Forums / In game politics / The Great One - Recruiting now

The Great One - Recruiting now
06:05:23 May 21st 07 - Mr. The Great One:

Hey guys... whats up? We're one of the first kingdoms in starta and currently the biggest and the strongest.

Right now we're recruiting and it'd be awesome if everyone who saw this joined us. Remember.. we're in starta.

Just send us an application. Our name is The Great One

05:04:16 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

Applications must include a self picture, a self addressed stamped envelope, and $50 check or money order (sorry please don't send cash).

Photos will not be returned, $50 application fee refunded with approval, please no phone calls.

Act now and you will be entered for a chance at our lovely banner embossed knife set, a $359.99 value!

23:01:04 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Jenova:

TGOS is no more!!!!!!!!!!!

Due to exceding bashing in the main chat the leader decided to resign and I am sure that all of Starta rejoices (except for ex - TGOS members)

23:08:21 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Darkdwarf:

why should they care about what happened to your leader and the kingdom?

...someone is giving themselves to much importance...

23:47:04 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

starta? lol, who cares about starta?i thought it was a a myth, a land filled with faeries and dingle berries

23:54:52 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

no, starta is like the heaven of VU! I love it here! I am so glad I get to play in the world of my beginning again! everyone should come to starta! there are many many parties to be had!

23:55:38 May 23rd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

I sure the hell am rejoicing. Now I don't have to wince everytime I login to the chat.

00:35:54 May 24th 07 - Mr. Fish IN Thy Pants:


01:02:30 May 24th 07 - Mr. Chwaa:

not dead... disbanded. big difference there

05:52:26 May 24th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

yeah, disband means their old leader was a homo that hit on them and so they needed some... "distance"

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