Forums / In game politics / The return of IoK

The return of IoK
21:00:30 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Otto of Alzey:

Imperium of Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium of Knights
Members: 7
Tag: IoK
Created: 9/28/2008 6:15:24 PM
Leader: Mr. Otto of Alzey


In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
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- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Otto Of Alzey or head Vice Mr.Synificant

We look forward to your surrender


21:09:58 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Stirlin:


Which ones Nitral then? :)

21:13:10 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

"head Vice Mr.Synificant"

Were is he?

21:16:30 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

Lol I keep tinking "I don't known" when I see your tag :D

21:19:55 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Your banner is the UK coat of arms so if you join this kd prepare to drink tea and watch manchester united games til u drop

21:20:34 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

:s...none can be Nitral..
coz then he would be cheating (two accounts).. His other account Kathandarion is still alive..

so either this is not the original kingdom..or he's cheating..

22:19:02 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Otto of Alzey:

this is me.Kaths friend.Its the original we just waiting for him to come along.If we were multis we would of been deleted as ive been playing for a while before now.

22:22:56 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Incognito:

So how the hell do I know you, Nitral's Friend?! o.O

22:35:15 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Otto of Alzey:

lol no that was wen he was at my house.

23:13:37 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I swear Otto=Kath because Kath never puts a space after sentences so that it looks like they are all one.  In simple terms...they write exactly the same...but oh well...not that I care

23:15:13 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Otto of Alzey:

that is one sentence wtf.

23:25:53 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

These are example phrases from 2 completely different topics at different times...

"Otto" this is me.Kaths friend.Its the original we just waiting for him to come along.If we were multis we would of been deleted as ive been playing for a while before now.

"Kath" lol.those blockers were the ones we took from Southern cross.So slow down and TRY take them.and ........the only armouries that we have anywere near you are HEAVEN armouries that got taken insult them please go ahead i dont care.

And yeah I write using pauses between sentences that are represented by (...) but I try to stop doing that ;p

23:27:37 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Everyone else puts a space after the periods :S And besides, you've never been active on the VU forums before but you are now watching this topic and posting as fast as you can on here. You are a multi ;-) And your running away from the fight on Mantrax :-/

01:08:41 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

not really.Kath is at my house so he telling me what to type.I dont go on forums usually.thats true.

01:16:15 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

whatever...idc...I never usually am the type of person who wastes time on something like this...

01:38:04 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

well i know that Mr. Synificant is Mr. Vapor

02:45:23 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Sir Otto of Alzey


9/28/2008 7:08:41 PM
not really.Kath is at my house so he telling me what to type.I dont go on forums usually.thats true.

So he's telling you not to put spaces? XD!!!!

03:20:12 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Otto is Kath. He told Sabbath that he made War Torn the other day.

07:09:11 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey: people just dont listen.I beg someone get Zeta to check or something.KATH WAS AT MY HOUSE USING MY ACCOUNT YESTERDAY.So technically guess you could say he made war torn.

07:10:32 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Hmm...account sharing...*strokes beard*

07:20:12 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

not account sharing.THE ACCOUNT IS MINE.He asked me to set up and run this KD for him til he dies.its just he happened to be at my house yseterday.

07:21:50 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Strokes beard more* hmmmmm.....*lights a pipe and begins blowing smoke rings* hmmm

07:45:32 Sep 29th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

hmmmmmmm  *pulls charleys fake beard off*  didnt think you were old enough to have a real one -_-

07:53:49 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...phht I have a real beard you nub :p you are younger than me

08:21:59 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

u think I'm stupid Nitral??, I already asked ZeTa to check it ;)

lets start a vote ;)
Sir otto of Alzey is a multi of Sir Kathandarion:
1. Gallyon

(ps. he does have a rp the multi must be playing longer..or he has just been rping with himself)

08:34:37 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...a lot of effort for a multi account...I say that we smoke a bud and call it a night :p I have been up too long today XD

15:52:37 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Plus Otto i skim the map every day. Blockers that Kath had under his control were under native control the other day and now they belong to heaven and fuzzy. So he was already dead.

16:04:44 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Homanil III:

As i far as i recall he wasn't dead Ghost because I've been taking some of his his cities almost daily.

