Forums / In game politics / The Return of Abydos

The Return of Abydos
17:15:22 Dec 9th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Abydos returns


Abydos is returning next era! we will hopefully bring some fun back to vu :)

any old members wishing to return feel free to apply any new peeps who want to join feel free to msg me.

The Great Eye is back

17:18:31 Dec 9th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:


Now maybe Phi won't get gangbanged anymore.

Or are you coming back especially to help DB/LGC/FF beat PHI? =))

Anyway, I kinda feel this is your era so I am being totally serious when I wish you "welcome back" and "have fun".

Oh... And please get that b!tch mielo off my back :)

17:27:41 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Osi, less Abydos, and more starting to organising the EU2 game!!

17:53:25 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

Ms. Gene Atalia


12/9/2007 9:23:37 AM
*pumps on Osi's rectum
my god...i can not believe what a twisted a perverted generation you kids are! every forum thread there is at least some kind of perverted sexual is just revolting.

18:06:32 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

cool, good to see you back, gd luck

18:13:14 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

"my god...i can not believe what a twisted a perverted generation you kids are! every forum thread there is at least some kind of perverted sexual is just revolting."

Who are you? Some frigid *beep*? I don't remember asking for your opinion, neither do you know me so calling me a kid will only make me want to flame you more.

EDIT: And for your information my post didn't contain innuendo, it's  straight up ghey talk.

18:20:42 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

EDIT: And for your information my post didn't contain innuendo, it's  straight up ghey talk.


18:38:09 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

*beep*mers stay out! this thread is exclusively for discussing the greatness of Abydos

18:49:29 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

"*beep*mers stay out! this thread is exclusively for discussing the greatness of Abydos"

That's a very short topic, just like talking about Osi's penis, or lack thereof.

18:49:38 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

it is worse if u r not a kid...does it never occur to u kids play this game too?

19:01:07 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Yea, does it? I'm just a poor little kid who's been scarred for life by what you've said :(

Good luck Osi! It was fun playing with you! Well...actually, it was a pretty boring era. But it was fun talking to you I guess!

19:07:02 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

"it is worse if u r not a kid...does it never occur to u kids play this game too?"

And that's my problem how? What person over the age of 10 do you think doesn't know what *beep* *beep* suck *beep* mean?

19:22:29 Dec 9th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

"Who are you? Some frigid *beep*? I don't remember asking for your opinion, neither do you know me so calling me a kid will only make me want to flame you more."

I think Ms. Gene Atalia didn't take her pills today.

Or it might be that she's part of Legacy. They're always a bit cranky. Maybe cause they can't understand how, despite their greatness, valour, experience and the sort, they haven't won an era in ... what's it been? 4 or 5 eras? That's almost a year now ...

19:29:04 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

Oh great post retard! You must have spent the entire hour since I made that post trying to come up with a reply.

19:55:04 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

you are right seem rather irritable. maybe it comes from the confusion of not knowing wether you should be a male or a female.

20:01:33 Dec 9th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Ms. Gene Atalia


12/9/2007 9:29:04 PM
Oh great post retard! You must have spent the entire hour since I made that post trying to come up with a reply.

My point exactly.

And just so you know, it only took 40 minutes to write the post. I spent the other 20 trying to figure out how to get around this forum :-S

Smart, smart :)

20:04:00 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

About as smart as a piece of lead Weirdgrivi.

20:32:49 Dec 9th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

and we're going to kick ass and chew bubblegum!


and why's this turning into a flame thread?!


we didn't even play yet!

20:35:47 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

i love abydos. good to see it back up and running! :)

20:36:49 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

and we're going to kick ass and chew bubblegum!

... and we're all out of gum!

20:41:14 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

and ass kicking.

20:56:06 Dec 9th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Lord Cobraisasuckynick

12/9/2007 10:01:33 PM
Ms. Gene Atalia


12/9/2007 9:29:04 PM
Oh great post retard! You must have spent the entire hour since I made that post trying to come up with a reply.

My point exactly.

And just so you know, it only took 40 minutes to write the post. I spent the other 20 trying to figure out how to get around this forum :-S

Smart, smart :)

Ms. Gene Atalia


12/9/2007 10:04:00 PM
About as smart as a piece of lead Weirdgrivi.

I was talking about you dearest. Unfortunately it seems you are not very capable of understanding irony. Too bad.

20:59:39 Dec 9th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Welcome back Abydonians :)

23:05:47 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

 After reading this thread I had to ask, if someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

I feel this describes the situation pretty well.

23:09:59 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

lol  @ sigheart

23:17:24 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. Mcikan:

Welcome back!

23:21:54 Dec 9th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Welcome back to Fant

01:58:07 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Flamer:

Welcome back Abydos, Best of luck to you

03:30:07 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

We have reached 20 but its not necessarily too late to apply ;-)

03:41:08 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Almost more powerful than Abydos.....

05:48:35 Dec 10th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

The Mighty Eye returned indeed...let's see how things work out then shall we?! I Salute you oh Great Pharaoh Osiris and yer merry men ;)

05:50:33 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

Might your Cows are 178% of our power! I predict that you will only get more powerful with time.

06:18:11 Dec 10th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

Any Abydonian who crosses my path will meet the blade of my sword! :P

06:32:35 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Anyone who crosses my path will meet the might of my Hobo Walking Stick.

07:20:27 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:


07:20:40 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Anyone who walks in near my path will get to point and laugh at the smelly hobo with the walking stick!

07:37:37 Dec 10th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

Anyone who is actually walking...I shall turn into crippled infidels! so hah! and then I shall smile in a horrendous way upon your ill-met fate!!! :P

07:59:25 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Jet:

Good luck NABydos. Did most of you play with Phi recently? Looks like Phi have lost 10 or so members. Where did the other 10 come from?

08:21:47 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

from the depths of Hell, ready at the command of the Great Dark Lord Osiris ... :)

08:29:59 Dec 10th 07 - Sir Spoon:

I say ebay.

08:32:12 Dec 10th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi must be my 3rd or 4th fan.

I proclaim myself coolest VU player.

14:45:24 Dec 10th 07 - Lord Oya:

well abydos had 20 players before phi was around so its not hard to gain them eh

17:15:12 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Jet:

Well "Lord" Oya (o ya i do like man peen in my mouth) it's merely an issue of where your players were in the mean time.

18:35:51 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

nice name

18:48:45 Dec 10th 07 - Lord Oya:

your overly obnoxious....and why does it matter where they were? and its pronounced oii-yah fyi just cos lgc suck now doesnt mean you have to help your ego along by debunking others -_-

18:59:36 Dec 10th 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

You hurt our feelings before we even began :(

18:59:45 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

true ... true ....

19:49:41 Dec 10th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Good luck Abydosians!

20:03:02 Dec 10th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Oya he is just sore because the last war we kicked thier ass ;)

20:28:57 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Soc:

oya, werent u one of them last era? o.O

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