Forums / In game politics / The ROC Decree

The ROC Decree
01:04:36 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

ROC will not tolerate it's 'allies' recruiting, aiding or abetting it's enemies.  For too long on the world of Zetamania there has  been talk of Honor, of the NAP and MAP and other political hogwash while the kingdoms wallowed in deceit and corruption, an incestual transfer from one kingdom to another.  ROC will no longer tolerate this from it's alleged allies or it's enemies.  We do not recruit and we do not suffer those *beep*cruit our enemies...

01:07:21 Feb 26th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Aye! ye landlubber scalliwags! ye all be down ole davey jones locker bfor ye try anything of the sort, yarr!!!

01:48:17 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Heimdall:

well said

02:07:11 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

What are you talking about?

02:15:48 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

who cares?

02:19:14 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

I care because they just broke a NAP with my kingdom with no warning or anything.

So I think they're calling my kingdom bad names and making false accusations while they go about being the most untrustworthy and corrupt kingdom around.

03:34:04 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Wow you guys are sad. If you want to break the NAP's with your allies why don't you just grow a pair and break em. Not try and insult everyone by backstabbing them and making rediculous claims about them. Ive been having a good talk with Trogdor Liech and whats this with saying I demanded you dont use any scouts? Or saying i demanded you dont move east and as for saying we've been taking your cities? Thats bull you asked me if i would help? So why are you complaining? Did you expect us to just give all the cities to you or what?

04:46:55 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

"If you want to break the NAP's with your allies why don't you just grow a pair and break em."


I think "we" did "just that."

04:55:51 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

like cowards. u broke it without warning. an honorable kingdom would give at least 72 hours notice b4 they attack

04:59:24 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

You didn't grow a pair. You made up bull*beep* reasons to break them instead of acting like a real KD and breaking them on fair terms.

05:01:24 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

All is fair in love and war.

05:02:58 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

that was made for real life not virtual worlds. There is more honour in virtual world wars then in actual real life wars

05:13:22 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

says who?

05:14:46 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Scottietohottie:

lol, how you figure that?

05:14:50 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Says most VU players.

05:16:14 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Darkin:

Generally in VU, if you break an agreement, you'll find it will be harder to make to new ones.

05:17:05 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

I enjoy enemies... they are what makes the ice in my veins pump around....

05:18:14 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Darkin:

The way you are going you should have no shortage of enemies.

05:18:49 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lelouch who were u agreeing wiht? Also enemies are the cause of ur cities burning to the ground

05:21:38 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Trogdar says "says who?" I made my reply to that, Scottie beat me by 4 seconds.

05:23:33 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

aw come on lelouch u were quicker last era lol.....(jk)

05:42:47 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Anubis:


RoC breaking Naps thats a new one


i say everyone should CF with each other untill RoC is Dead i mean thats what i think

05:44:38 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

that wont last long. how many so that would be wat a 10:1 ratio?

05:50:39 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Slade!!!  Aren't you on Nirvana or something?

05:58:02 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Who the fuk is Slade

see im Anubis

or are you just so retarted you can tell the diffrents


06:14:29 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

we see through lies.

06:17:00 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

so how come u cant see through urs??????

06:47:38 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

Why are you breaking agreements Trogdar Liech?

07:36:55 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

haha wow trog you must be 1 paranoid motherFuker
forgive me find somthing new to do
this Nap breaking thing is getting old
i hope you all die and your Crappy Kingdom dies and never returns

11:36:58 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

tsk tsk Slade.... Don't be hatin', you will do fine in newvarna..... in fact, it's where you belong.

12:26:39 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

we broke the map with Fury cuz they razed one of my cities , also we had an agreement with them, that they wouldnt attack jumpers but they did . also they made several hints that they will break map soon .

12:37:54 Feb 26th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

This is lelouch as a knight! fiece and cat like!

 This is ROC all lego and small and can't move very well! And Fake!


anyway if i was on the same world as you too i'd side with lelouch!

13:35:31 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

I thank you for that wonderful adittion Natalia

Ancient Basio: Sounds fair, but didn't your leaders speak with their leaders first?

14:15:09 Feb 26th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

It's ok!

15:26:51 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Basio, Are you sure that isn't after your kingdom declared war on mine?

15:41:13 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

The NAP was broken when Fury recruited our enemies and invited them into our core...... we waited 24 hours..... there is but one destiny for those who betray us....oog.

15:42:18 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Swan:

stop using our name in this cranky war!

15:52:45 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Rameth The Furious:

Mr. Ancient Basio


2/26/2008 3:26:39 AM
we broke the map with Fury cuz they razed one of my cities , also we had an agreement with them, that they wouldnt attack jumpers but they did . also they made several hints that they will break map soon .

Once again lies and slander. First of all i attacked your city after already three of our own and one of my personal cities was destroyed so theres that and also i would like to see the msg were i said i wouldn't attack the jumpers because i never said that either. As for idea what your talking about because there would be no possible way for you to know we were going to be breaking the MAP if at all and for one you did that to us.

