Forums / In game politics / The Military On Valhalla

The Military On Valhalla
21:23:16 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Patriot:

The Military

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Military
Members: 3
Created: 10/1/2008 1:11:16 AM
Leader: Mr. Patriot


We are strong, taught to be the best and to never surrender. Leave no man behind, whatever the situation may be. To not be scared or falter, no one can break our courage.
To do whatever it takes to overcome our enemy and achieve victory under any circumstance. Using tactics to thwart our enemies hold, no matter how strong our large they may be. We will engage our enemies in combat and vanquish them with force.
We are The Military. Only the strong survive, become a predator before you become the pray.

Join us if you have what it takes to fight alongside us.


Now recruiting in Valhalla.  New and old alike are welcome, we'll be able to teach the newer players if need be.  We're heading back to Zeta next era, hopefully with better luck.

If you want to join or have any questions then please message me.
Thank you.

21:28:47 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Bacon And Eggs:

Just popping by to say hi, and good luck, i'll be one of your nieghbours

21:30:41 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

I see its THE milatry not milatry

21:41:50 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

I see it's

The Military

not THE milatry or whatever you where saying

21:46:56 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Yes, The Military and not "Military".

We're basically a branch off of them to recruit new members and do a little training.

Mr. Bacon And Eggs, same to you my friend.  See you there.

22:03:06 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Partypooper


10/1/2008 8:41:50 PM
I see it's

The Military

not THE milatry or whatever you where saying


why say wat i said

22:09:46 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Samual


10/1/2008 4:30:41 PM
I see its THE milatry not milatry
milarty? XD Military* :p

22:26:43 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

Mr. Samual


10/1/2008 10:03:06 PM
Mr. Partypooper


10/1/2008 8:41:50 PM
I see it's

The Military

not THE milatry or whatever you where saying


why say wat i said

I guess retardness does come cheap :)

22:28:21 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Samual:

Lord Charley Deallus


10/1/2008 9:09:46 PM
Mr. Samual


10/1/2008 4:30:41 PM
I see its THE milatry not milatry
milarty? XD Military* :p


same thin

22:34:10 Oct 1st 08 - Prince Mielo:

no it's not the difference is punctuation ... You seem to fail in that horribly!

23:14:37 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

ooh....and they accept multi' to play with cowards and fight like qeers...will nap as many as possible and then screw you by breaking the nap

23:32:24 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

I dont think what you have said is justified at all pimp. 

Military were fighting the top kingdoms on zeta all era.

ODC has napped many more influential kingdoms than military did.

One of the players military flagged as "a coward" was accepted into your kingdom.

23:36:47 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Athens:

This is very true, thankyou for your opinions Van Effen.

Pimp, what does it take to make you stop being so self-centred? If you were us, you would see the truth, and that is that we are one of the most honourable kingdoms out there. We have never broken a NAP, Alliance or any other relation without the proper notifications, intentions and all other agreed requirements. However, if I remember correctly, you have done more than just break NAP's in your past, haven't you Pimp :)

00:17:22 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

nope...never...and i can bring 10 kd leaders who will back that up

00:19:51 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Van Effen


10/1/2008 10:32:24 PM

I dont think what you have said is justified at all pimp. 

Military were fighting the top kingdoms on zeta all era.

ODC has napped many more influential kingdoms than military did.

One of the players military flagged as "a coward" was accepted into your kingdom.

you accepted a coward who has been proven on the forums as the worst kind of also knowingly turned a blind eye to a multi

00:45:16 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Athens:

We do not accept multi's, we have already kicked 2 people (5 accounts) for cheating as we do not in any way encourage or take aboard those who do not wish to play fairly. Also, 10kd leaders, sounds impressive but try asking any kingdom when we broke a deal.

00:47:38 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

by accepting a player like holly, you have trashed any respect we had for you...i was stunned that even an honourable player like grayfish would accept that.

03:29:41 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Hey pimp, what NAPS have they broken and screwed over?  Please I would love to hear this one.

05:51:35 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Same ones I "apparently" did

05:56:03 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Pimp


10/1/2008 7:19:51 PM
Mr. Van Effen


10/1/2008 10:32:24 PM

I dont think what you have said is justified at all pimp. 

Military were fighting the top kingdoms on zeta all era.

ODC has napped many more influential kingdoms than military did.

One of the players military flagged as "a coward" was accepted into your kingdom.

you accepted a coward who has been proven on the forums as the worst kind of also knowingly turned a blind eye to a multi
Van Effen isnt in Military...

12:11:58 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Samual:

Prince Mielo


10/1/2008 9:34:10 PM
no it's not the difference is punctuation ... You seem to fail in that horribly!


no im just not very good at spellin im only 13

17:11:39 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Pimp please name some names. Because I think we all can pretty much vouch we violated no naps.

None with mystical, none with Gauls, none with Burnt, none with Grummish, please tell me who then?

00:54:31 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Oh okay, nice proof.

00:58:00 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

ok Pimp, lets review the facts here. First of all, our top member at the top, a Mr. Dianmanto who was on the HOH of top rulers, leaves us and you accept him....second of all, we were warring 6 KDs on zeta...doesn't leave much room for many NAPs now does it? also, i lost any respect i had for preds (a KD i was once a member of), once i read your posts trashing other KDs and players. I believe that you are hurting your KDs reputation just be speaking in many threads.

