Forums / In game politics / The Musketeers - Recruiting I

The Musketeers - Recruiting I
19:40:02 May 5th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Dear fellow VU players,

The time has come for the glorious kingdom of The Musketeers to expand on their recruitment efforts.

We are a very fast progressing kingdom with a pretty awesome track record. The following era will mark the 4th in which The Musketeers have been together with the current set of core players.

Please do not mistake this for a "we want anyone and everyone" type of recruitment post. We are very fussy when it comes to picking new members, so please take a look below to see if you qualify to send us an application.

In order of importance:

  • Activity - Our players must be very, very active. We expect no worse than 1 log in per 2 days, at the very worst. On a regular basis we will expect at least a couple of logins every day, furthermore at least 2 hours each day online and talking.
  • Communication - To join our ranks, you will need to be very communicative through the forums, KD chat and/or IRC and MSN.
  • Experience - You do not need to be a Fant Vet to join us or need 20+ eras of experience, but you do need to know what you're doing. We will be more than ready to train you up to the required standards, as long as you can fulfil the above 2 criteria then this will not be a problem.
We have 3 training slots left.

Even if you are completely new to the game, feel free to apply, we try to maintain a balance of experienced and up and coming players each era, although we will only have a limited number of these places available.

If you think you have what it takes to join The Musketeers then feel free to send Squiddy a PM or drop an e-mail to:

If you feel that you would be better suited in a leadership role then please make a note of this in your in game or e-mail application, there may be a possible opening in this department at some point.

In your application we will need you to list the following:

Age, Sex, Country of Residence and its Time Zone, what Level of Activity you hope to fulfil and how well you know the game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you could not be bothered to read the entire post and still wish to apply, don't bother.

Good luck,

Squiddy - Leader of The Musketeers

20:05:54 May 5th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

I'm very curious.. why do you need to know the sex?

20:18:26 May 5th 08 - Lord Tam Bam:

Squiddy want to be totally sure the ones he flirt with are female ;)

20:27:49 May 5th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Well, yeah. I need to know who's female so I can begin my preparation of infiltration, if ya know what I mean ;)

On a serious note, It's always nice to know if we have any females present, often the females will be very quiet in an environment made up entirely of males so it's  good to just have a quick talk with them, make sure they will fit in okay.

20:36:11 May 5th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

so the ladies get fasttracked duh

20:48:48 May 5th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Are She-males allowed?

20:52:19 May 5th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:


21:46:19 May 5th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:

for anyone who does not know "The musketeers" is currently Dark Trio until next when we change our name again

just thought i'd add lolz...

ile also take you to my dwarf school for special training, females get a free discount and after hour work shemales if you come as a pair get it free..

21:57:14 May 5th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Hmm what if the country of resisdence and time zone don't match up?

22:19:19 May 5th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Hanky! That's disgusting!

Well Time Zones are for managing purposes and who would lie about that anyway lol.

04:09:10 May 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Killer of Dwarves:

This is a great kingdom. I have watched it grow and prosper, and in only four eras they have gone to Fantasia and survived. It doesn't matter how, but they survived and got into the top 3. One of the only KDs to do so in recent memory to go from nothing (scratch) to Fantasia top 3 mode. They have some already great players and a lot who are growing to become great. If you want to learn the game and are active you should join this kingdom!

04:35:38 May 6th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:


08:23:53 May 6th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

dude any kd can come top 3 one era if they are in the winning alliance :) the trick is to do it consistantly

09:27:13 May 6th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

they are a strong kindom though, i mean they did rule mant two or three eras in a row, and are mostly expirienced fant players

10:30:20 May 6th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Mostly? Whether I'm shooting my self in the foot here I don't know, but I'm definitely not an experienced fant player, I think in total there is about 6 fant players in our KD. The rest have 1 - 4 eras of experience, it's not as if a group of entirely pros simply made a new KD ;)

We are made up of a lot of new players and that's how we will continue, instead of simply trying to pull in every vet and pro there is :P

And as for this,

"Are She-males allowed?" ~ Sausage Roll

I'm sorry mate but no, you aren't allowed in :(

10:42:30 May 6th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

"Activity - Our players must be very, very active. We expect no worse than 1 log in per 2 days, at the very worst. On a regular basis we will expect at least a couple of logins every day, furthermore at least 2 hours each day online and talking."

rofl, the massive activity of 1 logging per 2 days? You'd have to try really hard not to match this one.

