Forums / In game politics / The Sarafan Knights

The Sarafan Knights
04:37:11 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

Sarafan Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sarafan Knights
Members: 13
Tag: SK
Created: 9/18/2008 2:40:58 PM
Leader: Duke Slade


The Sarafan Knights is a Clan of Mighty Warriors who wish to perge the World of Evil, We do not care who gets in our way. The Sarafan Knights Were founded by Sarafan Lord Craknor ten-thousand years ago since then the Sarafan Knights were killed may times due to being over powered by the Darkness, But this time is diffrent the Knights have Returned with a Vengence and this time they shall Perge the Worlds.

The Sarafan Knights are Current Not Recruiting Unless Invited by Slade

If you wish to offer a nap contact Slade
If you have a problem with one of our memembers Contact Slade - He will ignore you

~~~Duke Slade~~~


Just for you kev <3 :P

04:39:17 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

WoW its been over 30 seconds and Kev hasnt posted

04:39:17 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Basch:

I declare war!

04:40:10 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:



also we posted at the same time Awsomo

04:41:37 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Basch:

So does that mean you don't welcome war? yeah i always thought you were a wuss ;p

04:42:45 Sep 21st 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

This is so pathetic.... Slade, please... for your sake, for your Mother's sake, for VU's sake, for humanities sake, For God's sake get some help... seriously, you owe it to yourself... pathetic.

04:44:26 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

:( your ight kev im sorry


i swear im a changed man

04:45:04 Sep 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

You capitalized words that should not have been capitalized, you spelled "different" wrong, you spelled "purge" wrong, you spelled "vengeance" wrong, and you made several fragmented sentences.  No one would want to NAP you, so that is out of the question, and if any of us have a problem with you...we will kill you. :)

<3 Charley
PS-Slade likes trout :)

04:45:09 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

Basch i will War you it will be Fun Me Verse Ret :P


And Charley i thought i Banned you From my threads

im sure i did

04:46:35 Sep 21st 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

Charley!  That should be 'Slade likes trouser trout'!  Shame on you!

04:47:35 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

NAPing this lame kd would be the worst decision ever! EW! they can't CapItiLiZe!!!!!!!

04:48:16 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

The Sarafan Knights is a Clan of mighty warriors who wish to purge the world of Evil we do not care who gets in our way. The Sarafan Knights were founded by Sarafan Lord Craknor ten-thousand years ago since then the Sarafan Knights were killed may times due to being over powered by the darkness, But this time is different the Knights have Returned with a vengeance and this time they shall purge the worlds.

The Sarafan Knights Are Current Not Recruiting Unless Invited by Slade

If you wish to offer a nap contact Slade
If you have a problem with one of our members Contact Slade - He will ignore you

~~~Duke Slade~~~



04:48:53 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

Sir Soccermunches


9/21/2008 6:47:35 AM
NAPing this lame kd would be the worst decision ever! EW! they can't CapItiLiZe!!!!!!!


We are napped tool :P

04:51:50 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

i dont give a sh!t

04:52:41 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Basch:

you don't give a sh1t about what? ;p

04:53:12 Sep 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sarafan Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sarafan Knights
Members: 13
Tag: SK
Created: 9/18/2008 2:40:58 PM
Leader: Duke Slade


The Sarafan Knights are a clan of mighty warriors who wish to purge the world of evil, and they do not care who gets in our way. The Sarafan Knights were founded by Sarafan Lord Craknor ten-thousand years ago.  Since then, the Sarafan Knights were killed may times due to being overpowered by the darkness.  This time is different, as the knights have returned with a vengeance and this time they shall purge the worlds of darkness.