01:09:28 Oct 3rd 08 - Ms. Holly:


01:47:51 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Frank Castle


10/2/2008 11:58:00 PM
ok Pimp, lets review the facts here. First of all, our top member at the top, a Mr. Dianmanto who was on the HOH of top rulers, leaves us and you accept him....second of all, we were warring 6 KDs on zeta...doesn't leave much room for many NAPs now does it? also, i lost any respect i had for preds (a KD i was once a member of), once i read your posts trashing other KDs and players. I believe that you are hurting your KDs reputation just be speaking in many threads.
You are the ones accusing me of breaking NAPs. I have never broken a NAP. In fact the KD will vouch for my position on maintaining NAPs. Last era, Wolverine continued to violate this principle, and I did as promised and stepped out of the KD, and wiped him out. I do not tolerate it in the KD I have tactically led for 5 era's now...era's which we have won.

Every Gaul player knew of their leaders multi and taunted Pred members on the chat and forums. Two members of military did the same. When the multi...aka Darque Shade (Mr Piker, Arch Shade) was exposed, he got banned for 2 months as per my discussion with Zeta. I also presented proof that the rest of the KD knew, and could have made a push for more bans..someone needs to make a stand on that. Darque Shade was also the one to bring Ms Holly into Preds...conveniently.

Mr. Darque Shade [GAUL] (9/10/2008 3:26:31 PM)

Better get some defense "INSIDE" your core!
Mr. Darque Shade [GAUL] (9/10/2008 3:27:10 PM)
I wouldn't post this on the forums either ;-)
Mr. Darque Shade [GAUL] (9/10/2008 3:28:47 PM)
3-4 of your members are willing to defect. and DO NOT tell your leader this. You have fought well so I am willing to talk to you.

Preds keep getting dissed for our NAP with OPC. At the time of the agreement, at the start of the era...they were in fourth place and no where near the size they are now. The only reason we agreed was because they were the furthest away and chance of us even crossing paths so remote. We had one intention...war as many as possible. Our numbers have not grown..we have been the same size pretty much most of the the traitors.

We also get word that all these "small kd's" are banding together against us...totalling 80 members strong...4 times our size. We dont worry...bring it on.

Predators are located on the east side of the map. They plan to conquer and attack most of the kingdoms. A group of the smaller kingdoms have begun to band together to form a coalition against the larger kingdoms this era. Would your kingdom be interested?

-Darque Shade-

King of The Gauls

Gaul was the nearest KD, and one we have fought before. We started our wars against them. Military then attacked us. Do we ignore them because they are "smaller"???? 3 men fewer than us is smaller....*beep* that.

General Gokken [HOORAH] (9/5/2008 3:26:18 PM)  
Good Day to you sir, im going to get right to the point.
Get out of our area or consider your army lost.
If you are passing then let me know and you may go in peace, but any stops at our citys will be considerd an act of war!
You (9/5/2008 3:56:40 PM)
you attacked our city...war it is.

Then we receive word from another KD that Ms Holly, a member of Preds is feeding our KD info to an enemy.
Mr. David [XYZPDQ] (9/19/2008 1:41:47 PM)
I spy a little spy and his name is Holly :)

Mate, I like fighting against Preds. Been a very interested Era, but I don't like dirty little spies working against you from the inside. Hence the warning. Up to you what you do with it. I'm just letting you know. Here are the two letters he just sent me. I haven't said a word to him, so you should have some time to get some armies in place to take over his cities if you decide to kick him:

Ms. Holly [Preds] (9/19/2008 2:58:17 PM) GOOD BAD
Good job man. I know I am a Pred, but I am not a huge fan of them. They have pissed me off this era. I've been with them for awhile now and I am losing respect and faith for their leadership.

If you want I will warn you about armies.

Just don't let anyone know.

Ms. Holly [Preds] (9/19/2008 2:58:55 PM) GOOD BAD
An elf of 10-20k is about 11 ticks away. And orc of 1000-1500 is about 5 ticks.

Every Vice wanted to kick her. Troops were being set into place to attack her. I stood up for a KD member, hoping she would feel at home in Preds once she got into the banter of the forums and the chat. She never even tried. Turns out, her and the multi, Darque, had been planning this from the start. She cited the one person who stood up for her as the reason for probs sweetie. I can hold my head high knowing I've done more for Preds than you can do to them...our paths will cross and I will win every time. You got the upper hand because my armies are on the frontline doing what your armies could never do....kill an armed enemy.

Then Military accepts all the ex Gaul members...who had cheated to gain advantage. Our opinion on you is now through the floor. Then you accept a coward like Holly, who is everything this game doesnt need. A coward. And this is long before I've entered the chats or forums. So tell me...after being cheated against, had two KD traitors batter us internally...and constant insults against our KD for picking on smaller KD's, when two have been bigger than us....should I even bother giving a flying *beep* what you say or think. I have proven fact on every accusation. Yours is all talk.


01:51:27 Oct 3rd 08 - Ms. Psykee:

Interesting to see all the drama is moving to this post. Zetamania's forums haven't been posted on for a little while now. Shocking

01:56:55 Oct 3rd 08 - Ms. Holly:

Must be pms.

pimp stop crying and just play the game

02:05:20 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Gailen Silvermoon:

That is true frank. I to had a high honor for Preds at one point. Now my opinion has swayed and I find myself not as trusting of that KD as a whole as much. However, there are a few members in that KD that I find to be decent.

03:17:36 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Just throwing it out there...Pimp never answered my question.

03:49:45 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

You never justified your accusation of accusing Preds of NAP breaking...put forward by Athens

00:41:11 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Sir Thursday:

I'll join, I was a member on zeta.

00:43:41 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

can i join.... lol....just kidding...

00:44:20 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

dont trust MIlitar.. they dont respect naps and alliances....

02:57:01 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Reddragon:

well with us they respected it. (I am in Iok).

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