Forums / In game politics / The attack of the Clones

The attack of the Clones
16:01:15 Dec 13th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

Keep me updated please!
(that would be for Fantasians)

16:11:04 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Are you talking about Carnage?

16:19:49 Dec 13th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

considering they are all clones... yes

16:21:50 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Well....I found them.

16:53:24 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Soc:

they are busy fighting over who is the original. so, they have yet to enter the battlefield!

17:01:22 Dec 13th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

meh, funny that they showed the movie on monday... (when era started XD)

14:32:38 Dec 14th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

Carnage sux!! Getting beat by lgc again.. zomg! (scorewise)

14:42:19 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

Shut up puny rebel..

14:43:57 Dec 14th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

Next thing we know, we will have bar code name theme in a KD....


14:45:44 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

haha or 1337 /\/4|\/|35 FTW!

18:46:47 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Look at their leaders! It is clear that they are all clones of Architect! So they are all Architects! Which means they'll spend more time building cities than anything else!

19:50:58 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

which directions are your cities? we are looking for volunteers to build cities for us! i want a big mine between 2 mountains

22:16:08 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Architect:

"Look at their leaders! It is clear that they are all clones of Architect! So they are all Architects! Which means they'll spend more time building cities than anything else!"

Then they all must be quite good looking and have a huge sex appeal =D

/me looks at himself

Yep, sure are good looking, I'd do me.

22:47:38 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Architect, the only reason you'd, err.. Do you, is because no one else would say yes... :P

21:00:06 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

I sure would say yes... Archie is hot!

22:35:41 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXI:

I say Binary code for next era!

23:10:07 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

01:59:10 Dec 19th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion stares at Efrandor in horror.*

18:41:37 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Sincere:

*sits and wonders*

how's my beloved carnage doing this era

20:19:05 Dec 26th 07 - Lord Clone IX:

Kicking ass as usual! Nah, Phi, ZEON (With Music for as far as I know) and that other KD with the white banner are making things fun.

00:26:05 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Soc:

they are on the other side of the phi, light blood, abydos, zeon 'relationship'  :)

00:34:29 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Remember though, Music merged with Zeon, so it's the phi, light blood, abydos, zeon, music "relationship".

I find it funny since Osi said his Abydos was going to kill us.  Well apparently he needs the help of 4 other kingdoms, whats up with that Osi?

Zeon won't even do anything with their merger, keeps coming 1-2 ticks out and turning back, really lame.

Phi has one army kinda close to us, but it'll be fixed soon here.  Other then that they are hiding behind their blockers as to be expected.

Light Blood is insanely un-coordinated.  They don't really know what they are doing, I can tell.  Their 100K was sitting in the same spot for something like 20 ticks.  In the middle of a field, not even frozen or anything.  Just sitting.

And Music was lame enough to give up their kingdom, which I thought was a decent one, and merge into Zeon, the wretch of Fantasia.  I still can't believe that spoon let it happen.  I've lost all respect for the spoon as a result.

Things are going well though.

00:47:41 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

I find it funny since Osi said his Abydos was going to kill us.  Well apparently he needs the help of 4 other kingdoms, whats up with that Osi?

erm 1 we have no relations with bow or Zeon
2 we arnt warring you we are warring lgc
3 you said you were gonna kill us? :)
Music merged because they had thier asses kicked and probably didnt want to go to mantrax

so keep your mouth shut and dont bring random kds into your "gangbang" when we have attacked our "allies" more often then we have attacked you. Zeon and phi are more then enough for you

00:52:21 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

<shakes head>

Archi, am I going to have to lock you up and throw the key away?:P Seriously now, play nice.....

And we havent even seen anything abydos yet, save for the few scouts.....

Cant we keep things civil here?

Like maybe sing Koombayah? I'll start....

Koombayah my lord.....




(sidenote, archi in no way speaks at all for us, nor does it reflect the general opinion of our kingdom, we're having a blast actually:) Even if we lose, at least we're having fun;)

00:53:11 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Abydos isnt at war with carnage we havent attacked carnage we arnt attacking carnage so why even bring us into it in the first place

00:53:59 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

Because you're popular and cool:) Uhmmm i thought it was obvious myself.....


Zeon has been great opponents actually:) Light Blood dont know too much about but they are giving us some headaches:)

What about a nice fun war, without any flames? No? Ah well.....

<grabs marshmallows for roasting>

07:26:07 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

@ Fin
First I never said you had relations with them.  Last era Osi said that he and Abydos were going to kill Carnage this era, so whether you are at war with us now or not, thats what was said.  My point is that you have not yet.  And I simply stated taht Osi must be waiting for everyone else to soften us up a bit for him.

Also, when did I say that we were going to kill you?  I never said anything of the sort, all I said was that your king said he was going to kill us last era.  Also, we are not gang banging,  we are receiving the banging is anyone is.  Also, you're not Osi, so stay out of it.

@ Storm
I enjoy the disclaimer you have to put out every single time I post =P  But, I  must keep doing what I do, for it brings me far too much enjoyment.  =D

11:33:13 Dec 27th 07 - Duke Darkfaith:

don't wanne be annoying but euhm :p :

First I never said you had relations with them

Remember though, Music merged with Zeon, so it's the phi, light blood, abydos, zeon, music "relationship".

11:40:06 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

That was in reference to the post above.  Technically I did elude to a possible relationship between the two, but that is not what I meant.  What I meant was that Music merged with Zeon, therefore we were really fighting 5 kingdoms all alone instead of 4 as was stated before my reply.