The Sarafan Knights are current not recruiting unless invited by Slade

If you wish to offer a nap contact Slade
If you have a problem with one of our members contact Slade - He will ignore you because he is not good at negotiations.  Please contact one of the vices for technical support.

~~~Duke Slade~~~


Nevermind I fixed as much as I saw :)

04:54:32 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:

thanks Charley :P

There is a slim chance i will ever say that again

ooo and for the record i am i just dont like to hear people b!tching about stuff

*cough Charley cough*

04:57:00 Sep 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

It's ok...when I kill you next...I shall laugh...and then I shall drink beer :)

23:26:50 Sep 23rd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

hey just wondered if IoK was one of those overpowering know how we wiped you out in like a day was that overpowering force??were we one of the fastest to kill you?? do you regret leaving IoK??? am i bored or what for writing this ??

00:07:54 Sep 24th 08 - General Manna:


06:35:23 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Kath you not allowed to talk. Just wait. We know where your core is. we saw one of ur blockers. Lol or used to be blockers. Now you got Heaven and Fuzzy marching up ur back doors. Look who is the overpowering darkness. NOT YOU =P

07:14:44 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Kakanas:

Lol Kath your Right you PWN SK


but then again if i had half the map as my Kingdom i could probley beat 3 players aswell you did a great job 8-)

14:06:47 Sep 24th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Wow, these nubs are still alive? o.o
I bet Slade died already... possibly twice :p

Thank Kakanas for inviting me to the thread ^^

16:52:15 Sep 24th 08 - Duke Slade:

Kath *beep* off and Wraith i havent died once :P in Nir anyway XD

17:17:24 Sep 24th 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

Mr. Kakanas


9/24/2008 6:14:44 AM

Lol Kath your Right you PWN SK


but then again if i had half the map as my Kingdom i could probley beat 3 players aswell you did a great job 8-)

Lol if you do it player by player...we ahead of by city even we ahead....troopwise per player we were ahead.And there were 9 of them its just the rest died to fast or ran off and got killed Alone after leaving SK.and so you know.We had about 1 quarter of the map's popultaion but about 4 fifths of its map.

17:18:58 Sep 24th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Slade, I never specified which world :p

03:03:10 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

Anyone interested in knowing the truth behind this kingdom needs look no farther.

early in the era, we agreed to a NAP. here are the terms:

You (9/20/2008 11:20:21 AM)
Genral Terms
1. No attacking or preping on each other!
2. No building in each others Cores(unless given permission)
3. Scouts my Prep but only for a max period time of 24 hours(this only is inforces if player is offline other wise its Killable) if player does not move scout in 24 hours that Scout will be Killed
4. 48 CF if NAP is ended.

do you agree to these terms?
Duke Slade [SK] (9/20/2008 11:40:38 AM)
You (9/20/2008 11:50:32 AM)
then it is final :) yay!

LATER, i wake up to find an army prepping on a Chompers city. They broke the NAP. there was no 48 CF. LET THIS BE KNOWN

09:02:17: Chompers Death lead by Mr. Kakanas attacked and plundered Coin. They took 6408 gold, 1482 stone, 0 tree, 37 food and 0 slaves. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 0 Cavemasters in the battle

03:06:14 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...oh that was the whiny guy who you knocked off of HoH isnt it? and you tried to make a NAP with SK????

03:13:53 Sep 27th 08 - Duke Slade:

Ummm Kak did give you 48 hours warrning in the chat Soccer but im guess you dont wanna metion that

03:37:19 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin:

slade taking new tactics i see ...

04:25:54 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

first, i received no message.

second, there was no 48 hour period.

third, if he did send a message, then what is the big deal? you guys ended the nap, so now we are fighting.

04:31:47 Sep 27th 08 - General Manna:

who cares about all that, you will die in the end no matter.

01:27:38 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland II:

I rofl @ that whole screwed up situation.

20:31:12 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj:

slade where u at these days bro?


20:37:43 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Slade so hows are your three accounts doing :)

15:45:07 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

General Manna


9/26/2008 8:31:47 PM
who cares about all that, you will die in the end no matter



16:52:41 Oct 16th 08 - Duke Ozai:

Yes you did... Congrats :P

17:04:22 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj:

ozal = slade????

17:13:02 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Patriot:

Every player who supports slade = slade???


11:14:16 Oct 20th 08 - Lord Random:

im not slade -_-

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