Forums / In game politics / The audacity of Quietone

The audacity of Quietone
21:22:53 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Theron The Great:

I play Theron for PKS and Lady Quietone is trying to turn PKS kingdom mates agianst each other. She has sent my King a message stating that i was trying to join her KD and that i was offering up our forum for her to read..little does she know but i work with my King and i sit no more that 10 ft from him...WAY TO PLAY Dark Blood...this is an urgent warning for everyone STAY AWAY FROM THIS KINGDOM..they wont play fair!

I would never EVER turn my back on someone that has taught me everything i know about this wonderful game...he has been a great leader and i go to him daily with questions. Grow up Quietone!

21:26:02 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Wow Quietone say it aint so!

21:30:19 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

I think she confused the names. I saw the message. It wasnt theron.

Looking for the message now to clear this up.

21:30:32 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

she did the same with me ;( i gaved up all plans of Zeon .. army info.. city places.. what type of troops zeon had last era ;((((


21:31:18 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

I had a feeling there would be a logical reason behind this. She doesn't seem to fit the characteristics of those accused by Theron :P

21:33:40 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Theron The Great:

Either way get your FACTS straight BEFORE you post something like that...i've had nothing but *beep* comments from my KD mates since this message was really makes people upset when they find out there's a traitor.

21:36:30 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Theron Therin  spelled a bit differently easily enough to confuse.  I apologize about sending the message with the wrong name but the facts were true enough you just happened to be the wrong person. 

However, i'm clear on your character since rather than talking to me about it you jump to flame in the forums..but whatever..  Mr. Great- not so much

21:37:05 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Im sure she is sorry.

Still trolling thru irc talk to find this message.


Save me the effort and tell me which person has  'Lews' in their name.


Lews Therin.

You dragged it to the public. So dont complain that we posted it here.

21:40:46 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

He's just using any tatic he gain to gain sympathy on his losing... not my fault, i simply tried to help a kingdom leader by informing him of someone in his kingdom offering up information... shows what you get when you try to be nice to people who dont really deserve it...  Two people in the same kingdom one named Theron and one named Therin  sure it was a mistake and i'd have apologized for the mix up but they jump at some shred of anything to say bad things about me so be it..

21:41:20 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Haha PKS just keeps looking like a retard of a kingdom. Good job boys.

21:42:17 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Theron The Great:

Why would I try and talk to you? You, and now known by accident, threw me under a bus with my KD. It's not easy when you work with everyone in your KD...i have had at least 5 people giving me crap about it. and because the facts weren't straight to begin with i have to explain myself to everyone!


21:42:55 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

im the biggest traitor in vu ;D ask LDK;D

21:44:53 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

B can I join DB if I give you all my kingdom's forum? Eh? Eh? Can I? Can I?

21:45:48 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Theron or Therin or whoever you are.. perhaps they have classes in Tennessee on tact?  maybe not... i'm not that familiar with inbreeding however i directly messaged your leader and yeah i got the name wrong all that was needed was a bit of clarification.. next time i will keep my mouth shut and let your in house in bred traitors enjoy's that? =)

21:46:25 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

/me choves Cobra hard :P

21:47:39 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

/me likes it

PS: Ouch... B just dominated them with that reply.

+1 for B.

21:50:23 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

"He's just using any tatic he gain to gain sympathy on his losing... not my fault"

We all said what a good job you did...he was just wanting this straightened out.

"Haha PKS just keeps looking like a retard of a kingdom. Good job boys."

Wow Lazer. Slinging insults on the internet is like winning the special olympics....nobody cares.

21:51:06 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Din:

Theron shut up, you sound so whiney

21:53:52 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Oh wow such an original reply, it's only older than the internet. But good job anyway I'm sure it you just heard about it and couldn't wait to use it.


21:54:33 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

LOL what a joke

21:54:53 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

+1 for C

21:57:58 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Din:

don't give props to cobra!! god damn romanians!

22:04:10 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Hiding:

can i have props?

22:10:12 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Theron The Great:

&nb*beep* sorry about that, i really feel bad about it now....but i don't regret it. you actually made Grim believe that i was a traitor. that is the last thing i am. He even said to me that you wouldn't lie to him...i guess you wouldn't know what that felt like. Or maybe you do now? I only did it to smear you without any info the same way you did me. i will have the post deleted...but please, for everyone's sake make sure you get it straight before you send something like that.

Kind regards,

P.S. i am respectable, and i love playing the game and i will never be a sore loser, but i won't take slander...all apologies!

22:18:05 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Ambrose:

wow, thats really low, but then again, the last "honest" war happened around the time the Roman Kingdom formed.  War is all about betrayal, and killing your enemy in the least amount of time, and doing so in the most effective *beep*ing way. *beep* *beep* poon *beep* *beep* gravity *beep*ing niggers *beep* a snake in the ass as *beep*es pussy *beep* *beep* piss.

22:18:51 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Cry me a *beep*ing river ... are you some kind of emo? Please an hero.

22:19:40 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

Isn't it all kind of understandable when there are two people with such similar names? FFs what would you expect?

Anyway I haven't even seen anyone say a single word of congratulations but Q, if it was my kd and she sent a msg telling me to watch out for someone trying to betray me I would owe her one bigtime. Q gets the props for being honest rather than using the information to play dirty against her opponents. Weird how people missed that 0_o

22:23:21 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Theron The Great:

well maybe a little emo but, what Quietone said was correct, i should have went to her first and asked about it. made a mistake, lashed out before i thought, ever happened to anyone? what i did wasn't the right thing to do,  and i am admitting my mistake, if that's emo then yes i am emo..

