Forums / In game politics / The Shyers Embassy

The Shyers Embassy
17:05:48 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

Here is the Shyers embassy where you may relay messages to us.

We are a very honourable KD who treats our allies with great respect

The shyers are currently 5th in the world of starta.

We have a strong military as we have demonstrated by beating the League of Athenians so bad that they disband and are currently kicking the Zoidys (a second place KD) to death.


17:16:39 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Epyon: the point of this topic is to make everyone think high and mighty about you?

17:24:09 Jul 27th 07 - Ms. Gjall:

u no... i just loooked at your kingdom... n it doesnt look that much stronger then mine does.

17:31:40 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Destroying a kingdom in starta isn't really all that cool.

17:47:59 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:

biggerboom your *beep* your kingdoms *beep* i will kill you myself you *beep*ing newb

17:56:00 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire: the point of this topic is to make everyone think high and mighty about you?

Well pretty much so...isent that the image all KDs are strive for?

u no... i just loooked at your kingdom... n it doesnt look that much stronger then mine does.

And if that KD isent the POFF...then it is


Destroying a kingdom in starta isn't really all that cool.

biggerboom your *beep* your kingdoms *beep* i will kill you myself you *beep*ing newb


Leave him be Poly... we all know the frist KD he started was a fantasia hit, we must not  forget that. lol

18:11:43 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

SLHShyers Love Harem14Mr. Polydeuces1

Yup, your high and mighty..........definatly High and Might =P

18:19:22 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

What was the point of that, all you did was post our lone ranking (witch none can tell from your post our power) then you obviously distorted the ranking of our KD to 1 to make your KD look powerful. It would have been more clever if you copy and pasted the whole rank page then distorted our rank.

18:20:05 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

"and are currently kicking the Zoidys (a second place KD) to death."


hey bitc look up u are kicking us ? :D:D:D dont u see that our armies is getting to u and u are kicking my kd but ? :D:D:D:D u underastimed your pwr *beep*  :D:D

18:21:48 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Oh I distorted it huh? Fine let me post the WHOLE thing=P

Kingdoms in Starta
TFThe Fellowship19Mr. Kalkan2
ZoidyZoidbergmania11Mr. Penguin2
IceAvalanche8Mr. Charming1
SLHShyers Love Harem14Mr. Polydeuces1
MSMachine Supremacy3Mr. Aben II1
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame11Mr. Jonny Bacardi1
WSNWest Side Nation4Mr. Charles0
KEFKnights of Eternal Flame10Mr. Miedein Palantir0
BWBlood Wrath 3Mr. Synhauer Suan Silvia0
THREThe Holy Roman Empire3Mr. Artist of War0
tjRed Neck Deer Killer6Mr. Ass Kicker0
FFFreedom Fighters2Mr. Federation0
DeathsDeath Eaters4Mr. Ghyng II0
TSThe Society2Mr. Phenakite0
SFSpecial Forces5Mr. Slash0
tbThe brotherhood3Mr. Makrose The Third0
TDThe Demolishers6Mr. Biggerboom0

Happy now?

18:22:32 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

mhm 2 points :D

18:23:09 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

Kingdoms in Starta
TF The Fellowship 19 Mr. Kalkan 122
Zoidy Zoidbergmania 11 Mr. Penguin 100
Ice Avalanche 8 Mr. Charming 70
MS Machine Supremacy 3 Mr. Aben II 42
SLH Shyers Love Harem 14 Mr. Polydeuces 34
POFF Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 11 Mr. Jonny Bacardi 34
KEF Knights of Eternal Flame 10 Mr. Miedein Palantir 21
THRE The Holy Roman Empire 3 Mr. Artist of War 11
tj Red Neck Deer Killer 6 Mr. Ass Kicker 10
BW Blood Wrath 3 Mr. Synhauer Suan Silvia 8
SF Special Forces 5 Mr. Slash 7
WSN West Side Nation 4 Mr. Charles 4
Deaths Death Eaters 4 Mr. Ghyng II 4
TD The Demolishers 6 Mr. Biggerboom 3
TS The Society 2 Mr. Phenakite 2
tb The brotherhood 3 Mr. Makrose The Third 1
FF Freedom Fighters 2 Mr. Federation 0

