Forums / In game politics / The Gaul Embassy

The Gaul Embassy
08:41:45 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

*A lone man steps forward, his face scared from side to side.  His raven-like hair is matted with blood.  In his belt shines a steel knife; stolen from a Dark Blood general.*

"I call forth all the Gauls who have become scattered due to our war in Fantasia.  Return home to your king!  It is time to rise once more."

(I am glad The Gauls got a taste for Fantasia.  The KD Dark Blood has taught us much.  It was an honor to do battle with these lords.  We shall be back.)

08:54:00 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Honorable KD. Arch Slade was an amazingly good fighter due to what seemed to be no-sleeping activity. I suggest new players stick with him. He could teach you a few things.

Good luck wherever you are now mate.

08:56:07 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Thanks man!  I had two days off in a row...didn't sleep for a LONG time.

I am recovering now.

09:36:10 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

it is good to see good play and ppl who know how to win and loose. so tired of small talks like who farmed, who pumped troops in some blocker .. etc.
way to go Arch!
bravo Neo the Destroyer!

09:39:13 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Skiepe The Great:

I heard about the gauls going to fantasy!
Hear you guys died right now!
I just knew Arch Shade was going to kick ass there!
It's a very honourable player!
Strong in any way!

19:50:14 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Dark Blood gets major respect too.  They were not *beep*y or rude to us while we were new.  We understand the reasoning behind the attack.  The Gauls would have done the same in a similar situation.

23:58:56 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Arzun:

The Gauls have an amazing leader, very active, very creative and imaginative with his RPs. I hope to see you on Fantasia next era, and I hope we can be fighting on the same side, which is something I could say to very few individuals.

00:06:34 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Arch Shade flipped out on me because I didn't want to attack DB and insulted me and my kingdom.

00:16:50 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

well that goes totally against what DB experienced from him. Even though he was upset we were going to defeat him he was very courteous towards us throughout.

I also look forward to seeing him on Fant again next era.

04:32:08 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Andvari:

Woo hoo. Wait to go Arch Shade. Good luck with your KD.

05:18:47 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

We will be on Fantasia in the future.  Our short time on Fantasia was such a great experience.  I love to RP and Dark Blood did such a great job making our death a bit more pleasant.  Honestly though, much of my kingdom needs more experience, but they have been awesome to play with.  I got lucky with finding such members.  A few are veterans and many are fairly new.  I was thinking about having a dice roll contest within my kingdom.  Whichever member wins, I'll get em a title and some BTs.

07:25:11 Dec 17th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


12/16/2007 4:06:34 PM
Arch Shade flipped out on me because I didn't want to attack DB and insulted me and my kingdom.
ok...i dont know arch shade...i dont know cowboy here...but i can tell this about is obvious that dark blood and gauls had much honour and respect...there are few threas i have read that are so overwhelmingly positive as this one... are the only sour note in it...and amazingly ur sour note is heard in many a thread complaining about this person or that one, this kingdom or that one...and like the boy who cried wolf once too often, ppl tend to start ignoring ur complaints, so when u have a legit complaint they cant tell if it is just another one of ur bad attitude complaints or real they ignore it too.

23:21:40 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Thingol:

Way to go Rhiannia, getting the flaming started already :P

00:03:33 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I didn't start any of those threads :/

btw, more flaming please!

00:18:34 Dec 19th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:


06:46:11 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Xanatos Chivalier:

might ur an *beep* arch aint like that hes a very respectful leader

08:09:58 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Respect? He's a barbarian, feeding enemy bodies to their dogs. That's no way to run things in a civilised world.

And most of all, I know why his Kingdom got along so well with DB. They felt some kind of solidarity between them since both Kingdoms are buying BTs. Nice way to get your Kingdom on the winning side. I think it requires a lot of skill.

14:54:10 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Dragonorc The Second:

"gods i hate gauls my grandfather hated them too even before they pulled out his eyes"-the julii leader of rome total war(lol)

12:29:08 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

I must say, that maybe after one or two former kingdom mates from the past, Arch is one of the best leader and mate i've ever met in this game.
I don't know how he makes it, but he always has a way to make us (his barbaric crowd) listen to him. I only wish he could teach us more in order to make a full era on Fantasia.
Long live The Most Barbaric Arch Shade and the name of Gauls!!

13:13:01 Jan 7th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Arch is a good one indeed, but I think he still needs to train you more if you're to survive on Fantasia ;)

16:53:06 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

I agree.  Thanks Bobzon for those words.  I need to take the time to work with my fellow members and explain the ways of war and production so that we can utilize all the members better.

Bobzon needs to take a lot of credit too.  I am very proud of his deadly tactics..

00:07:17 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

*Arch Shade raises a glass of whiskey in salute and honor to those fallen; both friend and foe....*

00:32:51 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Plague:

Assassin's Creed salutes all the enemies who have fallen or is going to fall by us and hope they aren't like Mr.Togol or Mr. Xanatos Chivalier kingdom hopping.

00:47:52 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Don't worry Plague.....  ;-)

04:40:37 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

*Kneeling before a twisted oak throne, entwined with thorns; are two battle-worn barbarians.  Their heads bow before their king.  Arch Shade lowers a scimitar made from the metals of dwarven slaves.  The blade glints with a hue of blue moon light.  With a swift motion the leader swipes off some strands of hair from Bobson.  The hair wisps gently to the wooden ground.  In another quick motion, the threads of hair from Speede land quietly.*

"My two great warlords of The Gaul tribe, you have been honored with the gifts of the ancients!" 

(The Gauls have rewarded two members through voting to receive a title or bonus turns....another random member will also win the same reward.)

04:43:22 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

So what DID they get?

05:10:51 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

Titles or 15 Bonus Turns, their pick.

06:07:21 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Plague:

oh i want a custom title. pick me come on i'm the one wearing bright red armor.

06:29:21 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

no pick me, you said that you would

12:37:12 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

I must say i'm honored by the choice my kingdom mates did and i promise not to let them down next era. Actually, having a few more ticks/day in the first 2 weeks of Fantasia will really make a difference. And the difference will be felt by those who voted me.
Thanks again

00:09:58 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

ME!!!! ME!!!

04:26:53 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

oh I hope that you peeps are not going to do like lgc, everyone buying turns. Its not really fair, ya know. Also Legacy is well known for turn buys

19:34:13 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Tempus:

why is the gaul aataking me

21:02:44 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

cause you...pissed em off?

22:28:39 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Gnaeus Minimus:

I have recieved reports that Gaul is attacking my KD mates. We are NAPed and this should not be happening, even with very little of the era left.

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