22:32:22 Apr 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

i appreciate your apology, and i apologize at my reaction as well...


22:42:42 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Man, I'm glad thats all settled. Lets get back to killing each other off now.

22:44:55 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:

Keel! ffs! Lynch first, ask questions later! Bleh!

23:48:35 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Ambrose:

I apologize, I have turrets you piece of tits *beep* *beep* ass cat *beep* eater.

01:01:32 Apr 25th 08 - Prince Mielo:

wow, has anyone realized how completely pointless this topic is?


Waw, I feel bad I got attracted to read this stuff :p

PS, result, quietone has been naughty naughty again ... I know the perfect punish that fits this HORRIBLE crime! :-)

11:21:04 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Messiah:

Can I be excused from joining DB if I offer up my kd forum? I really dont want to join =(

14:22:23 Apr 25th 08 - Khan Senki:

Mr. Theron The Great


4/24/2008 9:23:21 PM

well maybe a little emo but, what Quietone said was correct, i should have went to her first and asked about it. made a mistake, lashed out before i thought, ever happened to anyone? what i did wasn't the right thing to do,  and i am admitting my mistake, if that's emo then yes i am emo..

Lady Quietone


4/24/2008 9:32:22 PM

i appreciate your apology, and i apologize at my reaction as well...

Wow, that is lame guys/gals. Who the feck wants to settle a topic peacefully like that. what is there to talk about then later? how could we quote this back and forth in following topics, in 2-3 years time...

Shame, you are just a shame of the flamer VU community. I am ashamed to be in a kingdom with such a queen, and am ashamed to take cities from such a pathetic enemy.

i am ashamed to play this game at all, nothing, no trace of any real flamewar this era. nothing is as it used to be any more

ZETA, do something!


14:27:57 Apr 25th 08 - Lady Quietone:


i'm so sorry!!

14:41:01 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Haha! Way to hear the Gametap guys are still in the game! More power to you guys! Love from Fizban, former co-worker. ;-)

Was fixing to go on my own personal anti-DB flamefest but since they apologized, it doesn't feel like the thing to do. I'm with Senki, bring the flame wars back!

Still, I don't blame Theron for coming out to the forums. If all of my friends/co-workers were giving me lots of flak for being a possible traitor, I would be seeing red and not thinking straight myself.

14:48:47 Apr 25th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Fizban please, lets hear your own personal anti DB flamefest.. we would so love to hear what you have to say on the subject.

It's people like you that make it hard for people to want to do the right thing and try and help another kingdom out with a traitor situation, ffs Theron and Therin two names in the same kd it's an honest mistake, however i'll think twice about trying to be helpful if the world thinks it is deserving of such insults

15:33:52 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Lews Therin is under my protection as a "Former" Cow! He is working for me to infiltrate the Fant KDs inner circles and to slowly take over their hierarchy....

17:35:37 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Hagar:

Lady Q I applaud you for your honesty and for informing us of our traitor no you did not deserve the flames it was an honest mistake but I do understand Theron's being upset also.  I know I would be irate at being accused of such but he did go about it the wrong way.

Lews Therin is under my protection as a "Former" Cow! He is working for me to infiltrate the Fant KDs inner circles and to slowly take over their hierarchy....

At least now we know who to come after first thing next era. :)

00:58:06 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Duracell Plus:

Quiteone you hate it when you get dragged into flame wars yet you goad people into it. Hypocrite :)) Youve changed alot, maybe your  LGC roots coming out? Your all the same anyway who cares that your fighting them.

Down with DB!!! New scum of Fantasia :)) accept your role.

01:13:06 Apr 26th 08 - Lady Quietone:

I dont know who you are hiding behind some random nick.. i didnt goad anyone into anything if you had half a clue you would know what this convo is about... the only scum on fantasia is you and people like you who post stupid comments without any idea of what is going on just to insult people

07:36:04 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Weirdogrivi is that you?

12:07:48 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Threadlord:

i have to say doh DB really plays like they dont know what troops we have or what we plan on doing. unlike some others. (could be they dont have an offence mage doh LOL)

12:15:43 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:

Threadlord do you wonder what the ant plans when you accidentally step on it? :->

12:19:48 Apr 26th 08 - Prince Mielo:

lol, where did that came from raistlin, never saw that side of you

(pls don't use a sexual innuendo now :p would be so standard)

13:27:31 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Threadlord:

ant-killer so u finaly show ur true face

17:30:52 Apr 26th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

What? Were you saying something Quiet? All that reached my ears was the same noise that the Charlie Brown teacher makes.

Besides, I said I was fixing to when I first read the thread, then I read on and I see no reason to. Things are fixed, misunderstandings have been erased and everyone apologised like good boys and girls. Moving on now..

17:43:09 Apr 26th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Fizban.. you should have kept moving in the first place as the conversation didnt require your extra useless hot air.. you just wanted to puff your chest you've done it now move on as you said.... not sure you've ever made a post that was anything more than ineffective flames tbh- have you ever made a post that had any credibility?

and since you wanna be childish... and bring up your charlie brown comments-- i'm rubber you're glue :)

00:17:41 May 4th 08 - Mr. Slave:

w00t Quietone is the best,
Go go go gooooo Quietone!
(too bad you don't know me...)

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