Forums / In game politics / The Outlaws Recruiting

The Outlaws Recruiting
21:53:07 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Azengar:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Outlaws
Members: 2
Created: 8/3/2009 8:34:12 PM
Leader: Mr. Azengar


There are no rules, no place, and no limits for an Outlaw. We do not give up, and we do not back down. Cautious, weary, but never fearful.. that is the mind-state of an Outlaw.

We will always be a small group, to ensure team work and stability. Coordination within members is crucial.

If you wish to join please send an application, we do not require heavy activity, and you might never have to read our forums (unless asked to do so). The only rule is that you do not randomly attack anyone, we will be very organized.

There are 3 spots open, to have a total of 5 members, so send your application if you are not afraid to be in a small Kingdom, and if you want to have some fun with low pressure.
I wish to recruit 3 more before the end of the era. That way we are ready for the next.

02:46:03 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Gl with that. :)

04:04:55 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Azengar:

If I can't get 3 more members, I will simply remake it next era, but it would be an advantage to have them by now :)

Also, the reason for this KD is not to be powerful and big, instead we want to have a challenge, and to have fun. The more challenging the game is for us the better we will get. It's also an opportunity to learn to cooperate, since it is a major issue in big KD's that members cannot come to an agreement, and are often sloppy. I would like to have only 5 manageable players that are willing to work together.

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