12:10:11 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

*edit* nm

12:10:22 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

But your not fighting 5 kds BECAUSE WE ARE NOT FIGHTING YOU
I said we will kill you in a 1  on 1 war i didnt say we were going to kill you next era regardless of who you are already warring.

We dont go after kds involved in large scale wars so wind your neck in before we decide to make it a real gang bang then you might have something to complain about

and for the last time I AM OSI

geez is it really hard to see that Dark Lord Osiris leader of Abydos and Dark Lord Finwe leader of Abydos are the same?

12:18:37 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I really don't keep track of you anymore.  Gave up on it.  I don't remember any mention of a 1 on 1 war, I remember you simply saying you will kill us, no strings attached.  You know I don't like threats.  Either do what you say or get off your high horse.  Meaningless threats are no more then that.  Because of your threat last era towards Carnage, you got on our automatic war list this era.  Who we war is not dependant upon the other KD's participation.  So, you "not being at war with us" does not change the situation from our point of view.

12:22:19 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

well then declare war with us and get on with it. you must really wish death if you want to war 5 kds at once. i said we will kill you and we will maybe not this era but trust me we will :) Who we war is not dependant upon the other KD's participation  <--- spoken like a truly unhonourable *beep* its people with that attitude that make gangbangs possible

12:26:23 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

You warring us back is entirely up to you.  We will declare nothing as we don't really have any official relations for it.

How is me stating that, us killing you without you fighting back, un-honorable.  That is the gist of what I said there that you have so cleverly placed in Italics.

The fact that you called me something that required the server *beep*'ing you makes me happy.  You have stooped below gentlemanly talk.  I figured we could keep this thing at a decent level at least.  Are your flames necessary?  It is supposed to snow for the first time in years right now, I fear if they continue it may just rain...again.

12:28:49 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

when a leader of a kd needs to make excuses for losing by bringing in a kd that has done nothing then i think flames are needed

i dont get your point? so music merged into Zeon. Mirror merged into Carnage.

you seem to be entertaining the idea that we are hiding from you by getting zeon to war you.

well if thats true we are hiding from you to war lgc?

You seem to want us to gangbang you so you can come and cry about being gangbanged some more?

12:37:35 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Am I crying?  I stated that we are warring 5 kingdoms instead of 4 as was stated above, thats it.

Are you calling me the leader of the kingdom?  I am no leader, just a Vice.  Kinda like a co-leader, but I would not give myself a title with the word "leader" in it.  Either way, your first sentence confuses me.  What leaver are you talking about?  What losses are you talking about?  Who's the one flaming?  I'm stating facts, but the system had to "*beep*" some of your stuff out, so who's doing the flames then?

You seem overly hostile, and I can't figure out why.  It's like you want to war us, or at least you want us to think that, but then you seem scared of the prospect of warring Carnage, almost like you don't want to.  This crap is confusing me.  It's also 3:37am

12:40:26 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

scared of warring carnage?

im hostile because you claimed my kd was part of a gangbang against carnage
you then went on to suggest we are just using the kds warring you to soften you up.

why would we be scared of carnage and not lgc? ive got something to tell you.. your not that scary

if you dont want people to be hostile DONT BRING RANDOM KDS INTO YOUR CRAPPY FLAMING

and Ps Facts mean its true stating random bs is not stating facts

12:46:55 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I didn't bring you guys here.

Mr. Soc
they are on the other side of the phi, light blood, abydos, zeon 'relationship'  :)

My only reference to anyone from this group was towards music merging with zeon which does not affect you.  I claimed you were letting them soften us up because you said you were going to kill us, therefore we naturally perceived you as a threat, as anyone would if you threatened to kill them.

Also, this is not flaming, this is me talking.  Have I called you a noob?  Have I said your kingdom is crap and can't accomplish anything worthwhile?  Have I said anything against you directly to make you mad?  As far as I am concerned, the answer is no.  You even stated you are hostile towards me because of something I did not do in the first place, which was bring you guys into the conversation.

12:51:08 Dec 27th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

I find it funny since Osi said his Abydos was going to kill us.  Well apparently he needs the help of 4 other kingdoms, whats up with that Osi?   <--- not hostile in the slightest? you didnt mention my and my kds name you wasnt impying we need the help of 4 kds? right ofc you wernt. what did you think would happen if you go around posting crap about me and my kd?

12:52:41 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I poop rainbows.

13:03:58 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

13:11:38 Dec 27th 07 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Osiris and Carnage, sitting in a tree..

13:22:20 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

hmm, no response.

13:26:16 Dec 27th 07 - Lord Protector Nimic:

You seems like a jolly good fellow, Architect.

13:28:47 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

You even stated you are hostile towards me because of something I did not do in the first place, which was bring you guys into the conversation. --- Architect

Remember though, Music merged with Zeon, so it's the phi, light blood, abydos, zeon, music "relationship".

I find it funny since Osi said his Abydos was going to kill us.  Well apparently he needs the help of 4 other kingdoms, whats up with that Osi?

you did ask summon Bark Lord Osiris by asking him a question.

13:33:16 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

His name was already in the conversation.  With a kingdom comes it's leader, otherwise there is no kingdom.  The kingdom was brought forth before I got here.  Therefore i did not bring him here.

13:34:41 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

more lols

13:37:38 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Woo-Hoo circular reasoning!!!

13:39:57 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:


13:42:05 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I was hoping to get some sort of response from him.  But I guess I was hoping for too much.

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