10:43:33 May 6th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

10:52:29 May 6th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Enter, the forum troll. Not got anything useful to say I suppose?

11:08:39 May 6th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

11:16:53 May 6th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

squiddy, there is no need to always be so arrogant
have some positive attitude once in a while, after all i was only trying to prove a point to perinainth or whatever

15:53:15 May 6th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Huh? Arrogant? I was just saying how it is, I don't see how that was in any way arrogant, thanks anyway for what you were trying to do :)

18:12:19 May 6th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

stop flaming them.. its just a recruitment thread, please stay on topic

19:45:11 May 6th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

it is on topic go mind your own buisiness :) PJ Mant is not a hard map to rule. im just saying one era doesnt make you a great kd not when that many kds die ;) i was just trying to say to fafnir to calm down and wait a lil bit before singing we are the champions ;)

19:46:35 May 6th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

shut the *beep* up peter there better then any kd which u will ever get into gd luck all you guys in dark trio...soon to become  "Musketeers" meaning there will be no trace in the name of dr.....:(

22:51:33 May 6th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

Mr. Justanius The Revengful


5/6/2008 6:46:35 PMshut the *beep* up peter there better then any kd which u will ever get into gd luck all you guys in dark trio...soon to become  "Musketeers" meaning there will be no trace in the name of dr.....:(

umm.... you mean periannath should shutup.peter was on your side ......

22:54:58 May 6th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

no i am too leet for that :D

00:13:29 May 7th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Periannath, your argument would be valid, except no one is singing, "We are the champions", not me and not Fafnir. If you cannot see that, well then you must have some kind of troll glasses on. Why you felt the need to jump in here and cause an argument about who's saying what and how hard things are or aren't I don't know, but please could all of you keep the flames/arguments/off-topic discussion and anything else not relevant to the recruitment of Trio out of this thread.

I think you will find that you would have the same respect from us, we do not start posting in every thread just to cause an argument and bring discussion off-topic, especially a KD thread such as a recruitment one, so I would expect at the very least a little decency from people, especially from those that have been with VU for a long time.

01:05:48 May 7th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

thats good then =]

10:53:34 May 7th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:

*HankyPanky strolls by*

"We are the champions,
We are the champions
no time for nooooobs,
cos we are the champions..."


anyways we already had to turn 3 lgc players down :( keep em coming people =)

11:13:30 May 7th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Verll applied 3 times did he?

12:33:15 May 7th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

lol nice

14:54:25 May 7th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Back to Fant for me :)

16:02:24 May 7th 08 - General Ezatious:

Thats funny hanky we've had several of your members approach us also :) i wonder which is more believable ;)

22:10:24 May 7th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:

Lies! :O

22:56:57 May 7th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

hanky man......................FOCUS!

06:53:15 May 9th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

which server will the kingdom be in ?

09:48:22 May 9th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:


11:42:37 May 9th 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

can i join? :D

11:54:35 May 9th 08 - Ms. Hanky Panky The Sex Goddess:

if you change your identity ;)

10:19:36 May 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

im changing my name =]

10:32:02 May 10th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

is there still a spot open for a old friend:P ^^

10:32:44 May 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

im sure they would tim, they took me back =]

12:23:46 May 10th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

noooo:O not PJ:| i guess i have to rethink.... haha no PJ i really would like to work with you once again. but i guess squiddy or hanky wont let me in... last time it was not a warm goodby>.<

12:56:44 May 10th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Are you really surprised it wasn't a warm goodbye?

13:20:35 May 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

mine wasnt either, but i plan to make up for it

18:14:25 May 10th 08 - Lord Timmiev:

offcourse i wasnt surprised. but i got really bad treated... i dont like that. but yeah i made it look like very bad..

23:35:48 May 10th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Hanky I here that certain newer members opf your kingdom are hitting on you :o

00:12:08 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

now who would do such a thing?

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