Also seems a little bit to much to be a coincidence that Trog has so many troops right near us and hes taking nearly all the cities. You say that we've been planning this? Why don't you explain to us why all those troops were there hmm?

16:07:36 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Haha, what was that 24 hour wait for Kevdwayne? So that you can train troops behind my kingdom's back and attack my kingdom by surprise?

16:15:28 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I <3 Napbreaking! Its so rewarding!

17:02:55 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Mr. Rameth The Furious


2/26/2008 3:52:45 PM
Mr. Ancient Basio


2/26/2008 3:26:39 AM
we broke the map with Fury cuz they razed one of my cities , also we had an agreement with them, that they wouldnt attack jumpers but they did . also they made several hints that they will break map soon .

Once again lies and slander. First of all i attacked your city after already three of our own and one of my personal cities was destroyed so theres that and also i would like to see the msg were i said i wouldn't attack the jumpers because i never said that either. As for idea what your talking about because there would be no possible way for you to know we were going to be breaking the MAP if at all and for one you did that to us.

Also seems a little bit to much to be a coincidence that Trog has so many troops right near us and hes taking nearly all the cities. You say that we've been planning this? Why don't you explain to us why all those troops were there hmm?

Maybe because his armoury is there??

17:03:32 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Xenophon The Fierce:

Let it be known that ROC had every right according to our NAP to break it if so wish.  The real matter here is that upon setting these terms, it was agreed upon that both Kingdoms participating in said NAP, which include ROC and Fury, give at least 48 hours notice before breaking it.  ROC is in direct violation of these terms.  What I believe Rameth meant by "grow a pair" was that instead of giving us notice and being "Honorable" as you say, you were "Deceitful".  You knowingly broke the terms of our NAP, and began attacking with no warning.  This is obviously a DIShonorable act that has been carried out.  You avoided warning us about breaking said NAP because you knew that if you should do so, we would be prepared.  There is nothing that can be done to take back any of this.  I hope that you do not regret what you have done Kev, for Fury will not forget this.  Also, I leave this as an example to other Kingdoms of the Royal Order of Claidmore's treachery, dishonor, and greed.

Thats all I have to say,

Xenophon the Fierce, Vice of Fury

19:14:31 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

Wraith, why would he be training troops in his core when there are no enemies around if he wasn't planning on attacking Fury?

19:54:22 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I don't know. Maybe its his closest armoury to Wolf? Idk....

20:53:18 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

There is a CF with Wolf? What are you talking about? This was obviously planned.

20:57:52 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Only temporary CF. It ends today (I think). But like I said, idk about most of this......

21:00:08 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Pkemon! Gotta catch them all [Not to mention shoot them all.]

21:04:43 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

lol , planned ?? :S:S:S , when are we gonna plan this > when we fought mafia or when we tackled jumpers ?

dont flatter your self and say we did planning , this was the weakest war we got into yet . i do agree it was a bad move by ROC (and maybe also not honourable) but also fury did make some problems and offended us several times .

we agreed to live in peace with Fury while we were 100% sure that we could kill them . but we choose to ally with them .

then YOU asked to help in war against former BS and we agreed , then u without saying to us did a claim on the eastern area to ur base , we didnt make problems and we kept silent . then you started to gett really annoying when you throw ur self in every war we go to . u let us do the killin then steal the city :S . which is annoying.

if u think that is planned , then let me ask u one thing , y dont u see big armies in ur core :D . ill tell u y , cuz it wasnt plaaned in anyway and the truth is that i logged in and found my city destroyed and war started so i sent an army that would take 20 TIcks to reach u . if it was planned i would have sent armies long before :D

22:30:30 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

it wasn't really planned no..

the names on my armies were "reinforcements" they were headed NE to reinforce there...

and Bas, I invited them to the fights.. I asked them to join, I WANTED them to join, but, they brought such pathetic sized armies it was hardly worth them there, and they took an even stake in the profits... what does that equate to?

they, spend less, earn more.

us, spend more, earn less..

who gets bigger and stronger? FURY, who STARTED bigger and stronger? ROC, and who could have easilly, and still did easilly, CRUSH the smaller?

ROC. we started with power, we ended with power... you cannot claim to power without a fight. expect that.

You were using us, and you know it.  Not once did I even see a "thank you" from ANY of your members. not once, did I get a claification of what you wanted in the fight, what you expected.. nor what was deemed to be fair.

You kept your mouth shut and abused our might.

that, was your ultimate mistake.

23:07:32 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

How many towns did Fury get from those wars anyways? I only got one from the one against Wolf and it was already Burnt to the ground. I had to rebuild it all the way up myself.

If you want a town ask for it, in the fight against Wolf I received numerous messages asking me not to take this town or that town and I complied and only took the one that remained unclaimed, so don't throw that town stealing BS at us.

I can see how strong you guys are, too afraid to even declare war properly and have to try and catch us by surprise in our undefended core. So what if your armies names are "reinforcements", does that make any difference? If you see a town pumping out troops called Mines are you just going to assume it is a mine instead of an armoury?

Go play with your coloured blocks and lego Trogdar, you need to at least graduate from elementary school before bringing your BS here.

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