Forums / In game politics / The Royal Order of Claidhmore

The Royal Order of Claidhmore
20:18:30 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

The Royal Order of Claidhmore has not been created in this universe of Utopia just for farming.


The Royal Order of Claidhmore was created for fight, chivalry (females both out- and inside our kingdom have a huge advange here), loyalty towards those who ARE our friends and a fair amount of ruthlessness towards our enemies and whatever other scum we come across.


Now The Royal Order of Claidhmore seeks new members, who will fight for above. Members, who have an offensive attitude, members who wants a reputation based on bravery.


Our goal is to be a kingdom, others would prefer more to have friendly relations to than having us as enemies - no matter what world we might be in.


Players, who think above suits them are welcome to send in an application. As usual, we - the counsil of RoC - wants to know more about you, so personal information as previous names used and which kingdoms you have been a member of, are expected in the application.



Leader of The Royal Order of Claidhmore

On own and behalf of our kingdom council.

13:44:04 Nov 23rd 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

McMax has proven himself more than worthy to lead this KD.  ROC needed fresh blood in the way of leadership, Max has provided it and ROC will continue to improve and dominate.

03:23:51 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:


03:31:56 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

Go RoC.  Remember me from a long time ago?

06:30:44 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Hey! Its the guys who were on fant!

06:53:29 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Good luck

17:29:45 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Brimestone:

ROC  is much more then a empire in a game, once you become a ROC member not only are you playing a game with players who will help & if  need be die for u  but you become part of a family .
Now as corny as that may seem ... its the truth  i had the privilege of serving in ROC for 4 eras and in that time made many freinds... no brothers /sisters  and even though we never meet our goals where the same.. ENJOY , HELP , PROTECT , LEARN.

So if these traits are what you are looking 4 ..look no further .. ROC is your HOME.

Tempar - ( 3rd oldest in the ROC family.. sorry Max & Kev ..LOL )

17:39:36 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I think Kev would be the mother figure ;)
Max and Kev made me feel even younger than I already was.  Sad that Kev is a wanderer now.
I was in RoC for a lil time and it was fun while I was there

18:16:48 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Go to ROC, recommended to anyone who wants to have a fun time ^^ Some time you might find me back, if ya still want me :p

(The baby of ROC, as they all reminded me >.<) And Charley, Boreil was the mother figure. Kev was more like the poor, kindly Grandma :p

19:20:04 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Well...I did call Kev grandpa for a I guess Grandma works too XD

*aside to Wraith*
"I hope you know he will kill us in our sleep right?"

EDIT - I almost forgot about Kes...been awhile...

19:20:08 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Dope:

I too would recomend this KD
Played in this KD for 2 eras, but played along side most of their players for over 4 eras
Good friends i say =)

19:38:05 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Agrees with Wraith. Boreil was our wisest member. The one who calmed us down. I do also miss her. And I surely need her (if she still is playing somewhere).

19:55:00 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Arvious VIII


11/24/2008 3:31:56 AM
Go RoC.  Remember me from a long time ago?

Yes I do. But I do not think RoC would be the right place for you.

20:13:37 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Dope:


22:26:02 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Bobtastik:

What has happend to kev though

22:28:36 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Wraith:

He stepped down, went around VU to get some experience :)

22:29:45 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Kind of like a lot of people...I am going everywhere lately...

00:07:49 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Dope:

Lord Frizzlefrak who has indeed been posting on this thread...
is KEV =P

00:09:17 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Clockwork:

I was in ROC eras ago. I used to be called Hex..
I miss it..Very well organized KD.

00:14:51 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Kev told us how much he loves us via MSN...I think I really will be murdered in my sleep from his words ;)

00:51:48 Nov 25th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

kev is still around 0_o just does not go by kevedwayne anymore

00:54:04 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Lord Frizzlefrak <---Kev

00:56:25 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Yes I am Kev and I am 'out and about'... the wonderful thing is how well ROC is doing with out me.  Max is a great leader, adviser, teacher, friend and I miss him as well as Mayhem and Wraith.  We had a lot of fun, fought and won, fought and lost but what ever the case I always knew they had my back and I theirs. If you are new to this game and want a good experience, training and friendship join ROC.  If you are a 'vet' and want to play with a KD that puts honor above all else you too should join this KD. It would be something to have a 'ROC reunion era', TOM together again.... maybe soon?  Of course Wraith and Charley may not be around for that  -_- .  ;)
Thanks Max, you have done a far better job than I ever did.

