Forums / In game politics / The Monks - Heavy recruiting

The Monks - Heavy recruiting
22:09:59 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

The Baccus' Monks are heavily recruiting for next era...hic!...We want to grow grow grow....our grapes.

To do that, we need TONS of new players to join our KD.

Only requirement: you gotta demonstrate your love for wine and your commitment to the grapes. 

Hope to see you all at our wine parties!!...(bring the least:)).

22:36:52 Feb 21st 07 - Mr. Trig:

Wait, we're staying as monks?  Nuts, I still wanted to be a pirate.

01:48:22 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

Pirates.. na i like monks better..

01:48:59 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

monks are fat and happy :P and in this case drunk 2

02:31:58 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Monkeydust:

just think... a pirate monk....

02:36:58 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Trig:

I just think a swashbuckling scoundrel is a better image than a soused clergymen.

04:49:51 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

yeah but that gives us the image of dishonesty and stuff, which we arent. so yeah..

14:42:50 Feb 22nd 07 - Lord Mielo:

hum ... a monk theme isn't bad ... just need to be worked out better :) ... to be a theme kingdom

15:27:55 Feb 22nd 07 - Sir Senturu:

its not a bad kingdom. its helpful and protective of its members.

16:51:39 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Rommel:

I'd rather have ninjas than pirates.

*runs away from the possibility of ninjas are better than pirates debate*

16:59:52 Feb 22nd 07 - Lord Mielo:

lol ... I agree with rommel ^-^ I want a ninjas are better than pirates debate*

I'll be vice-president of the debate ^^

20:11:22 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

It is just Monks. guys can open a Ninja's Kd...i dont see the problem.

Only thing I am asking...stop spamming this thread. Is it too much to ask? Hope not.

20:12:40 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Osiris:

20:21:26 Feb 22nd 07 - Lord Mielo:

hmmm spam ...

ow darn ... sorry didn't realized I ended back here :(

(Edited by Lord Mielo 2/22/2007 8:21:45 PM)

21:06:27 Feb 22nd 07 - Mr. Venomz:


WoW addict >_<

01:52:58 Feb 23rd 07 - Sir Senturu:

Fra when you ask for people to not spam, they will spam

01:55:18 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Trig:

Perhaps that is what Fra wanted, you know, to keep the topic at the top of the list. 

02:02:39 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

:) hic!

04:39:15 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Stark:

Pirates is a soooooo much better name than Monks :P

04:59:53 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Trig:

Arrrrgh! Stark gets two of me gold dubloons for supporting the pirate cause; also wenches (or cabin boys for the ladies) for all those that support the pirate cause!

05:13:14 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

i like pirates better thsn monks to =)....and the symbol was way better

05:13:20 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Stark:

Okay had to read that twice to understand.... :)

Wait what if you like little boys *cough*Trig*cough*

(Edited by Mr. Stark 2/23/2007 5:15:38 AM)

05:20:47 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Trig:

Wow, my last post has some horrible grammer, oh well.

Anyways....Little boys?! That's disgusting, we pirates (especially me) do not indulge in such vices!

They are in one of my secret dungeons, talk to me next era for the keys.

(Edited by Mr. Trig 2/23/2007 5:21:33 AM)

06:01:32 Feb 23rd 07 - Mr. Stark:

Pirates do not have dungeons :P

15:45:08 Feb 23rd 07 - Duke Spoon:

They have ships though.

16:39:03 Feb 23rd 07 - Sir Rommel:

Alright, I'll put it this way.

Monks < Pirates < Ninjas

Got it all you math students? Good.

18:34:20 Feb 23rd 07 - Sir Senturu:

but where do i come in?

19:12:32 Feb 23rd 07 - Khan Kissmekate:

Monks have beer > Pirates have Rum > Ninjas have SFA...

03:56:42 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Stark:

Whats SFA? o_O

04:46:56 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Roman Paladin:

yea seriously and uhmm... just to shoot this out there because i fell like saying something rly random

baccus monks have std's

Supre Tiny I)icks hehe =P


04:47:01 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Roman Paladin:

yea seriously and uhmm... just to shoot this out there because i fell like saying something rly random

baccus monks have std's

Supre Tiny I)icks hehe =P


11:50:08 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Syphillis:

Baccus mionks don't have std's.. They refused me :(
Are they sure about 'heavy recruiting'

11:52:55 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Dreadlord:

but u are ranked 4th :S

12:35:48 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Crazy Guy II:

im thinking about it its my first world and iv come 14th even though i started very late

13:24:35 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Syphillis:

Yea, aint that weird mr. Dreadlord. Ah well, maybe I have to choose a more attractive name next era. Like mr. Cherryblossom ^^

17:03:55 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

Syphillis, your name did not sound "reassuring" for a small but very "cohesive" community like us. At our parties, drunkness can drink to "mistakes":)...and we want everybody attending to be healthy:) avoid the unpleasant surprises of the day after;).

23:08:13 Feb 24th 07 - Mr. Syphillis:

Muahaha, goody, wise decision!
But I have good news, I'm cured!
Just waiting for the name to be altered when my daughter (or son) will be born at the dawn of the new era

01:47:08 Feb 26th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

Hey, dont forget the Monks are recruiting "heavily"!!:)

03:27:13 Feb 26th 07 - Mr. Stark:

How do you say his name? Sp-phillis?

04:22:27 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Fra Merluz:

The Monks are still recruiting for the next era. We still have a couple of positions available at our vineyards for people really willing to commit to wine growing and tasting.

So.....if you like wine and participating to our parties in honor of Bacchus...please send me an in-game message or make sure you approach one of our members for recommendation.



06:28:53 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Millenium Freak:

ill join if all else fails.... our kd is breaking up for a while...

14:23:03 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I bring also some barrels of beer with me for those who can't handle the wine :)

Good old DLS-Beer, yummie :)

17:00:56 Mar 24th 07 - Duke Balloon:

We have around 4 slots open. Please contact if interested :-)

17:12:12 Mar 24th 07 - General Ezatious:

can i join?

17:46:52 Mar 24th 07 - Duke Sobek:

Duke Balloon

3/24/2007 5:00:56 PMWe have around 4 slots open. Please contact if interested :-)

and if you aren't interested ?? What should I do now ?

18:12:09 Mar 24th 07 - Duke Balloon:

You should have oral sex with a sheep now.. Nanananana!

18:54:41 Mar 24th 07 - Mr. Kheldar The Noble Troll:

The more Alchohol, the better!

22:11:02 Mar 25th 07 - Mr. Millenium Freak:

i love wine and grapes! Can i sign up!

08:16:52 May 6th 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Massive Recruitment is back again...just for 24 hour-window.

If you intereted, send an application clearly stating your preferred wine and the reason for that...hic!

09:00:38 May 6th 07 - Prince Insomaniak:

you sir...are drunk!!! wtf is intereted ;)

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