorry to hear Sheolic is breaking up, good luck to your individual members in the future. Sheol looked dead against Trio last age but really pulled together and wreaked havoc.

10:11:30 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Zek:

 You all talk to much .  /salute Sheol

12:52:09 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Ms. Furry Muff, you obviously didn't see this then?

"Had it not been for Twilight ganging up with DB, you could well have won this era."

Goth derailed it, we simply defended ourselves.

13:18:32 Aug 19th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

We didn't even defend. We simply corrected a poor, deluded mind and set it back on track (hopefully...).

*dives into the Furry Muff head on*

19:10:41 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

"Twilight was created purely for war since the start we all knew that.
that's why most of us went orc :) "

two words, boul *beep*.

19:22:05 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

I don't even understand the argument. Some won, most lost, and that there lies the core of most frustrations.

C'est la vie.

19:33:39 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

What i cannot fight Zerocool next era??? WTF! :(

*a lonely tear slides down Jim's face

20:10:25 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

Goth, good fight, btw.
If it wasn't for you, Music would be Shyersville. Which is surprizing, cuz with more activity and team mindedness, your KD should never have allowed me to do so well.
oh, figured i'd post here since you seem to have hijacked this thread.

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