00:58:48 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Oh great. Kev in UN this ought to be interesting.

01:11:23 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Kill Shaun, not me :D 

01:12:18 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Dope:

can't believe no1 ever knew

04:40:08 Nov 25th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

So weres that sheep farmer Kev gone.. i need some words with him

04:43:27 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

UN slade.

04:46:08 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Mr. Justin


11/24/2008 7:58:48 PM
Oh great. Kev in UN this ought to be interesting.
Duke Slade Griffin


11/24/2008 11:40:08 PM
So weres that sheep farmer Kev gone.. i need some words with him

04:54:33 Nov 25th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

well charley not everyone reads prior posts its not slades fault hes n0obish

... wait it is!    0_o


05:09:54 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Dope:

Lolz Slade ;)
ought to read more huh??

07:20:25 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Thanks for all these kind words. It's (nearly) too much - though I admit I love flatter.....

But serious now - we DO need skilled members (warriors please) as well as new ones will be accepted too (they can always learn).

A few dedicated farmers can be allowed too, if they take care of the market and are active defenders of WHOLE the core.

BTW: We will be at war in say 2 tics or so.......

07:48:07 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

With who? XD

07:50:52 Nov 25th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:


08:23:26 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Lord Cedric Deallus


11/25/2008 7:48:07 AM
With who? XD

Dhara and Soldier.

And if FF should join those two, then please do. It's always nice with some action.....

08:33:51 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Read the Nirvana topic ;)

09:09:26 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Lord Cedric Deallus


11/25/2008 8:33:51 AM
Read the Nirvana topic ;)

Hmmmm, both your kingdom and Dhara seems strong yet, so we still could have some fun on this world......

And of course I knew a little about the wars - just thought those were comming wars, not that you already had been spanked....... well a good thing can always be done twice.

19:08:19 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus: you are saying you are going to join ZZ and Hell?

19:09:45 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

I am.

19:34:41 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:


01:15:51 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Dope:


01:58:34 Nov 26th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Well, after reading a little...we aren't with Dhara ;o

18:34:20 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Lord Cedric Deallus


11/26/2008 1:58:34 AM
Well, after reading a little...we aren't with Dhara ;o

I knew that - but I tried to tell you something (afterall you have been one of us).

Now we are going to see a strip-tease show I guess. And it will not be RoC, that will be shown without clothes.

23:59:24 Nov 26th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

...erm...if that has something to do with ATTEMPTING to harm us...then I wouldn't suggest it...

00:12:24 Nov 27th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Smoke 'em Max, smoke 'em...  :p

00:14:45 Nov 27th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

>.> Kev you are just mad at me because I call you grandpa >_> and his tiny orc army that is probably nazzies wont do much....

00:24:30 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Brimestone:

Hells messages of goodwill to FF where ignored from the very start of the era , then FF scouts (Darkin) where placed strategically around Hells domain , these where asked to be moved while Hell was still in OOP , when Hell went OOP and scouts where still there we decided to take there souls.
Now we march with ZZ/ROC to gather more souls , as the dark one is HUNGRY AND NEEDS FEEDING.......

00:45:54 Nov 27th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Ernie, I ain't mad at 'cha.

02:48:08 Nov 27th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Hmm...I never heard about any messages of goodwill from Hell...All I remember is armies mobilizing and then coming south.  I just assumed that since we were like the 2 most powerful KDs, we would end up warring...

10:04:14: Ms. Heavenly attempted to cast a spell upon us
11/14/2008 <---date of cast

And I remember we had spells being thrown at us early on...then two days later armies were coming south

02:51:45 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Electric:

Duke Slade Griffin


11/24/2008 10:40:08 PM
So weres that sheep farmer Kev gone.. i need some words with him
Mr. Justin


11/24/2008 10:43:27 PM
UN slade.


We disbanded..

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