16:14:24 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Kathandarion still got city's..and army's :p

05:15:13 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Borrows Shezmu's Bunsen burner and sets Kath and the rest of IoK on fire*

05:20:35 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

Sir Gallyon


9/29/2008 8:21:59 AMu think I'm stupid Nitral??, I already asked ZeTa to check it ;)

lets start a vote ;)
Sir otto of Alzey is a multi of Sir Kathandarion:
1. Gallyon

(ps. he does have a rp the multi must be playing longer..or he has just been rping with himself)

And also your little conspiracy with the RP thing.I got that two days ago from RP'ng with ms eve........

07:10:08 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Had to have the title Sir for both your accounts;-) You must really like that title....

08:14:32 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

.......WTF i have 2 rp points coming up to 3.and i have ONE account

09:19:07 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Bacon And Eggs:

I got that two days ago from RP'ng with ms eve


you get RP points at the end of an era :D

11:44:23 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Iroh:


no you dont fool, He was a Mr. when i joined (a few days ago) and now hes a Sir

So... your wrong

13:55:50 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

you get RP points at the end of an era :D

not necessarily, tht's what I thought aswell.. Stirlin got one at end of era..
and I got one a few weeks ago during the era...

13:58:04 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

you get a RP point usually on a weekend when the Mods read your RPs

15:54:54 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

You get RP points at the end of each week used to be at the end of the era but it changed last era.

and Otto told me he was Nitral a few days ago...


16:55:49 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Kathandarion:


Read it and weep *beep*es.I was a mr about a day ago.


Lord Wolven Warrior


10/1/2008 3:54:54 PM

You get RP points at the end of each week used to be at the end of the era but it changed last era.

and Otto told me he was Nitral a few days ago...


ok who the *beep* is nitral.Now we have a THIRD GUY that im being accused of being.....WTF is wrong with you people

(note this is otto at KAth's house.i stopped logging in on his computer so i dont get banned)

16:58:15 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

(note this is otto at KAth's house.i stopped logging in on his computer so i dont get banned)

So your saying your Otto -.-"

17:01:44 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

account sharing!
and Kath = Nitral.... everyone knows he changed his name

17:03:55 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

Ok i logged in just for this.I AM OTTO.Kath is my friend.We live on the same road so i spend a lot of time at his house.I was logged in as him and originally didnt wanna log him out because of the I.P. but now im at home so WTF.

Ok i finally know who nitral is but im NOT HIM.GEEZE people.

17:03:55 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

Ok i logged in just for this.I AM OTTO.Kath is my friend.We live on the same road so i spend a lot of time at his house.I was logged in as him and originally didnt wanna log him out because of the I.P. but now im at home so WTF.

Ok i finally know who nitral is but im NOT HIM.GEEZE people.

Woops double post lol sowwi.

hehehehe they will never know my plan to make this the biggest thread around with DOUBLE POSTS

17:57:14 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

We live on the same road so i spend a lot of time at his house.

I don't spend lots of time in my neighbers house..
u guys doing naughty things together?? =O

20:28:06 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

...........Well does your best friend live on your road??

21:23:03 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

:O..u didn't even denied that u are doing dirty things with kathandarion.

well, a good friend of mine lives a few houses away...10 houses or something.., another friend is one block away.., and another friend lives 3 min away..but that doesnt mean I go visit them at their homes each day ;p

00:42:49 Oct 2nd 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez
What the hell, name thief.

07:17:46 Oct 2nd 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

Im not at his house each day..........AND WE ARENT DOING DIRTY TIHNGS.

22:36:23 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Now I'm just totally confused... Did Otto get killed already and rename himself? And why is Grimdeath back as a Vice if he left you guys and formed his own kingdom. And why are you tied for power with a kingdom that has 3 members in it if you have 17 >.< Hehe, Kathandarion The Destroyer.... Now thats a good joke......

Imperium of Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium of Knights
Members: 17
Tag: IoK
Created: 9/28/2008 6:15:24 PM
Leader: Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Kathandarion the destroyer or head Vice Mr.Reddragon

We look forward to your surrender


22:41:27 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

It's two members the other's Revenge and he doesn't count as a "player"

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