18:24:03 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

SLH Shyers Love Harem 14 Mr. Polydeuces 34
mhm they are beating us :D:D:D:D hohohohoh :D u lost the battle *beep* ;)

18:32:35 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. King Lenidas:

you are losing your power though. i looked on yesterday you were 775 on that list, now you are

Kingdoms in Starta
TF The Fellowship 19 Mr. Kalkan 359
Zoidy Zoidbergmania 11 Mr. Penguin 295
Ice Avalanche 8 Mr. Charming 207
MS Machine Supremacy 3 Mr. Aben II 123
SLH Shyers Love Harem 14 Mr. Polydeuces 100
POFF Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 11 Mr. Jonny Bacardi 100
KEF Knights of Eternal Flame 10 Mr. Miedein Palantir 63
THRE The Holy Roman Empire 3 Mr. Artist of War 34
tj Red Neck Deer Killer 6 Mr. Ass Kicker 28
BW Blood Wrath 3 Mr. Synhauer Suan Silvia 23
SF Special Forces 5 Mr. Slash 21
WSN West Side Nation 4 Mr. Charles 12
Deaths Death Eaters 4 Mr. Ghyng II 11
TD The Demolishers 6 Mr. Biggerboom 9
TS The Society 2 Mr. Phenakite 5
tb The brotherhood 3 Mr. Makrose The Third 4
FF Freedom Fighters 2 Mr. Federation 0

19:11:48 Jul 27th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

What was the point of that, all you did was post our lone ranking (witch none can tell from your post our power) then you obviously distorted the ranking of our KD to 1 to make your KD look powerful. It would have been more clever if you copy and pasted the whole rank page then distorted our rank.




you're a bit of an *beep*, aren't you? :p

21:37:40 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:

Mr. Enyalius


7/27/2007 1:21:48 PM
Oh I distorted it huh? Fine let me post the WHOLE thing=P

Kingdoms in Starta
TF The Fellowship 19 Mr. Kalkan 2
Zoidy Zoidbergmania 11 Mr. Penguin 2
Ice Avalanche 8 Mr. Charming 1
SLH Shyers Love Harem 14 Mr. Polydeuces 1
MS Machine Supremacy 3 Mr. Aben II 1
POFF Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 11 Mr. Jonny Bacardi 1
WSN West Side Nation 4 Mr. Charles 0
KEF Knights of Eternal Flame 10 Mr. Miedein Palantir 0
BW Blood Wrath 3 Mr. Synhauer Suan Silvia 0
THRE The Holy Roman Empire 3 Mr. Artist of War 0
tj Red Neck Deer Killer 6 Mr. Ass Kicker 0
FF Freedom Fighters 2 Mr. Federation 0
Deaths Death Eaters 4 Mr. Ghyng II 0
TS The Society 2 Mr. Phenakite 0
SF Special Forces 5 Mr. Slash 0
tb The brotherhood 3 Mr. Makrose The Third 0
TD The Demolishers 6 Mr. Biggerboom 0

Happy now?



hes from carnage thats why...and im jibbly :D

21:49:13 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:


21:51:18 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

Penguin....why are you wasteing your time here? Dont you have more river jumping to do?

21:56:34 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

u are so *beep*y *beep* ...

22:01:52 Jul 27th 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:


01:18:47 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Flamemaniii:

lol you didnt beat Zoidy, where you attack is not even close to the core, its like the far outskirts.

01:32:29 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

who said i'm from Carnage!!! *looks over at Bruto who'se laughing from an another post"......

06:01:15 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

hahahhahah demolishers had to exile to starta

15:42:43 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

i Envy shyres ;(

18:05:18 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

u no... i just loooked at your kingdom... n it doesnt look that much stronger then mine does.

And if that KD isent the POFF...then it is



 wait wait , whats the point saything that about us

18:30:45 Jul 28th 07 - Mr. Penguin:


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